How an Alter Lord armed with the Bow of Loren and arcane bodkins ( that's 5 shots at 2+ to hit, 4+ to wound and no armour saves), 22 Archers, 5 Glade Riders, and 5 Glade Riders Scouts managed to get a grand total of 2 Ellyrian Reavers, 3 Archers, and 3 Tiranoc Chariot Wounds in 3 Turns of shooting is beyond me though.
Basically what happened was, I was totally outshot by the high elves, though my Treeman was lucky to escape no less that 4 Single bolt shots from his bolt throwers with 1 wound.
It also meant that if not for a lucky break in the 2nd turn where his unit of 6 silver helms failed his charge on my wild riders by 1 inch, thus allowing me to charge back and subsequently break him, I would have been massacred thoroughly...
Of course, I guess not playing for so long also mean that I made plenty of mistakes.. a big example was forgetting I had a wildrider noble in the ranks of my wildriders!!! Not that I didn't trash the silver helms, but I could actually have saved the points on something else.
I was pretty shocked also that Jason brought a Magelord to the battle instead of the usual 2 mages... add to his general and he only had 2 characters compared to my 4 : 1 2nd Lev, one 1st Level, a Noble and my Alter lord.
Anyway, the battle proceeded thus, I got mauled in the first turn by the high elf archers, reducing my ten man archer unit to 6 in one turn of shooting. I thought to retaliate using my other unit of 12 elf archers, but they managed to make a grand total of 1 pathetic wound!!!
To top it off, Jason had made the mistake of moving his general ( a elf Hero) out of his bodyguard unit of White Lions, right into the woods and thinking to hunt down my waywatchers...Why mistake you ask ?? Well, waywatchers have killing blow at short range shooting... so.... 6 shots at 4+ to hit, I got 4 hits, and rolled ..... 2 ones, a two and a three!?!?!!? Freaking hell...
Amazingly, the next turn, the commander charged and killed only one watcher. What would you know, with 2 watchers and 4 attacks, only 1 managed to wound the pathetic T3 General!!!
Needless to say, the watchers died, but only after delaying the white lions for 2 turns.
Meanwhile, it was turn 3 and my Treeman had almost made its way to the Repeaters whilst my Wildriders were busy fighting off the Silver Helms.
Predictably, the Silver Helms broke and the chariot next to them panicked!! Bonus at last!!
Once again, my treeman did his strangling roots attack and only managed to kill a couple of guys.. It was indeed a bleak day for Wood Elven shooting, even without the damn arrow attraction spell of the High Elves...
Obviously, by the fourth Turn, I had mopped up the right flank and I've cunningly set up my left flank as a bait and trap to entice a huge unit of 8 silver helms to charge me.
Unfortunately, Jason didn't bite and decided to wait for his infantry to finally arrive (after my effective march blocking units left/died etc).
In reply, I pulled all my units on the left flank back into the woods with my Glade riders waiting to charge in th flank.
On hindsight, Jason told me there were just too many units to make my bait and trap effectively, cos he was afraid of commiting with so many of my forces on one side of the table ... I was arrayed thus:

I made a fatal error and thought that the my fifth turn would have been my last, thinking that I started the game and assuming it was the 6th turn when it was only my 5th!! Ahhh.. the woe... otherwise I probably could have charged one of the spears in the big fat behinds!!!
The woe the woe... Anyways, as it turned out, I was expecting a draw and actually managed to scrape a minor victory... so I lucked out, even though I had the most bo bo shooting since I started wood elves... =)
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