Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Votes for Campaign

I vote for a 40k Tourney! Cos Kelvin is more versed in 40k and I'd like to test out my new Nids!! In any case, I'd like to start up my woodys first before I take part in the Fantasy stuff, which is why I vote for 40k!

Not to mention we've hardly played 40k, so it'll be a chance to really get to grips with the nuances of the game. Also, We are letting ALL that terrain go to waste if we are only playing a couple of games with the new terrain right?

P.S: Guys, try to use the comments instead of posting leh.. otherwise very difficult to keep it all organised. :)


Inquisition said...

I am fine with 40K or fantasy. Well, if into 40K, then it will motivate me to push my Sisters to completion... Besides, have not been hunting demons and Xenos lately... FOR the EMPEROR!

voxcaster said...


voxcaster said...

Oosa the lousy umies, asking us to fightz.

We da green anz greenz da best!

voxcaster said...

I'm all in for a 40k campaign.
Let us think about how we should go about it...
I'll be fielding orks!

Inquisition said...


Signal received, tranmission received.....

Grey Knights and Sister on Standby... Code RED....

We have green skins to PURGE...



Junx said...

Ok this is where Tyranids suck... We can't be fluffy!!!