What a victory, we played Khorne Daemons vs Dwarves on Sat and it was quite interesting with the new rules....
New rules DiscoveryFrenzy rules have been changed and the troops with Frenzy lose them immediately
Before rolling break test. This means that for example, if a witch elf unit meets and is outnumbered by a fear causing enemy and is later defeated in combat, it will automatically flee (unless they roll Insane Courage!) .
Not much to report actually, considering Jason conceded on the third turn. Bwahahahaa.. Anyway, I was nearly shot up in the first turn, he moved first and shot and got a hit on my Exalted Daemon with his cannon... however, I didn't even need to roll my Ward, cos he rolled a 1 to wound!!! Hee Hee..
Next came the shooting at my big unit of Bloodletters (15 of em). He got about 7 wounds and I saved all but 2 on a 5+ save!!! WAhahahahaha.... Khorne blesses he who believes....
Anyway, the rest of the game basically followed this trend. He charged me in turn 2 winning by like 6 and and I still roll a double 1 to stay in combat!!
Needless to say, with luck like this, I only had to hold on till my Thirster got into combat and started salsa-ing with his dwarves... Getting 5 deaths out of 7 attacks .... which promptly resulted in me winning through outnumber by fear, even tho a unit of letters had lost frenzy last turn.
Note -- at this point he had a unit of longbeards and clansmen(with Btle Std) in combat with two units of letters and my thirsters, all engaged on the front.
Obviously, after winning, I'd already killed off quite a lot of his troops and he conceded, knowing that I will overrun into the flank of his hammerers...
Life was good .... Karnigar Big Red Feasts in the glory of KHORNE!!!!