Friday, March 22, 2013

Vox Caster Is Back!

It's been a long while since The Vox Caster has broadcast any signals. So what better way to just restart the blog by posting again! The Emperor protects as he has blessed us with new technology as I post with my Auspexophonocomputer (iPhone). So I invite my fellows to post their thoughts on this with their smartphones (android friendly too!).

I have plans to upload modelling articles (not just the final results) and also put up battle reports, and also game reviews. It's like a diary of a gamer. So hope it will be a fun read as much fun as it was writing.

Just to keep it going I'm going to post up a shot of my squad of guardians. Led by Warlock Shie-arht... The warriors from Biel Tan are here to right the wrongs of the foolish mon keigh...

Striding across the Imperial Eagle...

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