As for our upcoming "40k Revival!" Shall we just add all the games to the Warmaster League or will it be just WHFB and separate for 40k?
Some of the stuff I've got done in my 40k marines:
The Night Watch
The Night Watch patrol the breadth of Imperial space in their massive fleet, eschewing the need for a home planet. Picking the purest and best from all of the Imperium, their strength is in their incorruptibility. They are a quick response force to the various threats to the Imperium and can re-deploy with impunity because of their fleet. The Night Watch keeps a watchful eye on the baleful Eye of Terror. They have a long history of working with the Inquisitorial arm of the Imperium and the regular route of its main fleet so close to the Eye of Terror for most part of the Imperial year is no accident. The Ordo Mallus keeps a small but permanent garrison of Grey Knights within the hallowed halls of the Thunderhammer, the Chapter Master's Battle Barge, and the Night Watch is often accompanied by these veritable sons of the Emperor in their forays against their enemies.
Tactical squad 'Jason':

Rhino Transport 'Argo':

Scout Squad 'Menelaus':

Devestator Squad 'Ajax':

Librarian 'Odysseus':

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