The outpost garrison was led by an old Elven warrior, Saer-Lanth.
The warrior was a veteran of a hundred battles and was weary of the ways of war. Yet his people needed him and the Phoenix King, wise as he was, knew of the weariness in old Saer-Lanth's heart and conferred the post of garrison commander at this rather remote outpost on him... Here Saer-Lanth enjoyed training the younger warriors in the ways of war, and his mulled elven wines in the quiet evenings...
The outpost, was recently joined by a young mage, Yvren. Yvren was sent to the far flung reaches of Ulthuan to temper her impulsive edge that haunted her training. It was here, that her masters in Hoeth had hoped that she would gain some measure of inner peace and patience. So Yvren raged at her punishment, but could also feel the tranquility that the place brought, and she also learned much from her long talks with Saer-Lanth, as he brought a certain sense of calm to her rattled nature...
* * * *
As the power of Chaos waxes, there are times when the magical sigils that guard Ulthuan will strain and buckle. When that happens, little warp rifts will appear, and if the powers of chaos are in the right place at the right time, they would mount an assault on the material world...
It was young Yvren that felt the shifting of the winds of power. To those trained in the ways of magic, it's like the wind blowing toward one particular point. And that is the location of the warp rift...
Upon counsel with Saer-Lanth, the high elf warrior decided to sally forth with a portion of the garrison to investigate...
So with a heavy sigh of resignation, old Saer-Lanth rode out the gates at the head of his army... Riding alongside, young Yvren was filled with excitement... here was a chance to prove her worth.....
* * * *
So there, our background for our mini warhammer campaign.
Our first battle will be a pitched battle of 1500 points between daemons of chaos vs high elves.
It'll represent fight between the small garrison force investigating the chaos rift, and the vanguard of a daemonic force forming around the chaos gate.
The winner of the first game will get a choice between having 100 points extra for the next game, or get to decide to go first. The second game will be a flank attack... and will feature 2000 pts, as forces from both sides pour in reinforcements...