Yes, my dearies.. I'm just gonna show a few picts of my finishing Khorne army ... Finally I am nearing completion of my army, so I'll show my completed stuff first... I think after the 3rd Juggernaut, I shd be able to get things going quite fast.. in the mean time .. I only can show one jugger.. (the second's being completed).. Here they are :
Monday, July 31, 2006
So many models, so little time
For the Emperor! Seem like its Cities of Death mood everyone is it? Been a long time since I command my Grey Knights to war. Trying to recall and refresh the Grey Knight tactics. Always dont have much faith when fighting swarm army using my grey knight... see so many enemies I loose faith already... Must pray to the Emperor and ask for more faith!
I still feel playing imperial guard in city fight would be much more fun and challenge (as if Grey Knight not challenging enough for me..haha) The 4+ cover save... make it so exciting to me... Now... trying to see if I can form a radical demonhunter army with IG... Just like the 40k novels, Inquisitor always ask help from the Imperial side, seldom space marines come along. And I want demonhost... Pass by serene center yesterday, wanted to get one more demonhost, sharks.. they dont even have demonhost.. sigh.
And also sisters... should have my sister out to shout "For the Emperor" too... they been having their beauty sleep too long.. haha
Ya... 6 archers done... 10 more to go.. and I am done with my men of the empire. Then will start my orges and heros... Oh ya, need to add few more knights to prepare for the 5 men to count as a rank for the new rules... Then I am finally done with empire and can wait for the new men to come...
Next, more urban planning needed, gonna get back to my buildings at the same time, more building to come later on...
Wa... lately got so so many many things to paint and be busy with.. suddenly find too many models too little time... haha
I still feel playing imperial guard in city fight would be much more fun and challenge (as if Grey Knight not challenging enough for me..haha) The 4+ cover save... make it so exciting to me... Now... trying to see if I can form a radical demonhunter army with IG... Just like the 40k novels, Inquisitor always ask help from the Imperial side, seldom space marines come along. And I want demonhost... Pass by serene center yesterday, wanted to get one more demonhost, sharks.. they dont even have demonhost.. sigh.
And also sisters... should have my sister out to shout "For the Emperor" too... they been having their beauty sleep too long.. haha
Ya... 6 archers done... 10 more to go.. and I am done with my men of the empire. Then will start my orges and heros... Oh ya, need to add few more knights to prepare for the 5 men to count as a rank for the new rules... Then I am finally done with empire and can wait for the new men to come...
Next, more urban planning needed, gonna get back to my buildings at the same time, more building to come later on...
Wa... lately got so so many many things to paint and be busy with.. suddenly find too many models too little time... haha
Terrain: Cottage
With some divine help, I've actually finished the cottage.

I've posted a pic to show you how it's like now.
I'm starting on the well now, and have prepared it for spraying.
Once that's done, I'll be able to paint the well.
Took 5 shots but only one was decent enough for your eyes...
Anyway, had a game against Dylan's Chaos, and I'll write about that in another post. For now it's back to painting...

I've posted a pic to show you how it's like now.
I'm starting on the well now, and have prepared it for spraying.
Once that's done, I'll be able to paint the well.
Took 5 shots but only one was decent enough for your eyes...
Anyway, had a game against Dylan's Chaos, and I'll write about that in another post. For now it's back to painting...
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Seeing how you guys are having so much fun, it makes me tempted to field my orks.
But seeing your cool battle reports, it only makes one concern I had come blaring out. That is the issue of armour saves, the fact that line of sights are restricted coupled with cover saves for low cost high number armies like orks, tyranids and eldar, it seems then that whoever can pile more warm bodies into the fight should be able to well... but I've not even read the rules, much less play... so my comments are my own selfish biased thoughts...
Nonetheless, I've been personally quite excited by fantasy, with the new edition coming, and have started painting the cottage. I hope to post the picture soon.
Cheers... BFG anyone?
But seeing your cool battle reports, it only makes one concern I had come blaring out. That is the issue of armour saves, the fact that line of sights are restricted coupled with cover saves for low cost high number armies like orks, tyranids and eldar, it seems then that whoever can pile more warm bodies into the fight should be able to well... but I've not even read the rules, much less play... so my comments are my own selfish biased thoughts...
Nonetheless, I've been personally quite excited by fantasy, with the new edition coming, and have started painting the cottage. I hope to post the picture soon.
Cheers... BFG anyone?
Lonely Junx
Dear diary,
Where is everyone?!??!?!!? It seems that I am the only one active on this blog.. which is sad.. because without Light .. there can be No Darkness...
Anyways, I am thinking of rejuvenating my Sisters of Battle army again, seeing as how I have all the infantry models of the army built and only need the Immolators and Penitent engines and Exorcist done up to have an army up ... Sigh.. more stuff to make ...
It seems that I have more and more stuff to make and no time to make them.. Seems like I'll never make it to painting my models ..hahahaha
Anyways, I am almost finishing my Jugger conversions and will be moving on to finishing up my Khorne Fantasy Daemon army in terms of basing and movement trays etc.. before I move on to Sisters .. bwahaha ...
I need to dedicate some down time to making models man .. which means I'm definitely out of the playing circuit for a while..
In the meantime, we have decided we shall be requisitioning an Imperial City to play Cities of Death with.. Hurrah !! Dylan had better read his Cities of Death before we start the next game... or he might just lose ..AGAIN!! .... bwahahahha...
Where is everyone?!??!?!!? It seems that I am the only one active on this blog.. which is sad.. because without Light .. there can be No Darkness...
Anyways, I am thinking of rejuvenating my Sisters of Battle army again, seeing as how I have all the infantry models of the army built and only need the Immolators and Penitent engines and Exorcist done up to have an army up ... Sigh.. more stuff to make ...
It seems that I have more and more stuff to make and no time to make them.. Seems like I'll never make it to painting my models ..hahahaha
Anyways, I am almost finishing my Jugger conversions and will be moving on to finishing up my Khorne Fantasy Daemon army in terms of basing and movement trays etc.. before I move on to Sisters .. bwahaha ...
I need to dedicate some down time to making models man .. which means I'm definitely out of the playing circuit for a while..
In the meantime, we have decided we shall be requisitioning an Imperial City to play Cities of Death with.. Hurrah !! Dylan had better read his Cities of Death before we start the next game... or he might just lose ..AGAIN!! .... bwahahahha...
Monday, July 24, 2006
The Red Tide
Next up, Junx vs Kelvin... or Tyranids vs the Holy Inquisition.
We kept the same terrain ... except this time, the mission was Firesweep, meaning you had to plant flags on as many buildings as possible...
We decided to play Gamma level and chose two strategems each ... me choosing Infiltrate and Sewer Rats... choosing to keep one unit of Hormies and my Carnifex in reserve..
Kelvin chose Booby traps (again) and ammo dump.. having seen how the ammo dump really helped in Dylan's shooting first hand...
On hind sight ... Booby traps was prob not the best choice vs Tyranids, cos there are just too many of them... I would have only detonated the traps when the big guys like the hive tyrant or the Carnifex got near .... but then ... it would have been purely opportunistic.... perhaps other strategems like razor wire would be better....
In any case, due to the cover of buildings and the resultant lack of line of sight... my Nids really excelled and everything went according to the typical Nid Invasion. The Gaunts were thrown into battle with the hammer of his army whilst the slower elements and big guns like the stealers, the Fex and the Tyrant were right behind, wreaking havoc where ever they went.
I liked that my Fex came out like a sewer rat only in the second turn and for once, was in combat with the enemy ... Though it died in its first turn out because of the combined charge of the Grek Knights and their accursed STr 6 close combat weapons, I felt that Cities of Death will eventually allow me to actually have melee based Fex, quite unlike the usual 40k games where any melee made Monstrous Creature without Wings upgrade will just be cannon/bolter/las cannon fodder...
Another key aspect that's changed is that the strategems selection really affects your play a lot a way, it makes it all more tactical ... albeit in a different way from Fantasy... I think it presents a different game now.. which, if we had more... would admittedly be more exciting ... the idea of people fighting close quarters in such futuristic settings is indeed very cool..
Overall, I'm a little happy with the aspects of the City fight games, though I'm still a little unconvinced that it is a game that drains the brains the way Fantasy does, it is a lot more fluffy and since I have 40 k armies, I wouldn't mind investing in more buildings to make the game more fun and a little more viable than otherwise... :)
We kept the same terrain ... except this time, the mission was Firesweep, meaning you had to plant flags on as many buildings as possible...
We decided to play Gamma level and chose two strategems each ... me choosing Infiltrate and Sewer Rats... choosing to keep one unit of Hormies and my Carnifex in reserve..
Kelvin chose Booby traps (again) and ammo dump.. having seen how the ammo dump really helped in Dylan's shooting first hand...
On hind sight ... Booby traps was prob not the best choice vs Tyranids, cos there are just too many of them... I would have only detonated the traps when the big guys like the hive tyrant or the Carnifex got near .... but then ... it would have been purely opportunistic.... perhaps other strategems like razor wire would be better....
In any case, due to the cover of buildings and the resultant lack of line of sight... my Nids really excelled and everything went according to the typical Nid Invasion. The Gaunts were thrown into battle with the hammer of his army whilst the slower elements and big guns like the stealers, the Fex and the Tyrant were right behind, wreaking havoc where ever they went.
I liked that my Fex came out like a sewer rat only in the second turn and for once, was in combat with the enemy ... Though it died in its first turn out because of the combined charge of the Grek Knights and their accursed STr 6 close combat weapons, I felt that Cities of Death will eventually allow me to actually have melee based Fex, quite unlike the usual 40k games where any melee made Monstrous Creature without Wings upgrade will just be cannon/bolter/las cannon fodder...
Another key aspect that's changed is that the strategems selection really affects your play a lot a way, it makes it all more tactical ... albeit in a different way from Fantasy... I think it presents a different game now.. which, if we had more... would admittedly be more exciting ... the idea of people fighting close quarters in such futuristic settings is indeed very cool..
Overall, I'm a little happy with the aspects of the City fight games, though I'm still a little unconvinced that it is a game that drains the brains the way Fantasy does, it is a lot more fluffy and since I have 40 k armies, I wouldn't mind investing in more buildings to make the game more fun and a little more viable than otherwise... :)
Angels of Darkness
Commander Ithelien looked at his monitor once more as his brother Marines fought the forces of the infernal Inquisition as they defended the building that contained evidence of the Dark Angel's dark secret. Traces of a Fallen having been on this planet were in that building...
The self same building that the grey knights seemed intent on on holding at all costs... already the assassins from the Death Cult have done the impossible: killing an entire squad of the Emperor's finest in Tactical Dreadnought armour.
"Commander! The Shadow in the Warp has just gotten stronger! If we do not leave now, we will be risking discovery of our detour here!" shouted old Avernus, the battle barge's Astral Seer..
Flattening the bridge's railing, Commander Ithelien knew he had no choice.
"Order our forces to teleport back to the barge immediately! We'll leave this place to the Xenos, and let the bugs cleanse the planet of the Fallen before we come back to wreak the Emperor's Vengeance on these Xenos!"
So basically, what happened was this was a game of Grey knights vs Dark Angels Deathwing using Cities of Death. We only had two buildings, so we proxied a missile bunker and a Fuel Dump as the other two city ruins.
Given that it was the first game the three of us (Kelvin as GK and Dylan as DA and me as Arbitrator) are playing for CoD, we decided on playing Alpha.
Dylan chose the ammunition dump strategem and Kel chose the booby trap strategem.
We rolled and got the High Ground mission, where you are supposed to occupy the central building..
The Game started great for Dylan, with the GK Dreadnought deployed out of position and going after a wild goose chase of a squad of termies.. Dylan opened fire and managed to destroy a Rhino carrying some storm troopers, causing it to explode with 3 consecutive sixes with the first cyclone missile shot !!!
Alas, from there on, things just went downhill for him as, inevitably, the sheer number of storm bolter shots, coupled with not having anything that could take down the Land Raider, meant that the termies died little by little.
I thought Dylan had a chance till the 5th turn, with the entire room not thinking that the Death Cult would do anymore than scratch the termies, both went in scored 4 hits and 4 kills EACH.. and wiped out an entire squad of poor termies (which included 2 assault cannons).
Despite the high death Toll, Kelvin only managed a draw with the Death Wing.. though had the game gone on for 2 more turns, I suspect the Holy Inquisition would have wiped out the entire Battle deployment of Death Wing..
Well..Dylan blames it on the Jim Beam he drank, but I think the games hows that CoD helps in letting the low Armour guys survive.
Kelvin will post up some pict soon ... the buildings are really nicely painted..heh heh
The self same building that the grey knights seemed intent on on holding at all costs... already the assassins from the Death Cult have done the impossible: killing an entire squad of the Emperor's finest in Tactical Dreadnought armour.
"Commander! The Shadow in the Warp has just gotten stronger! If we do not leave now, we will be risking discovery of our detour here!" shouted old Avernus, the battle barge's Astral Seer..
Flattening the bridge's railing, Commander Ithelien knew he had no choice.
"Order our forces to teleport back to the barge immediately! We'll leave this place to the Xenos, and let the bugs cleanse the planet of the Fallen before we come back to wreak the Emperor's Vengeance on these Xenos!"
So basically, what happened was this was a game of Grey knights vs Dark Angels Deathwing using Cities of Death. We only had two buildings, so we proxied a missile bunker and a Fuel Dump as the other two city ruins.
Given that it was the first game the three of us (Kelvin as GK and Dylan as DA and me as Arbitrator) are playing for CoD, we decided on playing Alpha.
Dylan chose the ammunition dump strategem and Kel chose the booby trap strategem.
We rolled and got the High Ground mission, where you are supposed to occupy the central building..
The Game started great for Dylan, with the GK Dreadnought deployed out of position and going after a wild goose chase of a squad of termies.. Dylan opened fire and managed to destroy a Rhino carrying some storm troopers, causing it to explode with 3 consecutive sixes with the first cyclone missile shot !!!
Alas, from there on, things just went downhill for him as, inevitably, the sheer number of storm bolter shots, coupled with not having anything that could take down the Land Raider, meant that the termies died little by little.
I thought Dylan had a chance till the 5th turn, with the entire room not thinking that the Death Cult would do anymore than scratch the termies, both went in scored 4 hits and 4 kills EACH.. and wiped out an entire squad of poor termies (which included 2 assault cannons).
Despite the high death Toll, Kelvin only managed a draw with the Death Wing.. though had the game gone on for 2 more turns, I suspect the Holy Inquisition would have wiped out the entire Battle deployment of Death Wing..
Well..Dylan blames it on the Jim Beam he drank, but I think the games hows that CoD helps in letting the low Armour guys survive.
Kelvin will post up some pict soon ... the buildings are really nicely painted..heh heh
Friday, July 21, 2006
For The Emperor!!
Inquisitor Karldeck griped hard on his bolt pistol, closed his eyes and chanted... "May the Emperor be with us!" When he opened his eyes, the sky was darkened by his enemies. "FOR THE EMPEROR!!"
Sound of bolters, stormbolters, hellguns firing and blazing through the air, filled the silent which was only a moment again....

Sound of bolters, stormbolters, hellguns firing and blazing through the air, filled the silent which was only a moment again....

Goodbye Goblins!

I've decided to collect high elves for the different tactics involved and different models to paint (not another horde army for me!).
Saying that I've partially assembled my Lothern Seaguard with leftovers from my archers sprue and my box of dark elf warriors. I can only finish assembling them once I get my HE battalion. So pardon the missing parts.
Anyway, I've started painting my archers, and hope to get them done soon...
Dylan, I'm still fixing your dragon up, so sorry.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Sorry High Elves
In a moment of madness, I've decided to spurn my high elves... again.
With my secret love for goblins, I've decided to pick them up again and with one last concerted effort, try to finish them.
Did you know, that my first ever army was goblins? I never finished collecting them and that was like, miraculously, at least 15 years ago.
So now thanks to the fact that I've got 120 common goblins, 20 wolf riders, 3 chariots, and a wholesome lot of other stuff (not to mention being able to tap on Evan's stuff... hehehe), it's time the goblins got to war.
I've noticed a sadly dangerous trend as i continue to delve into lower and lower leadership armies... Still, i think it'll be good shit and giggles.
Oh, I can't wait to kill my first Chaos knight from a stab of a jabba (goblin for spears). ohohohoho.
Look outz boyz! The greenies are comin'!
With my secret love for goblins, I've decided to pick them up again and with one last concerted effort, try to finish them.
Did you know, that my first ever army was goblins? I never finished collecting them and that was like, miraculously, at least 15 years ago.
So now thanks to the fact that I've got 120 common goblins, 20 wolf riders, 3 chariots, and a wholesome lot of other stuff (not to mention being able to tap on Evan's stuff... hehehe), it's time the goblins got to war.
I've noticed a sadly dangerous trend as i continue to delve into lower and lower leadership armies... Still, i think it'll be good shit and giggles.
Oh, I can't wait to kill my first Chaos knight from a stab of a jabba (goblin for spears). ohohohoho.
Look outz boyz! The greenies are comin'!
Way to Go!
Well done! The buildings do look spiffy!
Hope you guys enjoy yourselves smashing through the cities of death!
I'm getting quite hyped up over 7th Ed, so hope to maybe have some games of 6th ed in as a form of farewell...
If the skirmishing rumours are true, I can kinda forget about my beastmen...
Hope you guys enjoy yourselves smashing through the cities of death!
I'm getting quite hyped up over 7th Ed, so hope to maybe have some games of 6th ed in as a form of farewell...
If the skirmishing rumours are true, I can kinda forget about my beastmen...
Fantastic Buildings
Oh.. My... Gosh!!!
Those buildings are fantastic!! They look like they came out of a
white dwarf battle report!! I'm impressed with the quality of the
buildings and of course, obviously Kelvin did a fine job assembling
Just one question, can you assemble the buildings in many many ways,
or is it just that way?
Now geared up to play Cities!! Die, Loyalist Scum !! (okay okay ..
technically tyranids can't talk ... but what the hey..)
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
The Smell of Gunpowder...
The smell of gunpowder fills the air, seems like we are back in the warzone in the land of fantasy and the future of 40k...
Glad that we are trying to have regular games lately, least it pushing my motivation to paint fast as well. Well, guess I still need more practice with my brave men of the empire, and learn more from you guys. With the rumours of the new empire coming nearer and nearer to be true, I am really rushing to complete my last 15 archers, 5 swordmen and a couple of characters. By then, I will start recruitment for the new brave men of the empire! Hahaha... Looking forward to get my bretonnia started after this as well... same time also very tempting to jump along and painted some orges for my Dogs of War!
Click, click locked... stormbolters loaded, ready to fire, ready to rain bolts! The cities of death is the next cool thing I working on. Painting the building is indeed addictive. Finally completed my first building, working on the base and starting on the next one soon. Cant wait to try the new cities of death.
Well, though the rules for 40K is somehow weak, but overall I still do really enjoy it. Chucking dices and firing those bolters and hellgun sure make my day, whether I win or lose, what counts for is I can kick some demon butts and witches butts and purge some evil... haha. Especially if you digested a 40k novel, you sure feel like diving into the 40k world and fire more bolters.... Whatever how weak or poor 40k is, still I hope you guys would consider once a while jumping into the future for some trigger happy and shooting and assualt. Just looking forward to get back to 40k cities of death.... FOR THE EMPEROR!
Glad that we are trying to have regular games lately, least it pushing my motivation to paint fast as well. Well, guess I still need more practice with my brave men of the empire, and learn more from you guys. With the rumours of the new empire coming nearer and nearer to be true, I am really rushing to complete my last 15 archers, 5 swordmen and a couple of characters. By then, I will start recruitment for the new brave men of the empire! Hahaha... Looking forward to get my bretonnia started after this as well... same time also very tempting to jump along and painted some orges for my Dogs of War!
Click, click locked... stormbolters loaded, ready to fire, ready to rain bolts! The cities of death is the next cool thing I working on. Painting the building is indeed addictive. Finally completed my first building, working on the base and starting on the next one soon. Cant wait to try the new cities of death.
Well, though the rules for 40K is somehow weak, but overall I still do really enjoy it. Chucking dices and firing those bolters and hellgun sure make my day, whether I win or lose, what counts for is I can kick some demon butts and witches butts and purge some evil... haha. Especially if you digested a 40k novel, you sure feel like diving into the 40k world and fire more bolters.... Whatever how weak or poor 40k is, still I hope you guys would consider once a while jumping into the future for some trigger happy and shooting and assualt. Just looking forward to get back to 40k cities of death.... FOR THE EMPEROR!
Monday, July 17, 2006
Estellan's High Elves
Whew! It's been a while since i've come here, but I do hope to come here more often. And I hope everyone else will too.
Thanks to Dylan for leaving his merry band of high elves at my place, I can now play more games with the High Elves! Kinda seeking new adversaries, because I've had two games so far with my trial list and they were both against the Hordes of Chaos.
Anyway, with a win and a draw, I've got a pretty good feel for the current list I'm fielding. Nonetheless, I've made some changes and will be introducing new character setups, and the much maligned Lothern Seaguard.
Of course, any advice for playing with the High Elves is always welcome and any challenges to battle would be even more welcome... hahaha
I do hope to post some 'work in progress' pictures as I go along to keep everyone inspired, as I turn my painting attention to my Elves. (Sorry Beastmen!!!)
On the terrain front, as we've just portioned out the 40k terrain (good luck with the Cities of Death! remember to post your action here!), I noted how bare my terrain rack is, so I'll be working on the Forgeworld Cottage and hopefully will get it done soon. Seeing how I still owe Dylan a dragon... looks like I better stop typing and start painting... hahaha
Thanks to Dylan for leaving his merry band of high elves at my place, I can now play more games with the High Elves! Kinda seeking new adversaries, because I've had two games so far with my trial list and they were both against the Hordes of Chaos.
Anyway, with a win and a draw, I've got a pretty good feel for the current list I'm fielding. Nonetheless, I've made some changes and will be introducing new character setups, and the much maligned Lothern Seaguard.
Of course, any advice for playing with the High Elves is always welcome and any challenges to battle would be even more welcome... hahaha
I do hope to post some 'work in progress' pictures as I go along to keep everyone inspired, as I turn my painting attention to my Elves. (Sorry Beastmen!!!)
On the terrain front, as we've just portioned out the 40k terrain (good luck with the Cities of Death! remember to post your action here!), I noted how bare my terrain rack is, so I'll be working on the Forgeworld Cottage and hopefully will get it done soon. Seeing how I still owe Dylan a dragon... looks like I better stop typing and start painting... hahaha
The Horus Heresy
Just finished reading the second book of the Horus Heresy Series. It's called False Gods and I must say... the standard of the series is much better than ANY Black Library book I've read so far...
It's stimulating in imagery, and creates a sense tragedy about Horus and his Legion that feels real.. especially as most of the narrative is seen from one the Sons of Horus' point of view : that of Capt Loken...
Capt Loken is a straight up, typical Loyalist Marine of that time. Strong, intelligent and a warrior with honour through and through. You can sense both his sense of helplessness and his internal warring over finding that the Astartes has a traitor in its midst, and of course, that the Warmaster's character changes...
I'm not gonna spoil it all for you guys, but let's just say the book is a worthy read... cos it's made me want to play 40 K!!!! Unfortunately, reading it is making me think twice abt collecting the Worldeater marines, cos they are bloodthirsty warriors without honour... I'm really tempted to play a staunch space marine army now...
Sigh.. too bad 40k is too simplistic.. I really hope playing Cities of Death is enjoyable...
It's stimulating in imagery, and creates a sense tragedy about Horus and his Legion that feels real.. especially as most of the narrative is seen from one the Sons of Horus' point of view : that of Capt Loken...
Capt Loken is a straight up, typical Loyalist Marine of that time. Strong, intelligent and a warrior with honour through and through. You can sense both his sense of helplessness and his internal warring over finding that the Astartes has a traitor in its midst, and of course, that the Warmaster's character changes...
I'm not gonna spoil it all for you guys, but let's just say the book is a worthy read... cos it's made me want to play 40 K!!!! Unfortunately, reading it is making me think twice abt collecting the Worldeater marines, cos they are bloodthirsty warriors without honour... I'm really tempted to play a staunch space marine army now...
Sigh.. too bad 40k is too simplistic.. I really hope playing Cities of Death is enjoyable...
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