UNIT: Ushabti
Ushabti Anub: "
Likmid, Low Priest of Um: "What's he sayin' now?"
Humid, High Priest of Um: "I think it's 'Man with walking stick, boat, tortoise, axe.' "
Likmid, Low Priest of Um: "Well, what's that supposed to mean then?"
Humid, High Priest of Um: "I don't know, really. The Ushabti are cryptic even in the best of times."
Likmid, Low Priest of Um: "Hate these constructs, always having a mind of their own... *mutter* *mutter*..."
POINTS : 195
And the casket guard:
Wah.. all these pictures provokes both sadness (because I got cheated once for TK ) and an imperative to paint my Tomb Kings!!
ah... yes, I heard about the cheating case. Sad lah.
On a brighter note, looks like the new TK coming out, so you can get all the shiny new stuff!
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