I was thinking for next year, we try something fresh. Instead of a league, we will be running a map-based campaign, based on the RACES of Warhammer, NOT THE INDIVIDUAL PLAYER.
So for example, I own 3000 points of Daemons and Junx has 70,000 points of Daemons (I bet its true coz he actually needs not 1 but 2 cupboards, each of them taller than a man, to house his minis!!!). We will control a portion of the campaign map and a total of 73,000 points worth of Daemons for the entire campaign next year. How the control and movement of these 73,000 points will be fleshed out and presented later. At the same time, Junx also owns 89,000 points of Dark Elves (it's true, I've seen them! :p). Dylan intends to collect DE next year. Say he now owns about 500 points. Together, they own 89,500 points of Dark Elves. So the Dark Elves will also control a portion of the map, with a force totalling 89,500 points.
The idea here is to put down whichever race you want to play in the next campaign season. They will not always be solely tied to you alone. You can play for several races, as long as you own the minis. If you are intending to collect a new race in 2010, you can also declare whatever you have now and update me on the progress of your collection over the season. I will update the data.
The main thing is this... there will be no more numerical score to keep track of each person's progress. Instead, there will be a visual color-coded campaign map (electronic form, easy for everyone to track) that tells us which RACE (not individual) has control of which tile map. There will also be stats to tell us how each RACE (again, not individual) is doing.
To give you an idea, here's a pie chart of the various races submitted for next season's campaign:

To give an idea of the scale in the pie chart, the smallest army declared for next year is 2500 points.
So do fill in the forms so I can knuckle down and prep for next season's campaign nice and proper before the current Warmaster League is done.
Thanks all!
I like the idea of a campaign driven by races, how would tracking be done ?
It's a little unfair for skaven for example, cos we have only one skaven player for example..
And no I don't have 89000 points of dark elves... maybe about 4000.. :)
Oh Daemons... hmmm... possibly 5-6k if I make ALL the daemon models I have....=P
Sounds interesting..not sure how it will turn out.
Most of us have a few armies, we may just end up playing one army to get as much victory for that particular army...
Tracking will be done with a few key stats on Google Docs, all related to the objectives of each army. Which brings me to my next point:
it won't be unfair for the skaven or races with a smaller force. The campaign is objective-based, not who controls more of the map alone. Control of the map is also not necessarily determined by size of army alone.
Which also addresses the point dylan raised... it is a map-based campaign, so you will most likely be chocho-ed by other races. you sometimes will have no choice but play a particular army when engaged by another army. that's why the more people participate with more armies, the better.
the details will be better explained in the campaign pdf i'll be working on soon.
Okay, so, all ye High Lords of the Old World, send thy minions forth!
Hmmm. it does sound interesting. I don't mind giving it a shot.
but how do you actually count up how much you have in an army? like there are weapons combos and things like that? I mean, so far, we've got a ballpark figure of how big our armies are... but... it's not really that precise.
and that means we're also limited to fantasy only right?
yes, there's weapon combos and all that but no worries about that because i only need a ball park figure. basically, give the maximum points per model you have. so say a lord costs 215 points. he's allowed to take a horse mount for 30 points, and you have the model for it, then add it in. Then if the lord character can take 100 points of magical weapons, just take the full 100. That should give you the points cost of the lord, sans the non-magical weapons/armor. So the said lord will weigh in at 345 points.
for monstrous mounts, count their points separately as they chalk up quite a bit of points.
No, we're not limited to fantasy. I'm preparing for fantasy first, but the 40k one will be exactly the same. April is approaching soon, and so I'll need your armies ASAP so I have time to type out the campaign rules.
So Jason, still waiting for you to submit your armies man... Check your email and respond pls.
And anyone else wants to join this campaign? Sean? Rom? The more the merrier.
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