Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Productivity, thy name is Junx !!

I have been sick these couple of days, but that hasn't stopped me from making these:

Rudimentary house and some barricades!!!

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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Latest terrain addition

I decided to make this out of the box after the umpteenth time we rolled this scenario:

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Results for yesterday's games

Hi everyone,

I didn't manage to report on my own game as it's too intense to do reporting whilst playing.

My game of Kharnagar's Army vs the High Elves was a Watch tower scenario with the elves seizing the watch tower for the start of first turn.

But the Gods favored Kharnagar and gave their blessings, and the speed and tricksy-ness of my Army completely took Jason by surprise( yes, Seekers and Fiends have a Move of 10 and my Seekers only allow you have Hold as a charge reaction - hee hee hee ) , allowing me to confront most of his army on multiple fronts and devastatingly destroy almost all his units by the end of his Turn 3.

In fact, I even managed to get my Fleshhounds to fight twice in one turn at one point!

Most notably, my bloodletters were able to swarm on his Lord on Star Dragon and killing blow him to the Nine Hells!!!

Of course, my unit of 3 Blood-crushers also significantly charged and destroyed his dragon princes (it helped that I passed almost all my 4 armor + ward saves, and he failed EVERY one of his armor saves @4+)

Oh, small highlights include giving my Kharnagar the Bloodthirster a boost in Toughness to 10 and easily CRUSHING his white lions to pulp over 4 turns of combat. --> All courtesy of the Lore of Life spell Throne of Vines and Flesh to Stone...

All in all it was a good MASSACRE, giving my demons a 5-1-1 playing record...

Blood for the Blood God !!!!

In other news, Andy and Shahrom drew on the Planetstrike game of Dark Angels vs Imperial Guard, but I will let them tell u about it.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Turn 6 final result

Skaven win!!!!
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Turn 6

Final showdown with remaining units!!

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Skaven turn4

Turn 4 and demons feel besieged

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Sinister statue looks on menacingly at the storm vermin

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Demon turn 4

Hmmm are they in range ??

Facing off units of skaven

Father nurgle unites forces with khorne on the slaves...

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Turn 3 skaven

Having done nothing in demon turn, the skaven endeavor to self destruct by misfiring the warp lightning cannon...

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The grey seer casts the dreaded thirteenth spell, destroys the daemonttes with herald, and miscasts with dimensional cascade!!

The grey seer disappears !!!

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Turn 2 demons end

Slaves ran and hounds overrun into pack rats

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Turn 2 demons

First combat: hounds vs death frenzied slaves.....tbc

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Skaven turn one hughlight

The plague claw strikes and luckily, only 3 daemonettes fall!!

Poison wind mortars misfire!!!

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Turn 1 demon

Greater demon advances , horrors and flamers go forward

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Demons vs skaven

First turn Dawn Attack, armies are arrayed for attack

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Location:Junx place

Thursday, December 09, 2010

From the last visit

Ranked up and ready!!

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Newest update

Finally found A decent app to post to blog. Expect more battle reports from my iPhone and iPad soon...hopefully with Picts!!!

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Sunday, December 05, 2010

Encounter at Bright Hill Pass

Upon a very cold winter's day, i decided upon an ill advised path through bright hill pass which would cut off at least 4 days travel on my journey towards Praag.

A colder day I cannot remember. As i came to the narrowest part of the pass, i chanced upon a building in need of repair. As dusk was almost upon the mountains, i decided to seek shelter there.

I regret my decision. I should have listened to the inn keeper's advice and avoid this pass.

The building was not meant for any mortal to seek shelter, the cold outside would have been a better friend. There were beings in that mansion that is beyond human comprehension. Voices that speak to me, shadows that start to appear in the dimming light.

Instantly, i decided to exit the cursed building, however the gods had sealed my fate, it was not to be. Arrayed in the pass before me a mighty horde of northern men, with a hideous giant standing a few hundred paces from here i stood. A demonic engine most evil that the human language cannot describe was lumbering into position.

I was fated to remain here.

YOU who are reading this parchment, take heed and leave this haunted building now!

As i pen these last words, i can feel the shadows closing on me...it will be dark soon...