To get us into the mood for finishing up our models, Andy and I have embarked on a painting challenge. It's an going on for a couple of months now and it's really quite simple.
At the start of every month, we would just inform each other what we intended to paint up for the remainder of the month. Then we try to finish up what we promised during the stipulated time. During this rather gruelling period of frenzied painting, there is the usual 'pat on the back', cajoulling, griping...
So now i extend the painting challenge to everyone on this blog. You don't have to paint, your challenge can be to build up your models, or fix up terrain, or write a story/campaign... So everyone can join in.
What we'll do is... we will show off our results at the end of the month and to also set new challenges...
So for example, last month my painting challenge was to finish up my lion chariot, which i (ahem) quite proudly finished as you can see in my previous post. And now, my challenge for August is to paint up my second RBT.
There! It's out there, i've thrown the gauntlet... Hopefully by the end of this month, i'll be able to post up pictures of my new RBT!
Right, so guys and go find your paint brush/cutters/glue/pen/keyboard!