Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Army Showcase

Hey guys... Read this!!

Jason and Kelvin, wanna showcase your painting to the world ?? Maybe we should line up all of Evan's Orc models and showcase them!!


YOUR Army Showcase - WarSeer Forums

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Monday, October 30, 2006

Saturday Warhammer Anyone?

Hi Guys,

Had a great time two weeks ago massacre-ing Sean's Orcs... hee hee ... Big Red delivered once again and totally killed the Orc Warboss!!!

Blood for the Blood God!!! RRWAAARRGHH!!!

Anyway, it was good fun... I learnt a new game called Settlers of Catan and also managed to catch up with everyone...

Back to the topic, with my Hockey over now... I'm looking at playing every other weekend and possibly every weekend if I can help it... so.. I'm currently seeing this empty space on my Saturday and wondering if anyone wants a game of 40k or Fantasy ??

The Eldar and the Blood God awaits...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Empire Rejoice!

My latest "favourite author" from GW is getting a lot of flak... I never actually noticed all these mistakes when I was reading the books...haha..

Relic Forums - C.S. Goto sucks

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Okay! Here goes!

Thanks for the brill time on Hari Raya Eve!
Just to let you guys know what's happening, I've undercoated the swamps and should finish them by the end of the month. So we'll have more terrain options. The plan is for me to go back and finish up the forgeworld blacksmiths forge.

I'm now totally dedicated to finish up my High Elves. So no distractions please... though a all night goblin army (as featured in dwarf) is kinda tempting...

I'm also working up on my sisters of battle. So city fight here i come...

I've been sculpting up some figures from scratch. Once I've finished, I'll post up some pics for you guys to comment!


Empire of Sigmar

Just got my White Dwarf yesterday, and they have an empire preview inside... One note: DO NOT BUY the empire army deal!!!

The included special edition wizard sucks in my humble opinion... not only is it bad ass ugly, but it's also badly sculpted.... http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=53497&page=2

The other models look nice though (if you've been to the site I posted previously)

Oh by the way.. the eldar writeups are quite nice as well, except for the fact that the battle report was obviously designed to make you buy those units that have been commented to be absolutely useless in the new army book...

Oh and can I not be the only one posting here please ???

It's beginning to seem like my personal warhammer blog...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

What a lot of 1s

Following Junx's post, I'd like to continue the gripe.
In turn 1, My Runelord with an anvil of doom misfired on turn 1 (and i didn't use the ancient powers), though fortunately nothing happened... but still!!! it was irritating. And with a cannon shot landing in front of a unit of Bloodletters with the cowering Exalted Daemon behind, i rolled a 2 to bounce...

In turn two and on, it got worse:
First the cannon shot hit a flesh hound before hitting the vile Exalted Daemon. And guess what I rolled a 1 to wound the bloody khorne beast. Only to proceed to roll another 1 to wound the Exalted Daemon!

With his unit of Flesh hounds charging my Ironbreakers, only for his flesh hounds to lose by 5, since we didn't hurt each other... ranks, standards and outnumber. Still he rolled a double 1s to stay in combat!!

The shooting was quite bad too... From a total of 12 wounds on his flesh hounds and letters, he managed to save 9 wounds... on a 5+ ward... The blood god was indeed on the battlefield.

Then came the big fight! With my long beards and a unit of dwarf warriors and a battle standard, I duffed the heck outta the Bloodletters. Winning by a whopping 7 points, he rolled another double 1s. This was beginning to be to hard to bear. As even if he rolled higher his daemons would still lose some models due to instability... but... sigh.

With the blood thirster coming, I forgot to use my runelord to restrict his flying... but junx wouldn't allow me to double back to use the power, I was in the close combat phase. So out of 3 turns my 175 point investment only worked once. And in the next turn, his Greater Daemon flew in for the kill... It was too late.

I decided to call it a day and return to the dwarf holds. It was a bloody day for the Blood God, with his throne piled with dwarfen skulls.

sob. sob. sob.

Big Red Triumph

What a victory, we played Khorne Daemons vs Dwarves on Sat and it was quite interesting with the new rules....


New rules Discovery

Frenzy rules have been changed and the troops with Frenzy lose them immediately Before rolling break test. This means that for example, if a witch elf unit meets and is outnumbered by a fear causing enemy and is later defeated in combat, it will automatically flee (unless they roll Insane Courage!) .


Not much to report actually, considering Jason conceded on the third turn. Bwahahahaa.. Anyway, I was nearly shot up in the first turn, he moved first and shot and got a hit on my Exalted Daemon with his cannon... however, I didn't even need to roll my Ward, cos he rolled a 1 to wound!!! Hee Hee..

Next came the shooting at my big unit of Bloodletters (15 of em). He got about 7 wounds and I saved all but 2 on a 5+ save!!! WAhahahahaha.... Khorne blesses he who believes....

Anyway, the rest of the game basically followed this trend. He charged me in turn 2 winning by like 6 and and I still roll a double 1 to stay in combat!!

Needless to say, with luck like this, I only had to hold on till my Thirster got into combat and started salsa-ing with his dwarves... Getting 5 deaths out of 7 attacks .... which promptly resulted in me winning through outnumber by fear, even tho a unit of letters had lost frenzy last turn.

Note -- at this point he had a unit of longbeards and clansmen(with Btle Std) in combat with two units of letters and my thirsters, all engaged on the front.

Obviously, after winning, I'd already killed off quite a lot of his troops and he conceded, knowing that I will overrun into the flank of his hammerers...

Life was good .... Karnigar Big Red Feasts in the glory of KHORNE!!!!