Monday, August 28, 2006
Call To Arms
To Arms my daemons!!! Let the Blood Flow!!!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Chaos Vs Vampire Counts.
only to break her nails.
Did i mention how much I hate things like the Hellcannon. With a template that causes Str 10 hits and the daemonic presence to reroll the scatter die, it has been rather irritating. It killed 10 grave guard from 2 turns of shooting. Not to mention that it scattered my Dwarfen battle line in the previous game. Although points wise it might not seem like a good trade, but I felt it helped dylan get a draw with my Dwarfs... Fortunately this game in turn 3, it MISFIRED and ate all the damned Chaos Dwarfs... So it started rampaging around and as I had broken through Dylan's battle line with my Vampire Count and her skeletal cohort, that made things interesting...
We actually realised we had fully painted armies! So we took a pic and only one pic! This is after Dylan's first turn move, and my deployment. (The skeleton unit on the right of the cottage bust through Dylan's centre. Whilst over on the left of the well, his cavalry and my black knights face off...)
Anyway, after my skeletons and vampire busted through the chaos center, the hellcannon actually protected the rear of the chaos army (rampaging around), as such I could not turn the unit around to attack the rear, rather I had to defend against the infernal Hell machine.
And its an awfully 'tough as nails' thing!
With 4 attacks, god knows how many wounds, a 3+ save, Strength 6 and toughness 7. It was impossible to beat the damn thing in combat too!!!! Lesson 1: I had skeletons with spears, but with strength 3 it was impossible to wound it even! Lesson 2: if i opted to parry with my skeletons, my bones would get a 4+ save, which was nicely nullified by its strength 6! So that made my skeletons kinda useless Lesson3: even with a vampire count, although a Lahmian, poor Irina had to wound on 6s... ooh. Then he had his armour save (modified to 5+). Gosh! Lesson 4: It was unbreakable too! So although the thing was a daemon, there was no way I could extricate myself from the battle, in fact it was slowly chomping through my pile o bones.
The moral of the story is: avoid the damn thing from far or near... unless you have a lascannon or a power fist.
Finally, it was another close grinding battle as we whittled each other down. The vampires holding on to a Minor Victory!!!
Stuff for sale!

Also up for sale is 1 box of Marauder Horsemen, 1 box of Empire Soldiers and 1 Box of Empire Militia and LOADS of goblins...
Friday, August 11, 2006
New Year, New Armies
Rumours abound on the Orcs' new army book and I tell you... it's all looking bad for the enemies of the Greenies at the moment... check out the new orc warboss... rumoured to be the Gorbad Ironclaw model... it's vicious!!
Also, Orcs get +1 S with a choppa now.. even with two hand weapons!!! Black Orcs now can choose weapons every round of combat too...
On top of that, the darned things have a free move every game, the 6th spell of little Waaagh! gives you D6 S10 hits if you fail an I test ( Talk about having a grudge vs Dwarves) ...
On the good side, at least the gobbos cost one point more and have no options to have shields.
The fanatics also can only be released as a charge reaction, which bodes well for opponents ... AND .. (I see this as the most impt change) you can only have as many black orc bosses as you do Black Orc units... hopefully that Black Orc general rule doesn't still apply ...
Also.. boar boyz now cost 22 points each!! YAY !! No more huge units of 12 - 15 Boar boyz a la Evan style!!
Now if only they made Dark elves this viable... sighz...
Monday, August 07, 2006
Terrain: Well
I didn't want the Well to look all grey, so I decided to paint the bricks and the roof tiles in the much underused, much maligned Terracotta. With additional highlights of Bleached Bone added to it.
With the rest of floor tiles and trough in the traditional grey theme.

I added some cute details to the well like the rope for the bucket, made of 2 thin gauge wires twisted together and a quick lick of Vomit Brown. It makes the well more visually appealing, and humourous.

I also decided to add some resin to resemble water. The roof and struts can be removed to show the well with the water in it. I'm still comtemplating whether I should glue the roof down permanantly, but I thought it'd be better to be flexible, but the paint off the struts gets scratched off easily as you remove or put in the roof. Any comments?
Well? Do you think well of my well? Hahaha
Last but not least!!!!

Gorthmaw Childtaker's Beast Herd rampages through the Empire village of Bogenshafen!
Last to the Trio of terrain is the really much complicated Blacksmith's Forge. But I want to make a couple of swamps (having fun with the resin) before I embark on that project. But our village is slowly coming to life!
Hellblaster FIRE!
Today been toying with the idea of IG for my demonhunters... just feelin like getting some more IG men to aid my grey knights... Infantry men forwards... charge!... Grey Knights Purge the evil source!... For the EMPEROR!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Warhammer woes
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
New Eldar
*Must stop buying models ...*
Eldar Codex Cover
Dark Reaper Exarch
Box Artwork
Farseer and Warlock in a box
Scorpion Exarch
Painted Scorpions
Painted Dires
Painted Fire Dragons (box image)
Painted Banshees
Error in the text Very funny
Fire Dragon Exarch
Howling Banshee Exarch
Howling Banshee Exarch front top