Hi everyone,
I didn't manage to report on my own game as it's too intense to do reporting whilst playing.
My game of Kharnagar's Army vs the High Elves was a Watch tower scenario with the elves seizing the watch tower for the start of first turn.
But the Gods favored Kharnagar and gave their blessings, and the speed and tricksy-ness of my Army completely took Jason by surprise( yes, Seekers and Fiends have a Move of 10 and my Seekers only allow you have Hold as a charge reaction - hee hee hee ) , allowing me to confront most of his army on multiple fronts and devastatingly destroy almost all his units by the end of his Turn 3.
In fact, I even managed to get my Fleshhounds to fight twice in one turn at one point!
Most notably, my bloodletters were able to swarm on his Lord on Star Dragon and killing blow him to the Nine Hells!!!
Of course, my unit of 3 Blood-crushers also significantly charged and destroyed his dragon princes (it helped that I passed almost all my 4 armor + ward saves, and he failed EVERY one of his armor saves @4+)
Oh, small highlights include giving my Kharnagar the Bloodthirster a boost in Toughness to 10 and easily CRUSHING his white lions to pulp over 4 turns of combat. --> All courtesy of the Lore of Life spell Throne of Vines and Flesh to Stone...
All in all it was a good MASSACRE, giving my demons a 5-1-1 playing record...
Blood for the Blood God !!!!
In other news, Andy and Shahrom drew on the Planetstrike game of Dark Angels vs Imperial Guard, but I will let them tell u about it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad- Junx