In a moment of Battlefleet Gothic madness, here's what's been done.
I've made 3 Planets, one of each size (small, medium and large). Since you only have one planet in the game.
I've made 3 moons too. The small planet can double as a moon. Since a large planet will have moons equal to d6-2. Making 4 moons the maximum.
I've also made 35 Asteroids and 20 clumps of Dust Clouds.
Disclaimer: Remember, they're only made and not painted.
As i've not even assembled my fleet, something I hope to rectify soon, I've not had the time to paint the celestial phenomena up.
Till friday!
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Fall of the Old Ones
It was over.
Gorthmaw slid his blade out of the back of the Saurus Oldblood, and turned to survey the battlefield. All around he could see his beast herds harassing the few bands of lizardmen still alive. Most of them were dead though, and Gorthmaw was pleased...
It was a interesting battle, we played a pitched battle of 2250 points: Sean had decided to change the way his army worked, and plonked for more infantry units. Here's his rough list:
- Characters: Oldblood, Scar veteran, Scar Veteran Battle Standard, Skink Shaman.
- Units: 4 units of 20 Saurus, 2 Salamanders, 3 Kroxigor, 6 Chameleon Skinks, 10 Skinks and 5 Saurus Cavalry.
I changed my style of play too for my beastmen: I decided to change the composition of my army, deciding to forsake individual unit sizes for more smaller units, added more punch by adding characters to my herds. Here's what I had:
- Characters: Beastlord, Wargor, Wargor Battle Standard, Bray Shaman.
-Units: 4 units of Beast Herds, 3 Chariots, 4 Minotaurs, 7 Centigor, 12 Bestigor, 3 Dragon Ogres, 2 units of 5 Warhounds, 1 Chaos Spawn.
It was during one crucial turn that killed the Lizardmen. With 3 of the Saurus units deployed in a line supporting each other, stretching from one edge of the flank to the centre of the battlefield, it would be hard to find a way through. Deciding to send in a sacrificial wave to do as much damage as possible, I bravely advanced my Centigor and one unit of Warhounds towards the Lizardmen line, exposing them to wicked Salamander fire.
In one turn of shooting, 4 Centigor were reduced to burning horses carcasses... In order to get the charge in, I had to make a spate of leadership tests (now I know why Beastmen are tough to use). Fortunately, my Beastlord was nearby, making my leadership an impressive 8! First my Centigors had to pass a panic test, which they did! Then they had to pass a fear test to charge the Salamanders, which they did again! And finally I also charged my Warhounds into the Salamanders, this time the Beastlord was to far away to holler at them, so the dogs had to pass on leadership 5... which they did!!!! hahaha, I rolled a 4.
What happen later was bizarre, the combined charge broke the Salamanders (interesting because he had a BSB nearby), and it caused one of the Saurus units nearby to panic! Yay!
Sadly for Sean, as he picked up his 3 dice to rally the Saurus, the fleeing unit was within 12 inches of my ambushing Wargor who was carrying the Bloodhunt Horn, which I used to make his Saurus fail his rally test! And that left a massive gap in his battleline, considering it was the unit in the middle of the three that ran away.
In true Beastmen fashion, the gap was exploited as the Beastlord with his accompanying beast herd skirmished their way through... Sean's main unit of Saurus with the oldblood was then charged with the Minotaurs in the front, Beastlord and Beast Herd in the flank, Wargor and Beast Herd in the rear... it's good enough to say it was a sad day, ten Saurus were slain in one brutal charge.
His third unit was bullied by the Shaman and BSB led Beast Herd and 2 centigor in the front, and a tuskgor chariot in the rear... He did much better losing only 4 Saurus to the whole attack, but by some twist of fate he failed his break test again, despite needing to roll 6 or under. With 3 dice. With rerolls from his battle standard.
On the other flank, Sean had a unit of Saurus and Saurus Cavalry. But they were held in check by the Dragon Ogres. Seeing his other flank threatened (this happened after the middle Saurus fled, but before being exploited), he advanced his units. Only for his Cavalry to be charged by the Dragon Ogres. In one round of magnificent thumping, none of the Saurus Cavalry were left alive...
So all in all, the Lizardmen surrendered the field by my turn 4, and I went first! Hahaha!
Bwaaaaaa! Beware the sounding of the Bray horns!
Gorthmaw slid his blade out of the back of the Saurus Oldblood, and turned to survey the battlefield. All around he could see his beast herds harassing the few bands of lizardmen still alive. Most of them were dead though, and Gorthmaw was pleased...
It was a interesting battle, we played a pitched battle of 2250 points: Sean had decided to change the way his army worked, and plonked for more infantry units. Here's his rough list:
- Characters: Oldblood, Scar veteran, Scar Veteran Battle Standard, Skink Shaman.
- Units: 4 units of 20 Saurus, 2 Salamanders, 3 Kroxigor, 6 Chameleon Skinks, 10 Skinks and 5 Saurus Cavalry.
I changed my style of play too for my beastmen: I decided to change the composition of my army, deciding to forsake individual unit sizes for more smaller units, added more punch by adding characters to my herds. Here's what I had:
- Characters: Beastlord, Wargor, Wargor Battle Standard, Bray Shaman.
-Units: 4 units of Beast Herds, 3 Chariots, 4 Minotaurs, 7 Centigor, 12 Bestigor, 3 Dragon Ogres, 2 units of 5 Warhounds, 1 Chaos Spawn.
It was during one crucial turn that killed the Lizardmen. With 3 of the Saurus units deployed in a line supporting each other, stretching from one edge of the flank to the centre of the battlefield, it would be hard to find a way through. Deciding to send in a sacrificial wave to do as much damage as possible, I bravely advanced my Centigor and one unit of Warhounds towards the Lizardmen line, exposing them to wicked Salamander fire.
In one turn of shooting, 4 Centigor were reduced to burning horses carcasses... In order to get the charge in, I had to make a spate of leadership tests (now I know why Beastmen are tough to use). Fortunately, my Beastlord was nearby, making my leadership an impressive 8! First my Centigors had to pass a panic test, which they did! Then they had to pass a fear test to charge the Salamanders, which they did again! And finally I also charged my Warhounds into the Salamanders, this time the Beastlord was to far away to holler at them, so the dogs had to pass on leadership 5... which they did!!!! hahaha, I rolled a 4.
What happen later was bizarre, the combined charge broke the Salamanders (interesting because he had a BSB nearby), and it caused one of the Saurus units nearby to panic! Yay!
Sadly for Sean, as he picked up his 3 dice to rally the Saurus, the fleeing unit was within 12 inches of my ambushing Wargor who was carrying the Bloodhunt Horn, which I used to make his Saurus fail his rally test! And that left a massive gap in his battleline, considering it was the unit in the middle of the three that ran away.
In true Beastmen fashion, the gap was exploited as the Beastlord with his accompanying beast herd skirmished their way through... Sean's main unit of Saurus with the oldblood was then charged with the Minotaurs in the front, Beastlord and Beast Herd in the flank, Wargor and Beast Herd in the rear... it's good enough to say it was a sad day, ten Saurus were slain in one brutal charge.
His third unit was bullied by the Shaman and BSB led Beast Herd and 2 centigor in the front, and a tuskgor chariot in the rear... He did much better losing only 4 Saurus to the whole attack, but by some twist of fate he failed his break test again, despite needing to roll 6 or under. With 3 dice. With rerolls from his battle standard.
On the other flank, Sean had a unit of Saurus and Saurus Cavalry. But they were held in check by the Dragon Ogres. Seeing his other flank threatened (this happened after the middle Saurus fled, but before being exploited), he advanced his units. Only for his Cavalry to be charged by the Dragon Ogres. In one round of magnificent thumping, none of the Saurus Cavalry were left alive...
So all in all, the Lizardmen surrendered the field by my turn 4, and I went first! Hahaha!
Bwaaaaaa! Beware the sounding of the Bray horns!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
'O' is for OGRE; 'O' is for OUCH!
I must hand it to Shahrom. He who handed me my first massive ogre kingdoms defeat ever. At the end of the battle, I had nothing left save for some gnoblars who were skulking at the wrong end of the battlefield.
I don't believe that luck plays a huge role, for I firmly and still believe that luck is created, for whoever can stack the odds will find victory easier. As you all know by now, movement is an extremely crucial element in Warhammer. However, I feel that there are two other elements that play an important part in the game, and it was these two elements that Shahrom had in greater amounts that made him the superior general.
These two elements are: Guts and the correct use of the available troops.
Shahrom had more guts; he had the courage to put his troops to the right position, no matter how precarious it might seem. As mentioned before, movement is so crucial, sometimes we just lack the courage to push our troops into a deadly situation. I failed in this aspect as when the High Elf Chariot charged my Leadbelchers, I decided to flee. It would have been better if I took the charge. Firstly, he might have failed his fear test; secondly I had six wounds in the unit which meant that if he screwed up his impact hits, my belchers could actually do some damage in return. My mentality should have been 'since the belchers were going to die, might as well try to take some of them with me'. Instead, I opted to run and my belchers were caught in the charge range, which amounts to the same thing, the destruction of the belchers. But now instead of making him earn it, I gave it away for free. In terms of guts, I was sadly lacking that day.
The correct use of troops is the other element. It means sending the right guys to do the right job. It was pretty obvious that a 'pincer' attack was being carried out by the Elves, but I decided to attack in the center. Maybe I was concerned about the magical and missile barrage that I was facing, so instead of pushing my Butcher lead Ogre Bull unit to face the coming Silver Helms, I decided to push into the center to be ridden down by the Dragon Princes. On hindsight, it might have all been over earlier if not for the fact that the Dragon Princes were not too eager to get into another fight (5" pursuit move on 3 dice is just too close for comfort!) In the end the Dragon Princes tied up two valuable units, meaning I only had one available unit of Ironguts to take on the Silver Helms. Truth be told, I felt that a unit of Ironguts charging should have a fair chance of hurting the Silver Helms, however it was not to be. That's how battles go, I suppose.
Nonetheless, instead of attacking his pincer elements, which undoubtably would have made up the bulk of his army's points, I decided to do a random attack in the middle, exposing my flanks. Whilst Shahrom on the other hand, got his troops to do the right thing, pressing on the attack even though one chariot got taken out.
So kudos to Shahrom! Congrats on a well fought victory, and I hope to learn from the lessons you passed on to me. (no hard feelings, I swear! hahaha!)
I don't believe that luck plays a huge role, for I firmly and still believe that luck is created, for whoever can stack the odds will find victory easier. As you all know by now, movement is an extremely crucial element in Warhammer. However, I feel that there are two other elements that play an important part in the game, and it was these two elements that Shahrom had in greater amounts that made him the superior general.
These two elements are: Guts and the correct use of the available troops.
Shahrom had more guts; he had the courage to put his troops to the right position, no matter how precarious it might seem. As mentioned before, movement is so crucial, sometimes we just lack the courage to push our troops into a deadly situation. I failed in this aspect as when the High Elf Chariot charged my Leadbelchers, I decided to flee. It would have been better if I took the charge. Firstly, he might have failed his fear test; secondly I had six wounds in the unit which meant that if he screwed up his impact hits, my belchers could actually do some damage in return. My mentality should have been 'since the belchers were going to die, might as well try to take some of them with me'. Instead, I opted to run and my belchers were caught in the charge range, which amounts to the same thing, the destruction of the belchers. But now instead of making him earn it, I gave it away for free. In terms of guts, I was sadly lacking that day.
The correct use of troops is the other element. It means sending the right guys to do the right job. It was pretty obvious that a 'pincer' attack was being carried out by the Elves, but I decided to attack in the center. Maybe I was concerned about the magical and missile barrage that I was facing, so instead of pushing my Butcher lead Ogre Bull unit to face the coming Silver Helms, I decided to push into the center to be ridden down by the Dragon Princes. On hindsight, it might have all been over earlier if not for the fact that the Dragon Princes were not too eager to get into another fight (5" pursuit move on 3 dice is just too close for comfort!) In the end the Dragon Princes tied up two valuable units, meaning I only had one available unit of Ironguts to take on the Silver Helms. Truth be told, I felt that a unit of Ironguts charging should have a fair chance of hurting the Silver Helms, however it was not to be. That's how battles go, I suppose.
Nonetheless, instead of attacking his pincer elements, which undoubtably would have made up the bulk of his army's points, I decided to do a random attack in the middle, exposing my flanks. Whilst Shahrom on the other hand, got his troops to do the right thing, pressing on the attack even though one chariot got taken out.
So kudos to Shahrom! Congrats on a well fought victory, and I hope to learn from the lessons you passed on to me. (no hard feelings, I swear! hahaha!)
Friday, November 04, 2005
The War in the Woods
Chapter 1: On the borders of Loren
Contrary to popular belief, not all the dwarfs were slain in the Battle of Pine Crags in the Imperial Year 1350. There was one survivor that escaped the clutches of the Wood Elves. A dwarf Longbeard, by the name of Drogbar Rockbeard, of Grungni's Old Guard managed to fight his way out of the ambush although in the process he was also grievously wounded and it was through sheer will that he managed to overcome his wounds to reach home.
It was when the sun came up one morning did the guards of the great gateway notice Drogbar lying on the steps leading to the dwarf hold. Although he was covered in wounds and dehydrated, Drogbar was still alive and he requested an audience with the King. It was only after retelling his story to his King and seeing the dwarf smiths place a new entry in the Hold's Book of Grudges (with the King's approval of course), did Drogbar retire to his cavern hole to allow the surgeons to look at his wounds.
Drogbar knew his end would come soon; thus he hastily picked up his quills and vellum papers to note down his final thoughts to be passed on to his descendents. Within his notes, he drew an intricate map of where the ambush took place and he described the final moments of the ambush; of how the Old Guard had tried to escort Grungni Goldfinger out of the woods; of how the army was separated and each unit picked off by the elusive elves; of how the Old Guard fought of waves of Treekin and Dryads; of how Grungni Goldfinger died when an accurate elven arrow pierced through his eye ball; of how the Old Guard hastily built a cairn for Grungni when there was a respite in the fighting. Drogbar wrote furiously, and only when he finished writing and sprinkled sand on the vellum to dry the ink did he rest and breathed his last.
* * * * *
It would be many decades later when young Stromni Rockbeard stumbled on his great ancestor's notes. Filled with curiousity and eagerness to prove his worth to the dwarf clans and family, Stromni requested for leadership of a dwarf throng to venture into the depths of the forests of Loren. With the map that Drogbar left behind, Stromni had a clear idea where the ambush took place, and if he could find the remains of Grungni and at the same time exact some measure of revenge on the Wood Elves, Stromni would have a good grip on the Kingship of the newly formed Karak.
The Rockbeards had just three generations ago setup their new Karak Duraz (meaning 'enduring stone'). Under the commanding leadership of their present King, Gregan Rockbeard (Stromni's father), Karak Duraz had expanded in size and power. Gregan realized the importance of this expedition; if Karak Duraz could right such a grievous wrong, it would only swell the Karak's power to rival the ancient clans. The treachery and the viciousness of the Elves were known throughout, and in order for this expedition to succeed, Gregan knew he had to hand leadership of his army to his most able general, Stromni who was Gregan's most capable son and general. Having fought in several battles, Stromni had proven that he had the courage and the guile to be a great heroic leader. Thus it was with some reluctance that Gregan agreed to Stromni's request and put his beloved son's life at risk.
* * * * *
The Battle at Findol's Plain (Pitched Battle: Dwarfs vs Wood Elves 2500pts)
Amidst much celebration, the dwarfen army readied for war. A full quarter of Karak Duraz's fighting strength was placed under the command of Stromni Rockbeard, heir to the Kingship, and approached Loren through the mountains to the east of Loren.
The Elves, in the mean time, were not idle too. The Spellweaver, Illiana had already read the signs of impending woe and suffering in her portents. Waywatchers had already spotted the vanguard of the army way outside Loren and were already reporting the progress of the advancing dwarf army to Illiana. The woods were roused and ready to fight. The Elves readied their weapons, and moved their elven civillians deeper into the woods away from the path of the dwarfen juggernaut. Although invasion was not a nice prospect, the elves were never afraid of a fight, eager in fact, as the dark rage of the woods filled their souls with the cold savagery of a hunting beast. They would create another Pine Crags...
At the edges of the woods, Stromni set up camp, uneager to rampantly march into the depths of the woods, wise to the flaws of the previous doomed expedition. With the map in hand, Stromni decided on attacking the Crag Hall of Findol, it was near here that the Old Guard had made their final stand and where they buried Grungni Goldfinger. If he could sweep past the defenders he would be able to reach the final resting site. Stromni decided to enter the woods in battle formation with his troops ready for a fight. Progress would be slow due to the unlimbered war machines, but Stromni decided that he would rather have less speed than to have his army caught out in another ambush. He also sent his engineers aboard their new fangled gyrocopters on reconnaissance missions above the woods to warn him if the Elves approached.
To see the dwarfs enter the wood in battle formation was a shock for the Elves, they were still trying to encircle the dwarfs when they realized that they were already spotted. The dwarfen artillery was already in position and were already firing on the elves. How did they find out we were coming? Illiana was perplexed by how the battle had started before their trap was in place. Gaining no insight from her portents, Illiana placed her faith in Isha and ordered her elves and woodland spirits to press home the attack.
High above the woods of Loren, the engineers were having difficulty spotting the Elves, it was impossible to spot the elves as they weaved under the canopy of the forest. Until Dagra "Kamikaze" Irongear made a fantastic discovery, he realized that the foliage of the trees were shaking and bobbing and moving; a clearing appeared where there was no clearing before or a clearing disappeared when he was sure there was a clearing before. With much haste, he landed his copter and warned of the impending approach of the elves...
The elven attack was doomed to fail. With superior black powder weapons, the dwarfs were shooting down the elves with ease. With the twin Runesmiths, Ariak and Arok, they were resisting the powers of the Spellweaver. The charge of the wild riders were repelled by the devastating firepower of dwarf cannon and organ gun. With the dwarf rangers using their woodland skills to maximum effect, holding down the flank of the elves...
---Dwarf Victory (with the wood elves conceding the battle ground [by turn 3])
* * * * *
Chapter 2: The Sweeping of the Crag Hall of Findol
Despite the scattering of the first elf attack, Stromni decided not to pursue the elves, for fear of a trick. Instead he regrouped his troops and camped for the night. With the Elven defenders on the run, he decided to swing past the Crag Hall of Findol towards the resting site of Grungni. Although he had seen off an army of Wood Elves, he also knew that the Elves were tenacious fighters and would not rest easily with the dwarfs camped on their lands.
It took the dwarfs a week to traverse the woodland terrain and finally they were in sight of their goal. They could see a rough stone cairn with dwarfen runes hastily chiselled on it, exactly where the map had stated. Stromni was elated for he wasn't even sure the cairn still existed through the years.
Although the Elves were defeated, Illiana had little difficulty rallying the elven survivors; they were natural fighters, brought up in a harsh environment and were defending their homes. Gathered at the Crag Hall of Findol, they were brought news by the Waywatchers about the new location of the dwarfen camp and Illiana surmised that they were approaching the dwarfen cairn. Findol had initially wanted to remove the cairn, but he hesitated. Why he hesitated no one knows, but it wasn't long that the Great Forest heals its wounds and forgives the trespass; plants and moss started to grow around the cairn, thus with much respect to the plant life, the elves left it alone.
Illiana's portents pointed to bloodshed at the cairns; and the elves marched to war again.
Next battle! Wood Elves vs Dwarfs, 2,500 pts. Mission: Capture!
Contrary to popular belief, not all the dwarfs were slain in the Battle of Pine Crags in the Imperial Year 1350. There was one survivor that escaped the clutches of the Wood Elves. A dwarf Longbeard, by the name of Drogbar Rockbeard, of Grungni's Old Guard managed to fight his way out of the ambush although in the process he was also grievously wounded and it was through sheer will that he managed to overcome his wounds to reach home.
It was when the sun came up one morning did the guards of the great gateway notice Drogbar lying on the steps leading to the dwarf hold. Although he was covered in wounds and dehydrated, Drogbar was still alive and he requested an audience with the King. It was only after retelling his story to his King and seeing the dwarf smiths place a new entry in the Hold's Book of Grudges (with the King's approval of course), did Drogbar retire to his cavern hole to allow the surgeons to look at his wounds.
Drogbar knew his end would come soon; thus he hastily picked up his quills and vellum papers to note down his final thoughts to be passed on to his descendents. Within his notes, he drew an intricate map of where the ambush took place and he described the final moments of the ambush; of how the Old Guard had tried to escort Grungni Goldfinger out of the woods; of how the army was separated and each unit picked off by the elusive elves; of how the Old Guard fought of waves of Treekin and Dryads; of how Grungni Goldfinger died when an accurate elven arrow pierced through his eye ball; of how the Old Guard hastily built a cairn for Grungni when there was a respite in the fighting. Drogbar wrote furiously, and only when he finished writing and sprinkled sand on the vellum to dry the ink did he rest and breathed his last.
* * * * *
It would be many decades later when young Stromni Rockbeard stumbled on his great ancestor's notes. Filled with curiousity and eagerness to prove his worth to the dwarf clans and family, Stromni requested for leadership of a dwarf throng to venture into the depths of the forests of Loren. With the map that Drogbar left behind, Stromni had a clear idea where the ambush took place, and if he could find the remains of Grungni and at the same time exact some measure of revenge on the Wood Elves, Stromni would have a good grip on the Kingship of the newly formed Karak.
The Rockbeards had just three generations ago setup their new Karak Duraz (meaning 'enduring stone'). Under the commanding leadership of their present King, Gregan Rockbeard (Stromni's father), Karak Duraz had expanded in size and power. Gregan realized the importance of this expedition; if Karak Duraz could right such a grievous wrong, it would only swell the Karak's power to rival the ancient clans. The treachery and the viciousness of the Elves were known throughout, and in order for this expedition to succeed, Gregan knew he had to hand leadership of his army to his most able general, Stromni who was Gregan's most capable son and general. Having fought in several battles, Stromni had proven that he had the courage and the guile to be a great heroic leader. Thus it was with some reluctance that Gregan agreed to Stromni's request and put his beloved son's life at risk.
* * * * *
The Battle at Findol's Plain (Pitched Battle: Dwarfs vs Wood Elves 2500pts)
Amidst much celebration, the dwarfen army readied for war. A full quarter of Karak Duraz's fighting strength was placed under the command of Stromni Rockbeard, heir to the Kingship, and approached Loren through the mountains to the east of Loren.
The Elves, in the mean time, were not idle too. The Spellweaver, Illiana had already read the signs of impending woe and suffering in her portents. Waywatchers had already spotted the vanguard of the army way outside Loren and were already reporting the progress of the advancing dwarf army to Illiana. The woods were roused and ready to fight. The Elves readied their weapons, and moved their elven civillians deeper into the woods away from the path of the dwarfen juggernaut. Although invasion was not a nice prospect, the elves were never afraid of a fight, eager in fact, as the dark rage of the woods filled their souls with the cold savagery of a hunting beast. They would create another Pine Crags...
At the edges of the woods, Stromni set up camp, uneager to rampantly march into the depths of the woods, wise to the flaws of the previous doomed expedition. With the map in hand, Stromni decided on attacking the Crag Hall of Findol, it was near here that the Old Guard had made their final stand and where they buried Grungni Goldfinger. If he could sweep past the defenders he would be able to reach the final resting site. Stromni decided to enter the woods in battle formation with his troops ready for a fight. Progress would be slow due to the unlimbered war machines, but Stromni decided that he would rather have less speed than to have his army caught out in another ambush. He also sent his engineers aboard their new fangled gyrocopters on reconnaissance missions above the woods to warn him if the Elves approached.
To see the dwarfs enter the wood in battle formation was a shock for the Elves, they were still trying to encircle the dwarfs when they realized that they were already spotted. The dwarfen artillery was already in position and were already firing on the elves. How did they find out we were coming? Illiana was perplexed by how the battle had started before their trap was in place. Gaining no insight from her portents, Illiana placed her faith in Isha and ordered her elves and woodland spirits to press home the attack.
High above the woods of Loren, the engineers were having difficulty spotting the Elves, it was impossible to spot the elves as they weaved under the canopy of the forest. Until Dagra "Kamikaze" Irongear made a fantastic discovery, he realized that the foliage of the trees were shaking and bobbing and moving; a clearing appeared where there was no clearing before or a clearing disappeared when he was sure there was a clearing before. With much haste, he landed his copter and warned of the impending approach of the elves...
The elven attack was doomed to fail. With superior black powder weapons, the dwarfs were shooting down the elves with ease. With the twin Runesmiths, Ariak and Arok, they were resisting the powers of the Spellweaver. The charge of the wild riders were repelled by the devastating firepower of dwarf cannon and organ gun. With the dwarf rangers using their woodland skills to maximum effect, holding down the flank of the elves...
---Dwarf Victory (with the wood elves conceding the battle ground [by turn 3])
* * * * *
Chapter 2: The Sweeping of the Crag Hall of Findol
Despite the scattering of the first elf attack, Stromni decided not to pursue the elves, for fear of a trick. Instead he regrouped his troops and camped for the night. With the Elven defenders on the run, he decided to swing past the Crag Hall of Findol towards the resting site of Grungni. Although he had seen off an army of Wood Elves, he also knew that the Elves were tenacious fighters and would not rest easily with the dwarfs camped on their lands.
It took the dwarfs a week to traverse the woodland terrain and finally they were in sight of their goal. They could see a rough stone cairn with dwarfen runes hastily chiselled on it, exactly where the map had stated. Stromni was elated for he wasn't even sure the cairn still existed through the years.
Although the Elves were defeated, Illiana had little difficulty rallying the elven survivors; they were natural fighters, brought up in a harsh environment and were defending their homes. Gathered at the Crag Hall of Findol, they were brought news by the Waywatchers about the new location of the dwarfen camp and Illiana surmised that they were approaching the dwarfen cairn. Findol had initially wanted to remove the cairn, but he hesitated. Why he hesitated no one knows, but it wasn't long that the Great Forest heals its wounds and forgives the trespass; plants and moss started to grow around the cairn, thus with much respect to the plant life, the elves left it alone.
Illiana's portents pointed to bloodshed at the cairns; and the elves marched to war again.
Next battle! Wood Elves vs Dwarfs, 2,500 pts. Mission: Capture!
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
The New Vox Caster
Heya All,
It's been a while since the vox caster has seen any activity. I've been thinking about setting some direction for Vox caster. As for the direction to take, I was thinking of going back to the roots of the hobby, that is to 'build the hobby', ala Games Workshop style.
This is a good tool for me to also pace myself. As you know, working from home it's really really easy to get distracted... I've been playing far too much Rome Total War. So I hope to put up what I've done once every two days. The idea is to inspire all of us to greater heights in the hobby. If you guys have any exciting thoughts or fluff or new painted models or rumours to put up... please feel free to use the Voxcaster.
Also, I've now allowed other people to view our blog without the need of an invitation. Now you can let people know about the voxcaster.
So to start things off, here's my latest work... Captain Stern of the Daemonhunters. It's now on Ebay going for US$15.
Dear Junx, given our really hectic schedules, I think it's almost impossible for us to coordinate working together. So if you'll forgive me, I've decided to go ahead with my selling models on Ebay.
It's been a while since the vox caster has seen any activity. I've been thinking about setting some direction for Vox caster. As for the direction to take, I was thinking of going back to the roots of the hobby, that is to 'build the hobby', ala Games Workshop style.
This is a good tool for me to also pace myself. As you know, working from home it's really really easy to get distracted... I've been playing far too much Rome Total War. So I hope to put up what I've done once every two days. The idea is to inspire all of us to greater heights in the hobby. If you guys have any exciting thoughts or fluff or new painted models or rumours to put up... please feel free to use the Voxcaster.
Also, I've now allowed other people to view our blog without the need of an invitation. Now you can let people know about the voxcaster.
So to start things off, here's my latest work... Captain Stern of the Daemonhunters. It's now on Ebay going for US$15.
Dear Junx, given our really hectic schedules, I think it's almost impossible for us to coordinate working together. So if you'll forgive me, I've decided to go ahead with my selling models on Ebay.

Monday, September 26, 2005
Forum for Discussion
Hi guys,
I think a forum will suffice more for our purposes cos it allows avatars and photos and stuff... I've created one at :
Just sign in and let's try and keep it alive folks!! Also please note that there are some rules like:
5. We remove all inactive forums weekly (there is no posting within 60 days).
6. We review our forums regularly and will remove any forums which violate our Term of Services.
I think a forum will suffice more for our purposes cos it allows avatars and photos and stuff... I've created one at :
Just sign in and let's try and keep it alive folks!! Also please note that there are some rules like:
5. We remove all inactive forums weekly (there is no posting within 60 days).
6. We review our forums regularly and will remove any forums which violate our Term of Services.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Oh dear! Time to head to the hills!
I've got to hand it to Junx and his woodies. As he smashed aside my 8 game no loss streak (7 wins, 1 draw). As I sulk in my little corner it's time to place my thoughts to the whole game. Remember, this is just my thoughts from ONE game against wood elves, so it might be shock, awe or general soreness.
As I have feared, the wood elves are truly a force that the Ogres cannot handle well. Slippery as an eel, it made me hard to focus on any one single element to tackle, thus my battle plan was to advance headlong into the waiting ambush of the wood elves. I guess it was frustrating to fight such slinky troops, for unlike the beastmen (who are close combat orientated), the woodies can hide in woods and shoot you with their lousy arrows... which leads me to...
their archery...
If you think High and Dark Elven shooting is deadly, man, you've not seen the wood elves yet. Let me demonstrate the vicious firepower of Wood Elf shooting, a Toughness 5 Gorger (with 4 wounds) approaching the rear of a unit of 10 glade guard and in one round of magnificent shooting, the gorger lies dead and bleeding on the forest floor. Granted that Junx in his typical jammy moment rolled extremely well, but it was the elven shooting that allowed even a remote chance of killing the gorger. Here's how, the glade guard turned around and fired 10 shots into the degenerate Ogre, the Wood Elves don't suffer modifiers for moving! So they shot on a "3+" to hit, junx got 7 hits, which is mathematically average. However at short range (which is still not really short at 15 inches), they have +1 Strength! That means that they also get -1 Armour Sv... scary, but doesn't apply to the gorger since he's only got a loincloth over his privates, but it means everyone else will get hurt. Here Junx got jammy and got 5 '5s and 6s' and easily killed the gorger. Now, you might think that's no big deal, it's just a gorger, but their archery is devastating as they later panicked off a unit of Ironguts from shooting casualties...
...still not impressed? The unit probably cost 120 points.
The next irritating thing is Wood Elves are really adept at choosing their fights. They can really manuever their troops. Unlike the beastmen, where the Gors can get unruly plus the fact that only the Beast Herds are the skirmishy ones, the Wood Elves (at least Junx's woodies) are generally in skirmish formation. This is generally not without disadvantages, it means they have no ranks, but sadly this is something the Ogre Kingdoms cannot take advantage of as we have no ranks too... hahaha. Anyway, by being generally slinky, they'll edge to the rear of your armies throwing your plans into confusion as you struggle to bring your troops to bear but the Elves will generally prance away... coupled with the fact that Wood Elves are really tough and can absorb quite an amount of punishment in combat to boot!
... huh?! What am I saying? Toughness 3 Elves? Come on Jason, you must be really sore to say that...
... Allow me to explain. Firstly, most elves have some form of ward saves, whilst they have not much armour, they do have plenty of ward saves. Wardancers, wild riders, dryads all generally come with a ward save. Although the ward saves don't protect you from magical sources, it does help ping away many wounding hits, and lets face it no normal footsoldier will be armed with magical weapons. Spells? The wood elves have good anti magic too. Example, a unit of 3 Leadbelchers charge into a unit of 8 Wardancers. After rolling, I score 3 wounding hits! Yay! But the Wardancers have an aspect that allows a 4+ Ward save. So Junx pings off 2 wounds, and I kill 1 Elf. 1 Elf! Arghhh... So with 7 elves left, hitting on 3+, the cockanathan actually caused 3 wounds and killed an Ogre! It was not jammy because each Wardancer has 2 attacks (14 attacks! horrors!) and they're at strength 4! So guess what, my Ogres decided to run away in the face of such brutal blades... as the wardancers twirl and twirl, ogre arms, legs and noses flying everywhere...
The next reason why they're so resilient is that the wood elves are mostly immune to psychology. Wardancers, wild riders, Dryads, tree kin, tree men are immune to psychology. This pretty much took away my fear causing advantage. As the rest of the army like Glade Guard and Eternal Guard are not immune, they're generally skulking at the back of the opponent's table half. And if you do appear near, they're general should be nearby and basic leadership of 8 to 9 is nothing to laugh at.
You might think immunity to psychology is a double edged sword... you cannot flee. But this disadvantage is very much not so prominent in Wood Elves. As they have the ability to skirmish, generally you will not find them in your charge arc, as they'll easily skirt to your flanks and rear instead. So, if you do charge, that's because the Elves want you to...
Okay, enough ranting. I have only one line to summarise everything...
Hur Hur Hur.
As I have feared, the wood elves are truly a force that the Ogres cannot handle well. Slippery as an eel, it made me hard to focus on any one single element to tackle, thus my battle plan was to advance headlong into the waiting ambush of the wood elves. I guess it was frustrating to fight such slinky troops, for unlike the beastmen (who are close combat orientated), the woodies can hide in woods and shoot you with their lousy arrows... which leads me to...
their archery...
If you think High and Dark Elven shooting is deadly, man, you've not seen the wood elves yet. Let me demonstrate the vicious firepower of Wood Elf shooting, a Toughness 5 Gorger (with 4 wounds) approaching the rear of a unit of 10 glade guard and in one round of magnificent shooting, the gorger lies dead and bleeding on the forest floor. Granted that Junx in his typical jammy moment rolled extremely well, but it was the elven shooting that allowed even a remote chance of killing the gorger. Here's how, the glade guard turned around and fired 10 shots into the degenerate Ogre, the Wood Elves don't suffer modifiers for moving! So they shot on a "3+" to hit, junx got 7 hits, which is mathematically average. However at short range (which is still not really short at 15 inches), they have +1 Strength! That means that they also get -1 Armour Sv... scary, but doesn't apply to the gorger since he's only got a loincloth over his privates, but it means everyone else will get hurt. Here Junx got jammy and got 5 '5s and 6s' and easily killed the gorger. Now, you might think that's no big deal, it's just a gorger, but their archery is devastating as they later panicked off a unit of Ironguts from shooting casualties...
...still not impressed? The unit probably cost 120 points.
The next irritating thing is Wood Elves are really adept at choosing their fights. They can really manuever their troops. Unlike the beastmen, where the Gors can get unruly plus the fact that only the Beast Herds are the skirmishy ones, the Wood Elves (at least Junx's woodies) are generally in skirmish formation. This is generally not without disadvantages, it means they have no ranks, but sadly this is something the Ogre Kingdoms cannot take advantage of as we have no ranks too... hahaha. Anyway, by being generally slinky, they'll edge to the rear of your armies throwing your plans into confusion as you struggle to bring your troops to bear but the Elves will generally prance away... coupled with the fact that Wood Elves are really tough and can absorb quite an amount of punishment in combat to boot!
... huh?! What am I saying? Toughness 3 Elves? Come on Jason, you must be really sore to say that...
... Allow me to explain. Firstly, most elves have some form of ward saves, whilst they have not much armour, they do have plenty of ward saves. Wardancers, wild riders, dryads all generally come with a ward save. Although the ward saves don't protect you from magical sources, it does help ping away many wounding hits, and lets face it no normal footsoldier will be armed with magical weapons. Spells? The wood elves have good anti magic too. Example, a unit of 3 Leadbelchers charge into a unit of 8 Wardancers. After rolling, I score 3 wounding hits! Yay! But the Wardancers have an aspect that allows a 4+ Ward save. So Junx pings off 2 wounds, and I kill 1 Elf. 1 Elf! Arghhh... So with 7 elves left, hitting on 3+, the cockanathan actually caused 3 wounds and killed an Ogre! It was not jammy because each Wardancer has 2 attacks (14 attacks! horrors!) and they're at strength 4! So guess what, my Ogres decided to run away in the face of such brutal blades... as the wardancers twirl and twirl, ogre arms, legs and noses flying everywhere...
The next reason why they're so resilient is that the wood elves are mostly immune to psychology. Wardancers, wild riders, Dryads, tree kin, tree men are immune to psychology. This pretty much took away my fear causing advantage. As the rest of the army like Glade Guard and Eternal Guard are not immune, they're generally skulking at the back of the opponent's table half. And if you do appear near, they're general should be nearby and basic leadership of 8 to 9 is nothing to laugh at.
You might think immunity to psychology is a double edged sword... you cannot flee. But this disadvantage is very much not so prominent in Wood Elves. As they have the ability to skirmish, generally you will not find them in your charge arc, as they'll easily skirt to your flanks and rear instead. So, if you do charge, that's because the Elves want you to...
Okay, enough ranting. I have only one line to summarise everything...
Hur Hur Hur.
Friday, September 16, 2005
What Great Migration??
Seeing the great Treeman Baerlorn fall to the Ogre Tyrant's club, Kithrai decided to retreat to the glade guards' position. Not daring to betray the Great One's efforts in buying the kin of Athel Loren more time to mop up the rest of the Ogre's army.
As he ran, Kithrai could hear Mindai's Wardancers wild calls and jeers as they ran down yet another of the foul Ogres that dared befoul Athel Loren with their presence. He reached the Spellsingers' positions and they raised their voices in song to the forest, summoning the trees to do foul battle to the enemy Ogres who have so foolishly run in the glade of trees in their panic to get away from Mindai's dancers.
Dryads came out of the trees just then, watching as the foul Ogre Tyrant thrashed about blindly, having lost both eyes in his battle with Baerlorn. As Kithrai reached the position of Danae's guard, he said coolly, "Let your arrows fly straight and true my friend, cut the foul beast down!"
With a signal, Danae and her glade guards took aim and let fly at the blind beast. When they were done, the Ogre looked more like a porcine porcupine than the dangerous creature that it was only hours before.
"It is done." Sylvanos appeared out of the shadows with his bodyguard, asking his troops to sound the signal to disappear into the solace of the forest once again, to let the headless corpse of the Ogre army go. As the forest shows its savagery, so too does it show its mercy in letting the creatures live.
"Thank you for your help, my Lord." Sylvanos said. With that, Kithrai disappeared into the ken of the forest, ready to come to aid the forest should danger come once more...
As he ran, Kithrai could hear Mindai's Wardancers wild calls and jeers as they ran down yet another of the foul Ogres that dared befoul Athel Loren with their presence. He reached the Spellsingers' positions and they raised their voices in song to the forest, summoning the trees to do foul battle to the enemy Ogres who have so foolishly run in the glade of trees in their panic to get away from Mindai's dancers.
Dryads came out of the trees just then, watching as the foul Ogre Tyrant thrashed about blindly, having lost both eyes in his battle with Baerlorn. As Kithrai reached the position of Danae's guard, he said coolly, "Let your arrows fly straight and true my friend, cut the foul beast down!"
With a signal, Danae and her glade guards took aim and let fly at the blind beast. When they were done, the Ogre looked more like a porcine porcupine than the dangerous creature that it was only hours before.
"It is done." Sylvanos appeared out of the shadows with his bodyguard, asking his troops to sound the signal to disappear into the solace of the forest once again, to let the headless corpse of the Ogre army go. As the forest shows its savagery, so too does it show its mercy in letting the creatures live.
"Thank you for your help, my Lord." Sylvanos said. With that, Kithrai disappeared into the ken of the forest, ready to come to aid the forest should danger come once more...
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Travails of A Wood Elf Playa
Sigh.. Junx Calculated his list of Wodd Elf models he wanted and after adding up all the prices, it came up to about SGD$900!!! Even with the 15% discount for online buying, it will cost moi about $700.. hai...
Notice: In a bid to raise funds for the "Nature's Kindred Fund" (Aka NKF) , Lord LaCroix has generously decided to open the doors for the High Elf Lord Ithelien to buying armour and purebreeds from his stables.
In other news, the NKF impetus has gone to new heights on the otherly 40k dimension. The Sisters of Nightingale have gone ga ga and are selling everything not bolted down in a bid to prove their faith to the Holy Emperor's new pet peeve.
Notice: In a bid to raise funds for the "Nature's Kindred Fund" (Aka NKF) , Lord LaCroix has generously decided to open the doors for the High Elf Lord Ithelien to buying armour and purebreeds from his stables.
In other news, the NKF impetus has gone to new heights on the otherly 40k dimension. The Sisters of Nightingale have gone ga ga and are selling everything not bolted down in a bid to prove their faith to the Holy Emperor's new pet peeve.
Monday, September 12, 2005
Nurgle paid a visit to my house
Dear all,
Recently the great bubonic one paid a visit to my humble abode.
My poor little baby thing got infected with Nurgle's virulent windpox (aka Bronchitis).
My wife has been afflicted with the Nurgle's Infamous Airglop (aka influenza, flu)
I've been affected by Nurgle's Throat Buboes (aka sore throat)
We're all feeling better thanks to the Great Maw's blessing...
Recently the great bubonic one paid a visit to my humble abode.
My poor little baby thing got infected with Nurgle's virulent windpox (aka Bronchitis).
My wife has been afflicted with the Nurgle's Infamous Airglop (aka influenza, flu)
I've been affected by Nurgle's Throat Buboes (aka sore throat)
We're all feeling better thanks to the Great Maw's blessing...
The Call of Battle
Calling everyone who is free on the 23rd SEpt Fri... I'm free on the 23rd and would like to propose a gaming session on next Friday after work.. Who can make it to battle with the Ravening Hordes of the Great Devourer??
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Votes for Campaign
I vote for a 40k Tourney! Cos Kelvin is more versed in 40k and I'd like to test out my new Nids!! In any case, I'd like to start up my woodys first before I take part in the Fantasy stuff, which is why I vote for 40k!
Not to mention we've hardly played 40k, so it'll be a chance to really get to grips with the nuances of the game. Also, We are letting ALL that terrain go to waste if we are only playing a couple of games with the new terrain right?
P.S: Guys, try to use the comments instead of posting leh.. otherwise very difficult to keep it all organised. :)
Not to mention we've hardly played 40k, so it'll be a chance to really get to grips with the nuances of the game. Also, We are letting ALL that terrain go to waste if we are only playing a couple of games with the new terrain right?
P.S: Guys, try to use the comments instead of posting leh.. otherwise very difficult to keep it all organised. :)
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Campaign II
Hur Hur Hur.
Sounds like fun!
2400 points of hungry guts sounds like just the ticket! (Time to assemble my new Leadbelchers!)
I don't mind a allied army fight. Although, how would you guys sort out the Lords issue.
Okay, lets consolidate what we want to do... we can do one of the following:
1. 40K Tournament.
2. Fantasy Tournament.
3. 40K Campaign.
4. Fantasy Campaign.
If we're to play a campaign, I suggest playing a Tree Campaign or something equally simple...
Please send some feedback.
Sounds like fun!
2400 points of hungry guts sounds like just the ticket! (Time to assemble my new Leadbelchers!)
I don't mind a allied army fight. Although, how would you guys sort out the Lords issue.
Okay, lets consolidate what we want to do... we can do one of the following:
1. 40K Tournament.
2. Fantasy Tournament.
3. 40K Campaign.
4. Fantasy Campaign.
If we're to play a campaign, I suggest playing a Tree Campaign or something equally simple...
Please send some feedback.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Hi All, like the storm of chaos, why dont we start a campaign based on the ogre invasion?
or a 2400 point battle where by chaos and tomb kings get 1200 each to try and defeat the ogres?
just a thought. our background is already there, the ogres rampaging all over the known world...
or a 2400 point battle where by chaos and tomb kings get 1200 each to try and defeat the ogres?
just a thought. our background is already there, the ogres rampaging all over the known world...
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The Great Migration goes on...
Err... I hate to remind you. Isotep was also eaten by the Gutlord, Brusk. *I'm so sorry, I mistook the Liche Priest for the Tomb King... So it's Himotep.
He smashed asunder the Khemrian chariot that once carried the proud prince with a wide sweep of his great weapon. He saw his adversary half buried under the debris of the chariot, struggling to regain his feet. He reached down and casually plucked the hapless tomb prince from the wreckage with his pudgy fingers. He laughed heartily at the vain attempts to escape by his prisoner, but unfortunately was caught fast within his iron grip. He raised the mummy toward his mouth, eager to rip its head off with one colossal bite.
Himotep shut his eyes and opened his mouth in a mock silent scream...
Unfortunately, Setep now lies within the gut of Ghrund Hammerfist, waiting to be digested... the vile acids of Ghrund's stomach slowly slough away the dried flesh off his bones...
Now let's see, who we've eaten...
- Lord Kasfield's Empire. *Lord Kasfield survives.
- Ithelien's High Elves. *Ithelien survives.
- Sean's Lizardmen. Sean's Oldblood chased down and eaten by Brutan. Hur Hur Hur.
- Lord Yesoix LeCroix's Bretonnians. Lord Yesoix LeCroix survives.
- Kenneth's Dark Elves. Kenneth's Highborn survives.
- Setep's Tomb Kings. Setep slain in mortal combat and eaten by Ghrund; Himotep slain in mortal combat and eaten by Brusk the Gutlord. Hur Hur Hur.
- Kafzi-el's Undivided Chaos Mortals. Kafzi-ei chased down (along with BSB guy) and eaten by Ogre Bulls. Hur Hur Hur.
Hur hur hur.
He smashed asunder the Khemrian chariot that once carried the proud prince with a wide sweep of his great weapon. He saw his adversary half buried under the debris of the chariot, struggling to regain his feet. He reached down and casually plucked the hapless tomb prince from the wreckage with his pudgy fingers. He laughed heartily at the vain attempts to escape by his prisoner, but unfortunately was caught fast within his iron grip. He raised the mummy toward his mouth, eager to rip its head off with one colossal bite.
Himotep shut his eyes and opened his mouth in a mock silent scream...
Unfortunately, Setep now lies within the gut of Ghrund Hammerfist, waiting to be digested... the vile acids of Ghrund's stomach slowly slough away the dried flesh off his bones...
Now let's see, who we've eaten...
- Lord Kasfield's Empire. *Lord Kasfield survives.
- Ithelien's High Elves. *Ithelien survives.
- Sean's Lizardmen. Sean's Oldblood chased down and eaten by Brutan. Hur Hur Hur.
- Lord Yesoix LeCroix's Bretonnians. Lord Yesoix LeCroix survives.
- Kenneth's Dark Elves. Kenneth's Highborn survives.
- Setep's Tomb Kings. Setep slain in mortal combat and eaten by Ghrund; Himotep slain in mortal combat and eaten by Brusk the Gutlord. Hur Hur Hur.
- Kafzi-el's Undivided Chaos Mortals. Kafzi-ei chased down (along with BSB guy) and eaten by Ogre Bulls. Hur Hur Hur.
Hur hur hur.
We'll be Back
The winds of Khemri carried a foul stench this day. All around laid the broken chartiots of the Army of Setep. Isotep looked at the carnage wrought by the Foul Ones, the Tombs of his Great King Setep befouled by these fat beasts from the South...
Isotep thought back to just 1 month ago, when the Chosen One had vanquished the first of the foul Ogres' Tyrant lord, holding back the Great Migration. But alas, it seemed that the new leader of the beasts carried with him a weapon of dark magic that had been his Lord's undoing...
If he still had face muscles, Isotep would have winced, for the King will be displeased at the defeat this day... No matter, the Gods had decreed that the armies of his Lord Setep shall rise in Glory again!! The battle might be lost, but His Will shall yet be done!
For now, let Isotep and his priests gather what they could of the remnants of his great Army and prepare the rites of Djestra once again...
Let the war begin!
Isotep thought back to just 1 month ago, when the Chosen One had vanquished the first of the foul Ogres' Tyrant lord, holding back the Great Migration. But alas, it seemed that the new leader of the beasts carried with him a weapon of dark magic that had been his Lord's undoing...
If he still had face muscles, Isotep would have winced, for the King will be displeased at the defeat this day... No matter, the Gods had decreed that the armies of his Lord Setep shall rise in Glory again!! The battle might be lost, but His Will shall yet be done!
For now, let Isotep and his priests gather what they could of the remnants of his great Army and prepare the rites of Djestra once again...
Let the war begin!
Fortune is fickle
Fortune is fickle
The gods have deserted me. Out of favor is the one who was great. My body battered and torn, sprit lifted up from these hallowed grounds to feel the agony the defeat.
I too lightly looked upon the great migration, with contempt in my heart and blackness in my mind. Too drunk was I from the glories of previous triumphs that a mist of light-headedness descended upon me as battle commenced ( not too mention also using suspiciously Elven looking chaos knights, I knew I was cursed the moment they joined my army).
The gods deserted me, my amour failed and the once proud herald of chaos fled from whence they came.
Th3 agony of defeat, the pain of battle ….all so pleasurable…….
The gods have deserted me. Out of favor is the one who was great. My body battered and torn, sprit lifted up from these hallowed grounds to feel the agony the defeat.
I too lightly looked upon the great migration, with contempt in my heart and blackness in my mind. Too drunk was I from the glories of previous triumphs that a mist of light-headedness descended upon me as battle commenced ( not too mention also using suspiciously Elven looking chaos knights, I knew I was cursed the moment they joined my army).
The gods deserted me, my amour failed and the once proud herald of chaos fled from whence they came.
Th3 agony of defeat, the pain of battle ….all so pleasurable…….
Call to War
I Kafzi-ei, call upon all the brave to declare an alliance against the great migration, to stop these foul beings in their path.
Band together and they shall fall.
Band together and they shall fall.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Double Eagle
Despite all the resistance by my gut feelings, I ignored the screams of agony by every sane brain cell I had and spent $13.50 to buy Double Eagle...
For those with a lack of RAM, Double Eagle is a Dan Abnett novel about fighter action over the Sabbat Worlds.
The reason why I'm writing is out of guilt (for spending money which equates to two pots of paint) and also I've had bad experiences with GW novels.
Maybe it's my reading habits, but the scary trend with reading GW novels is that I've gotten bored with several of them and I've even failed to complete a few... Like
Star of Erengrad - God! I don't think I finished 17 pages before it flew off my hands.
Execution Hour - Ah the battlefleet gothic book. I enjoyed this one, not thoroughly but it was a decent read. The plot was a little lame but the ship to ship battles were engaging and really made me want to play BFG.
Shadow Point - The sister BFG book. Now this was CRAP. Although the characters returned and the introduction of the Eldar, the plot was again lame (i can't even remember what a 'shadow point' was) but most importantly, the ship to ship battles (which saved the first book) was sadly downplayed, and I don't think i finished the book.
Draco - Then came the Draco series. About an inquisitor. I survived the first book, but never had the courage to read the other two... sad thing is I already own them.
Xenos/Malleus/Hereticus - I read xenos already, despite much acclaim from everyone, I remain unimpressed. I've heard Junx mention that I should stick it through and go on to read the second and third book. Maybe I should, sigh.
Well, I've started reading 3 pages last night, and the Double Eagle shows some promise. I'll have to keep you posted.
The reason for my gripes is that it is obvious that fluff is now mainly handled by the Black Library, but if they keep working on things that are insignificant, the stories in my opinion are losing direction.
It used to be the Games Designers who dictated what happened in the 40k and Warhammer universe. Andy Chambers would set a certain direction along with Gav Thorpe (Fantasy) like a Role Playing Game, coupled with the fact that they wrote the rules, the game developed at the same time as the fluff. But recently, nothing significant has happened and it's depressing.
Take for example, the Armageddon campaign that happened several years ago. Important things did happen that made the main story flow, Orks battered the Blood Angels to the point where they are in a recovery stage. Captain Tycho succumbed to the Black Rage and sacrificed himself. At least even Yarrick aged. I wasn't a 40K fanatic then but I was caught up with the stories, and made me want to collect Blood Angels. New units, like the Armageddon Steel Legion were created. Cadia on the other hand paled a lot in comparison. They introduced 13th Co, and Eldar strike forces, but fluffwise things didn't really matter. We've read about 13th Co, black guardians... nothing really new, just new rules to old fluff. But at least the setting was important, the 13th Black Crusade is fluffy. The only major loss was the relictors who got betrayed by a Daemon possessed Inquisitor. Relictors? Do you really care? Not me, it's not as if it was like Ultramarines (now that would be a story) who got beaten to pulp.
The heroes of the current age were spawned from Battle Reports from really old White Dwarfs. Ghazhkull, Yarrick, Tycho and several others like the Ulthwe Farseer (can't remember his name). were all from battle reports, and although it might have been rigged at least they built a name from themselves through battles.
It doesn't happen anymore. The characters from the current fluff aren't like major heroes. Maybe I don't read that much Black Library stuff to really know what's going on. But I just think the Warhammer universes have become just settings for games. True, they've delved into a lot more details, like the shapes of imperial canteens and how many teeth a skaven has, but suddenly, I felt that the big picture is lost.
Battle reports turn into Army Intros, it doesn't matter who wins or who loses, it's just a game. It seems that nothing has happened after Cadia fell. And it seems that the Storm of Chaos didn't blow... I mean, Archaon fought till Middenheim, but the old city held, who cares about the hamlets and villages, it's probably being rebuilt anyway. What next? nothing. No fluff in Dwarf or anywhere... everyone has gone to Lustria.
Cadia? Oh the imperials left the main planet, recamped themselves in a nearby moon. Meanwhile, with chaos capturing the pylons, what will happen? Will Chaos flow forth? Are the pylons of Necron origin? Nothing! It seems that Macragge is under attack again. (Oh, it's more new rules to old fluff... no? It's worse? It's old rules to old fluff but new miniatures...)
Arghh! It's frustrating!
Sorry! Rant over... *breathing regulates again*
For those with a lack of RAM, Double Eagle is a Dan Abnett novel about fighter action over the Sabbat Worlds.
The reason why I'm writing is out of guilt (for spending money which equates to two pots of paint) and also I've had bad experiences with GW novels.
Maybe it's my reading habits, but the scary trend with reading GW novels is that I've gotten bored with several of them and I've even failed to complete a few... Like
Star of Erengrad - God! I don't think I finished 17 pages before it flew off my hands.
Execution Hour - Ah the battlefleet gothic book. I enjoyed this one, not thoroughly but it was a decent read. The plot was a little lame but the ship to ship battles were engaging and really made me want to play BFG.
Shadow Point - The sister BFG book. Now this was CRAP. Although the characters returned and the introduction of the Eldar, the plot was again lame (i can't even remember what a 'shadow point' was) but most importantly, the ship to ship battles (which saved the first book) was sadly downplayed, and I don't think i finished the book.
Draco - Then came the Draco series. About an inquisitor. I survived the first book, but never had the courage to read the other two... sad thing is I already own them.
Xenos/Malleus/Hereticus - I read xenos already, despite much acclaim from everyone, I remain unimpressed. I've heard Junx mention that I should stick it through and go on to read the second and third book. Maybe I should, sigh.
Well, I've started reading 3 pages last night, and the Double Eagle shows some promise. I'll have to keep you posted.
The reason for my gripes is that it is obvious that fluff is now mainly handled by the Black Library, but if they keep working on things that are insignificant, the stories in my opinion are losing direction.
It used to be the Games Designers who dictated what happened in the 40k and Warhammer universe. Andy Chambers would set a certain direction along with Gav Thorpe (Fantasy) like a Role Playing Game, coupled with the fact that they wrote the rules, the game developed at the same time as the fluff. But recently, nothing significant has happened and it's depressing.
Take for example, the Armageddon campaign that happened several years ago. Important things did happen that made the main story flow, Orks battered the Blood Angels to the point where they are in a recovery stage. Captain Tycho succumbed to the Black Rage and sacrificed himself. At least even Yarrick aged. I wasn't a 40K fanatic then but I was caught up with the stories, and made me want to collect Blood Angels. New units, like the Armageddon Steel Legion were created. Cadia on the other hand paled a lot in comparison. They introduced 13th Co, and Eldar strike forces, but fluffwise things didn't really matter. We've read about 13th Co, black guardians... nothing really new, just new rules to old fluff. But at least the setting was important, the 13th Black Crusade is fluffy. The only major loss was the relictors who got betrayed by a Daemon possessed Inquisitor. Relictors? Do you really care? Not me, it's not as if it was like Ultramarines (now that would be a story) who got beaten to pulp.
The heroes of the current age were spawned from Battle Reports from really old White Dwarfs. Ghazhkull, Yarrick, Tycho and several others like the Ulthwe Farseer (can't remember his name). were all from battle reports, and although it might have been rigged at least they built a name from themselves through battles.
It doesn't happen anymore. The characters from the current fluff aren't like major heroes. Maybe I don't read that much Black Library stuff to really know what's going on. But I just think the Warhammer universes have become just settings for games. True, they've delved into a lot more details, like the shapes of imperial canteens and how many teeth a skaven has, but suddenly, I felt that the big picture is lost.
Battle reports turn into Army Intros, it doesn't matter who wins or who loses, it's just a game. It seems that nothing has happened after Cadia fell. And it seems that the Storm of Chaos didn't blow... I mean, Archaon fought till Middenheim, but the old city held, who cares about the hamlets and villages, it's probably being rebuilt anyway. What next? nothing. No fluff in Dwarf or anywhere... everyone has gone to Lustria.
Cadia? Oh the imperials left the main planet, recamped themselves in a nearby moon. Meanwhile, with chaos capturing the pylons, what will happen? Will Chaos flow forth? Are the pylons of Necron origin? Nothing! It seems that Macragge is under attack again. (Oh, it's more new rules to old fluff... no? It's worse? It's old rules to old fluff but new miniatures...)
Arghh! It's frustrating!
Sorry! Rant over... *breathing regulates again*
Monday, August 29, 2005
To clear the air II
It seems that the tourney rules are generally accepted without major gripes.
To further answer dylan's questions, I did think of a simple say 2k game for our tourneys, but I decided to add the 250 points in as a surprise element, otherwise we'll know what we're playing against all the time and that i feel kills a bit of the suspense.
Fluffwise, after the bulk of the army leaves camp, it's not surprising for armies to receive some minor reinforcements or ragtag troops signing up. Or the general picking a different blade to bring to battle.
Promoting generals is a great idea! But my fear is that it unbalances the gameplay and brings unfair advantages to a winning player. Afterall its a tourney not a campaign...
great horned rat
It seems that the tourney rules are generally accepted without major gripes.
To further answer dylan's questions, I did think of a simple say 2k game for our tourneys, but I decided to add the 250 points in as a surprise element, otherwise we'll know what we're playing against all the time and that i feel kills a bit of the suspense.
Fluffwise, after the bulk of the army leaves camp, it's not surprising for armies to receive some minor reinforcements or ragtag troops signing up. Or the general picking a different blade to bring to battle.
Promoting generals is a great idea! But my fear is that it unbalances the gameplay and brings unfair advantages to a winning player. Afterall its a tourney not a campaign...
great horned rat
House Rules
Okay, as per what Ithelien wishes:
Our house rules are not many as yet...
- Massed Archery:
A unit armed with missile weapons of strength 3 and below, may have a second rank fire their missile weapons provided that the unit remained stationary (no reforms, turns or wheels) throughout the movement phase. If the unit is located on a hill, then a third rank may fire.
- Strength 8 to destroy chariots:
As many characters (ie with a cheapo great weapon) and monsters have easy access to strength 7, only strength 8 can destroy chariots with one successful wounding hit.
- Lores of Magic:
The trial lores of magic for Heavens, Beasts and Life? (can't remember) are being used. So don't refer to the rulebook for these lores.
- Against the Odds!:
If it is such that a losing unit is so badly beaten during close combat, that the combat resolution score modifies the resultant break test leadership roll to the point of 'autobreaking', then the unit is still allowed a roll of 2D6. If a 2 is rolled on the total score of the dice, then the unit counts as passing the resultant leadership test. Note that it is a roll of 2D6, and not anything else. So armies/models, like lizardmen with their coldblooded rule, that play around with leadership rolls will still only roll 2D6.
Thats it for now!
great horned rat
Our house rules are not many as yet...
- Massed Archery:
A unit armed with missile weapons of strength 3 and below, may have a second rank fire their missile weapons provided that the unit remained stationary (no reforms, turns or wheels) throughout the movement phase. If the unit is located on a hill, then a third rank may fire.
- Strength 8 to destroy chariots:
As many characters (ie with a cheapo great weapon) and monsters have easy access to strength 7, only strength 8 can destroy chariots with one successful wounding hit.
- Lores of Magic:
The trial lores of magic for Heavens, Beasts and Life? (can't remember) are being used. So don't refer to the rulebook for these lores.
- Against the Odds!:
If it is such that a losing unit is so badly beaten during close combat, that the combat resolution score modifies the resultant break test leadership roll to the point of 'autobreaking', then the unit is still allowed a roll of 2D6. If a 2 is rolled on the total score of the dice, then the unit counts as passing the resultant leadership test. Note that it is a roll of 2D6, and not anything else. So armies/models, like lizardmen with their coldblooded rule, that play around with leadership rolls will still only roll 2D6.
Thats it for now!
great horned rat
House rules
Hi all,
i think its a good idea to make a list of all the house rules we are playing with. Kelvin may not know some of them i quite frankly have forgot some of them also..
we can use this blog site to update and keep current our house rules.
i think its a good idea to make a list of all the house rules we are playing with. Kelvin may not know some of them i quite frankly have forgot some of them also..
we can use this blog site to update and keep current our house rules.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
To clear the air
Okay, got some feedback from you all, and thought I should clarify stuff.
*Magic Items for units, normally banners, are all purchased with the final 250 points.
The 250 points are for us to spring minor surprises unto our unwitting foes, and also to tweak our armies to suit the opponent... like you might want a cannon when facing chaos, but you might want a mortar when facing skaven, for instance.
It's not really a strict rule. But the key thing to remember is, that the first 2000pts is permanent. So if you want to stick a warbanner in a unit with your initial 2000pts that's fine, but then you'll have a warbanner throughout the league stage. Not a bad thing, but it means that we all will know prior.
Yes. All army lists are open for viewing. See junx, I'm fair... Hahaha. I've already written down my list. After I receive all the lists, I'll put them up for all to see. And then it's final, it cannot be changed, though you'll still have 250 pts to play with.
Character names should be included... it makes it fluffier. But I'm not too worried because you guys are pretty imaginative and have already got named generals already... Just work on your minor heroes. Ghrund is my new Tyrant name.... hur hur.
I don't think we'll use the mission generators, although I did think about it. I am concerned that it'll make the pregame set up too lengthy and bulky to handle. I think with new opponents all round and the scenarios to twist it a bit, will be good enough. As the scenario generators include more VPs and things to remember, and since its a tourney, we cannot afford to miss things out, otherwise it's not fair. I think we should just try out a basic system first. Once we get the hang of things, we can complexify the next tourney.
Wizard upgrades, in my opinion, should be included in the first 2k. But as above, it's not strictly compulsory, you can always add the upgrade in the 250 pts, for flexibility reasons, it just means that you don't have that many spare points after the upgrade...
35 points for wizard upgrade = 215pts left
say, 100 pts for lord items = 115 pts left
1 scroll and 25pt item for mage = 65 pts left
25 point sword for hero = 40 pts left.
warbanner in hero unit = 15 pts
1 swordmaster = 0 pts left.
Ultimately, the 250 pts is for pure flexibility.
Also, as this is a tourney, although a rather inofficial one, we should also refrain from side seat comments, and only an arbiter who can clear and clarify stuff on the field.
the great horned rat
*Magic Items for units, normally banners, are all purchased with the final 250 points.
The 250 points are for us to spring minor surprises unto our unwitting foes, and also to tweak our armies to suit the opponent... like you might want a cannon when facing chaos, but you might want a mortar when facing skaven, for instance.
It's not really a strict rule. But the key thing to remember is, that the first 2000pts is permanent. So if you want to stick a warbanner in a unit with your initial 2000pts that's fine, but then you'll have a warbanner throughout the league stage. Not a bad thing, but it means that we all will know prior.
Yes. All army lists are open for viewing. See junx, I'm fair... Hahaha. I've already written down my list. After I receive all the lists, I'll put them up for all to see. And then it's final, it cannot be changed, though you'll still have 250 pts to play with.
Character names should be included... it makes it fluffier. But I'm not too worried because you guys are pretty imaginative and have already got named generals already... Just work on your minor heroes. Ghrund is my new Tyrant name.... hur hur.
I don't think we'll use the mission generators, although I did think about it. I am concerned that it'll make the pregame set up too lengthy and bulky to handle. I think with new opponents all round and the scenarios to twist it a bit, will be good enough. As the scenario generators include more VPs and things to remember, and since its a tourney, we cannot afford to miss things out, otherwise it's not fair. I think we should just try out a basic system first. Once we get the hang of things, we can complexify the next tourney.
Wizard upgrades, in my opinion, should be included in the first 2k. But as above, it's not strictly compulsory, you can always add the upgrade in the 250 pts, for flexibility reasons, it just means that you don't have that many spare points after the upgrade...
35 points for wizard upgrade = 215pts left
say, 100 pts for lord items = 115 pts left
1 scroll and 25pt item for mage = 65 pts left
25 point sword for hero = 40 pts left.
warbanner in hero unit = 15 pts
1 swordmaster = 0 pts left.
Ultimately, the 250 pts is for pure flexibility.
Also, as this is a tourney, although a rather inofficial one, we should also refrain from side seat comments, and only an arbiter who can clear and clarify stuff on the field.
the great horned rat
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Massacre at Hedgewood
3 natures that heaven does not will- incontinence, malice and mad brutishness. 3 qualities treasured by other entities forsaken from grace.
Memory, buried deep within the forests of my mind, faint glances of a past where my being owed a devotion to another path, another life. Till I met my guide in the middle of the journey of my life, I came to myself in a dark wood where the direct way was lost. He showed me wonders beyond the realms of mortal comprehension, and my life was a stranger I ceased to know. He showed me dark paths that brought excruciating ecstasy, where imagination ruled over natural law, baptized into the depths of hopelessness by fire and blood, reborn as Kafziel, Exalted champion of Chaos.
As I watch Hedgewood burn, souls offered up to the dark masters for their pleasure. How easy any one of these souls could have taken the path trodden by me, and yet they burn, fated to suffer eternal terror.
Infantry holding the middle and Chaos’ finest on black steeds thundered up on my left destined for empire guns. Met head on be the priests of Mor and blood was shed on Hedgewood soil. Ogres moved up to reinforce the left while I committed my infantry to threaten the center eventually achieving the breakthrough in the center while I rode with my personal guard breaking through on the left. Men of Sigmar were no more.
A worthy foe, I salute thee. Makes victory all the more sweeter. I drink now the nectar of your souls in the consuming light of the hamlet known once as Hedgewood.
Memory, buried deep within the forests of my mind, faint glances of a past where my being owed a devotion to another path, another life. Till I met my guide in the middle of the journey of my life, I came to myself in a dark wood where the direct way was lost. He showed me wonders beyond the realms of mortal comprehension, and my life was a stranger I ceased to know. He showed me dark paths that brought excruciating ecstasy, where imagination ruled over natural law, baptized into the depths of hopelessness by fire and blood, reborn as Kafziel, Exalted champion of Chaos.
As I watch Hedgewood burn, souls offered up to the dark masters for their pleasure. How easy any one of these souls could have taken the path trodden by me, and yet they burn, fated to suffer eternal terror.
Infantry holding the middle and Chaos’ finest on black steeds thundered up on my left destined for empire guns. Met head on be the priests of Mor and blood was shed on Hedgewood soil. Ogres moved up to reinforce the left while I committed my infantry to threaten the center eventually achieving the breakthrough in the center while I rode with my personal guard breaking through on the left. Men of Sigmar were no more.
A worthy foe, I salute thee. Makes victory all the more sweeter. I drink now the nectar of your souls in the consuming light of the hamlet known once as Hedgewood.
Friday, August 26, 2005
The Champions League
Hi friends,
We've all had some friendly one off games, and I think it'll be fun if we had a bit of a tourney running. So i propose 'the champions league'!
Okay, here's how it'll work.
+ The tournament will work in two stages. The first is the league stage and the second the Finals!
+ Each player will get one game against a fellow competitor. So since we only potentially have 4 players (Dylan, Kelvin, Junx and I), there will be a total of 6 games in the league stage. If you're wondering about Sean, he's gone on o levels tour of duty and won't be active for about 3 months.
+ Each victory will give you 3 points, a draw will give both sides 1 point, and a loss (obviously) will give you no points. It doesn't matter if it's a massacre or a minor victory, it'll still count as a victory.
+ Victory points for and against will be recorded in case of a draw in points; so a massacre or a minor victory will have some consequence (albeit minor).
+ The two players with the most points will get to play in the FINALS and for the prize...
Prize? I hear you say...
Yes, the winner will get to pick a Band D or E blister pack, courtesy of the losing parties. It'll come up to about $8 each... so I think it won't hurt that much, but it'll bring a bit more excitement than just bragging rights...
Here are the details.
+ Each army will consist of 2,000 pts. This list is PERMANENT throughout the league stage. When you write your army lists, do not include magical items for characters (also champions for High Elves), magical banners (regiments or BSB) and so forth. It's pure model points along with any mundane weapons.
+ Each army will get an ADDITIONAL Flexi 250 pts. Flexi means that this additional points can be changed from game to game. This points is actually for magical items, but if you cannot finish using this 250 points, you can use any remainder for the odd spearman, or unit upgrade (musicians/banner), or even a brand new unit, if you scrimp on the magic items. But remember that you have no magic items in your original 2K list... This rule allows a bit of flexibility and makes our games 2250 pts.
+ After you write a 2k army list, please submit it to me and I will do the points calculations. The additional 250 points is only added at just before gametime.
+ To encourage a more balanced and exciting game, random scenarios will be generated with a roll of a D6 on the table below, before the battle after the additional 250 pts are submitted to the Arbiter.
1-3: Pitched Battle
4: Flank Attack
5: Meeting Engagement
6: Capture
+ The attacker and defender will be decided randomly.
+ The top two players in the league stages will get to compete in the Finals
+ Finals game will be a 3K mega battle!
+ Yes, we're not games workshop, we can always proxy.
+ Winner takes the prize, the bragging rights, and thunderous applause from the other 3 guys!
Okay. If you guys think the above is fine, please let me know.
Also, if you want any other details modified or added.
Also, if you want to take part...
After this tourney, we'll switch to some 40k...
the great horned rat.
We've all had some friendly one off games, and I think it'll be fun if we had a bit of a tourney running. So i propose 'the champions league'!
Okay, here's how it'll work.
+ The tournament will work in two stages. The first is the league stage and the second the Finals!
+ Each player will get one game against a fellow competitor. So since we only potentially have 4 players (Dylan, Kelvin, Junx and I), there will be a total of 6 games in the league stage. If you're wondering about Sean, he's gone on o levels tour of duty and won't be active for about 3 months.
+ Each victory will give you 3 points, a draw will give both sides 1 point, and a loss (obviously) will give you no points. It doesn't matter if it's a massacre or a minor victory, it'll still count as a victory.
+ Victory points for and against will be recorded in case of a draw in points; so a massacre or a minor victory will have some consequence (albeit minor).
+ The two players with the most points will get to play in the FINALS and for the prize...
Prize? I hear you say...
Yes, the winner will get to pick a Band D or E blister pack, courtesy of the losing parties. It'll come up to about $8 each... so I think it won't hurt that much, but it'll bring a bit more excitement than just bragging rights...
Here are the details.
+ Each army will consist of 2,000 pts. This list is PERMANENT throughout the league stage. When you write your army lists, do not include magical items for characters (also champions for High Elves), magical banners (regiments or BSB) and so forth. It's pure model points along with any mundane weapons.
+ Each army will get an ADDITIONAL Flexi 250 pts. Flexi means that this additional points can be changed from game to game. This points is actually for magical items, but if you cannot finish using this 250 points, you can use any remainder for the odd spearman, or unit upgrade (musicians/banner), or even a brand new unit, if you scrimp on the magic items. But remember that you have no magic items in your original 2K list... This rule allows a bit of flexibility and makes our games 2250 pts.
+ After you write a 2k army list, please submit it to me and I will do the points calculations. The additional 250 points is only added at just before gametime.
+ To encourage a more balanced and exciting game, random scenarios will be generated with a roll of a D6 on the table below, before the battle after the additional 250 pts are submitted to the Arbiter.
1-3: Pitched Battle
4: Flank Attack
5: Meeting Engagement
6: Capture
+ The attacker and defender will be decided randomly.
+ The top two players in the league stages will get to compete in the Finals
+ Finals game will be a 3K mega battle!
+ Yes, we're not games workshop, we can always proxy.
+ Winner takes the prize, the bragging rights, and thunderous applause from the other 3 guys!
Okay. If you guys think the above is fine, please let me know.
Also, if you want any other details modified or added.
Also, if you want to take part...
After this tourney, we'll switch to some 40k...
the great horned rat.
managed to figure out the account
Ithelien is Operational
KAFZI-EL Marches on..
As I stand upon this cliff behold yonder a hamlet I spy. Blood of innocence, the sweetest kind. My masters shall be pleased tonight.
My scouts have gazed upon a force of Sigmar, 3 leagues from my prize. An interesting obstacle I fear may arise, to stand between me and my prize.
"In hoc signo vinces" (in this sign thou shalt conquer). This banner, square in form, covered with a rich embroidery of precious stones, and "being also richly interlaced with gold, presented an indescribable degree of beauty to the beholder"…I shall conquer and all shall bow before my banner!
From the depths of despair I ride, victory for the Gods, victory for my army, victory for KAFZI_EL…….
My scouts have gazed upon a force of Sigmar, 3 leagues from my prize. An interesting obstacle I fear may arise, to stand between me and my prize.
"In hoc signo vinces" (in this sign thou shalt conquer). This banner, square in form, covered with a rich embroidery of precious stones, and "being also richly interlaced with gold, presented an indescribable degree of beauty to the beholder"…I shall conquer and all shall bow before my banner!
From the depths of despair I ride, victory for the Gods, victory for my army, victory for KAFZI_EL…….
Thursday, August 25, 2005
The Great Migration: Battle at the Old Turnpike Road
Scrapbook of Ruud von Histelrooy, Imperial Researcher.
[Battle Report: High Elves vs Ogre Kingdoms. 2ooo pts]
It has been three days since the marauding ogres have sacked Haffenburg. They've been in the village eating every morsel of food, from cats, dogs, dead bodies to the old and sickly who didn't get away in time. Mostly they've been gathering around a huge cauldron, boiling and bubbling for three days nonstop. Two huge bloated figures have been seen pouring chunks of meat in, stirring and cooking, and then dividing the chops to the hungry ogres gathered around. Interesting. They seem to have no fear of any human reprisals, since unlike any other army, they seem to place no pickets or to chase after the remnants of the Empire army. Perhaps they are truly hungry.
On the morning of the fourth day, the ogres left. I presume, after emptying the village of everything worth eating. Those little grey creatures though, have been busy too. They scavenge and harvest all the trinkets and gold from all the houses and bodies (before being eaten of course).
There are two main roads leading away from Haffenburg, the first is the Imperial Highway that leads to the heart of the empire, and the other is the Old Turnpike Road that winds along the borders of the Empire. The ogres have taken the second road. Why? I do not know. But it would have been worse if they walked straight through the Empire. Still, I must admit, maybe there was some wisdom in such a move... the ogres would have been easily cut off by the armies of the various Elector Counts and be destroyed.
Nonetheless, within half a day, the ogres encountered a patrolling force of High Elves, still protecting the borders and hunting down vagrant bands of beastmen [Gorthmaw's Warhost perhaps?] since the vile Storm of Chaos. Marko's spyglass reveals that it is none other than Lord Ithilien's High Elf Patrol. Since the Storm of Chaos, Lord Ithilien has been restless against the forces of disorder.
When most High Elf Lords have since retreated back to their island of Ulthuan, Ithilien believes that the threat isn't over, as such he has been hunting down bands of Beastmen and marauders. Of note is the Battle of Darkswood, where Gorthmaw Childtaker, an infamous Beastlord of great cunning had been raiding many Imperial hamlets. Despite the many attempts to take him (dead or alive) he seems to avoid capture or death in battle. It is said that he drinks the blood of his victims to slake his thirst and boost his strength (although is is mainly folklore). At Darkswood, Ithilien had cornered the beaste, and his cavalry had ridden down the beast herds, but of Gorthmaw, there is no news. Thus till this day, Ithilien waits and waits for Gorthmaw to place a wrong move, and he will pounce.
That is till the ogres came...
* * * * *
It is hard to describe the feeling when you witness so much carnage and death.
It makes me feel numb (with fear and also from crouching too long) and reluctant to move a muscle.
Even the normally hardedged Marko had an ashen look on his face.
When the Ogres were gone, surprisingly they did not stay as long, Marko hefted his heavy crossbow and stalked onto the battlefield.
The battlefield was a mess, here and there you could see a dead ogre, like the one just beside me now; with Bolt thrower arrows sticking out everywhere. But more gruesome was the pile of Swordmasters, their silver armour glinting red with blood, their own blood. Further along the battlefield was an even bigger pile of dead Elven Spearmen, their bodies broken and stomped to pieces as they turned and fled from the carnage, only for the Ironguts to catch them... With Marko's spyglass I could see the other side of the battlefield, laden with broken horse carcasses, the odd mare skittering riderless.
Suddenly, I could hear hoove beats heading towards our direction... For a moment, my heart stopped as I thought it could be the ogres coming back. It was the Lord Ithilien! We were searching for his noble body (not to steal, really!) but there he was alive. He deigned to even look at me, instead spoke to Marko... which i wrote down.
"The Ogres have left, milord," Marko said.
"Yes, indeed they have. Vile creatures."
"Your wounded need care, and your numbers are few."
Ithilien looked at Marko and smiled a thin smile, "our numbers have always been few. This day has cost much in Elven blood."
"Hmmm... Well, I can get some help from that place over there," Marko replied, thumbing toward a small hamlet in the distance, "we could get some water up..."
"Yes, it seems that is the only recourse we have."
In the distance, a horn sounded, its deep cry echoing eerily on the darkening battlefield. A mist was slowly enveloping the grounds, making the dead bodies seem as if they were moving ever so slightly.
Marko, ever the ranger, raised his head to the horn blast. "Don't think ogres use horns."
"You are correct," Ithilien replied, "that was no ogre horn. But a Beast horn!"
Without delay, Ithilien turned and conferred with his horsemen who were waiting behind him. The Elves talked in low tones and finally after a couple of minutes, they nodded in agreement. Ithilien wheeled his horse around and said, "We must leave, you as well, if you value your lives."
"What?" Marko looked at him incredulously.
"Something stalks us, and he has the upperhand." Ithilien gathered his reins and prepared to ride, "We will go to the hamlet, we have spare horses. They would normally prefer not to take a human rider, but the need is dire."
"But what about your wounded? Why??" Marko could not understand.
Ithilien sighed. "I grieve at the loss, but the Hunt has begun. If we stay, our losses this day will be greater. Come we ride!"
At this point, the Elves handed us a great warhorse, still clad in heavy barding. Its eyes shone with power and pride, but it also gave us a look of disdain (haughty gits!). Pushing me up into the saddle, Marko couldn't help but cry out to the passing Elven Prince. "Who then strikes such fear in you?"
Upon hearing that, I could see Ithilien clench his fist tightly on the reins. I thought he'd just ride on, but instead he turned around to face Marko, a cold glint in his eyes...
"If you really must know, I recognise the horn signature... It's Gorthmaw Childtaker, and he hunts tonight.
Ithilien sighed again, "I, on the otherhand, am powerless to stop him."
[Battle Report: High Elves vs Ogre Kingdoms. 2ooo pts]
It has been three days since the marauding ogres have sacked Haffenburg. They've been in the village eating every morsel of food, from cats, dogs, dead bodies to the old and sickly who didn't get away in time. Mostly they've been gathering around a huge cauldron, boiling and bubbling for three days nonstop. Two huge bloated figures have been seen pouring chunks of meat in, stirring and cooking, and then dividing the chops to the hungry ogres gathered around. Interesting. They seem to have no fear of any human reprisals, since unlike any other army, they seem to place no pickets or to chase after the remnants of the Empire army. Perhaps they are truly hungry.
On the morning of the fourth day, the ogres left. I presume, after emptying the village of everything worth eating. Those little grey creatures though, have been busy too. They scavenge and harvest all the trinkets and gold from all the houses and bodies (before being eaten of course).
There are two main roads leading away from Haffenburg, the first is the Imperial Highway that leads to the heart of the empire, and the other is the Old Turnpike Road that winds along the borders of the Empire. The ogres have taken the second road. Why? I do not know. But it would have been worse if they walked straight through the Empire. Still, I must admit, maybe there was some wisdom in such a move... the ogres would have been easily cut off by the armies of the various Elector Counts and be destroyed.
Nonetheless, within half a day, the ogres encountered a patrolling force of High Elves, still protecting the borders and hunting down vagrant bands of beastmen [Gorthmaw's Warhost perhaps?] since the vile Storm of Chaos. Marko's spyglass reveals that it is none other than Lord Ithilien's High Elf Patrol. Since the Storm of Chaos, Lord Ithilien has been restless against the forces of disorder.
When most High Elf Lords have since retreated back to their island of Ulthuan, Ithilien believes that the threat isn't over, as such he has been hunting down bands of Beastmen and marauders. Of note is the Battle of Darkswood, where Gorthmaw Childtaker, an infamous Beastlord of great cunning had been raiding many Imperial hamlets. Despite the many attempts to take him (dead or alive) he seems to avoid capture or death in battle. It is said that he drinks the blood of his victims to slake his thirst and boost his strength (although is is mainly folklore). At Darkswood, Ithilien had cornered the beaste, and his cavalry had ridden down the beast herds, but of Gorthmaw, there is no news. Thus till this day, Ithilien waits and waits for Gorthmaw to place a wrong move, and he will pounce.
That is till the ogres came...
* * * * *
It is hard to describe the feeling when you witness so much carnage and death.
It makes me feel numb (with fear and also from crouching too long) and reluctant to move a muscle.
Even the normally hardedged Marko had an ashen look on his face.
When the Ogres were gone, surprisingly they did not stay as long, Marko hefted his heavy crossbow and stalked onto the battlefield.
The battlefield was a mess, here and there you could see a dead ogre, like the one just beside me now; with Bolt thrower arrows sticking out everywhere. But more gruesome was the pile of Swordmasters, their silver armour glinting red with blood, their own blood. Further along the battlefield was an even bigger pile of dead Elven Spearmen, their bodies broken and stomped to pieces as they turned and fled from the carnage, only for the Ironguts to catch them... With Marko's spyglass I could see the other side of the battlefield, laden with broken horse carcasses, the odd mare skittering riderless.
Suddenly, I could hear hoove beats heading towards our direction... For a moment, my heart stopped as I thought it could be the ogres coming back. It was the Lord Ithilien! We were searching for his noble body (not to steal, really!) but there he was alive. He deigned to even look at me, instead spoke to Marko... which i wrote down.
"The Ogres have left, milord," Marko said.
"Yes, indeed they have. Vile creatures."
"Your wounded need care, and your numbers are few."
Ithilien looked at Marko and smiled a thin smile, "our numbers have always been few. This day has cost much in Elven blood."
"Hmmm... Well, I can get some help from that place over there," Marko replied, thumbing toward a small hamlet in the distance, "we could get some water up..."
"Yes, it seems that is the only recourse we have."
In the distance, a horn sounded, its deep cry echoing eerily on the darkening battlefield. A mist was slowly enveloping the grounds, making the dead bodies seem as if they were moving ever so slightly.
Marko, ever the ranger, raised his head to the horn blast. "Don't think ogres use horns."
"You are correct," Ithilien replied, "that was no ogre horn. But a Beast horn!"
Without delay, Ithilien turned and conferred with his horsemen who were waiting behind him. The Elves talked in low tones and finally after a couple of minutes, they nodded in agreement. Ithilien wheeled his horse around and said, "We must leave, you as well, if you value your lives."
"What?" Marko looked at him incredulously.
"Something stalks us, and he has the upperhand." Ithilien gathered his reins and prepared to ride, "We will go to the hamlet, we have spare horses. They would normally prefer not to take a human rider, but the need is dire."
"But what about your wounded? Why??" Marko could not understand.
Ithilien sighed. "I grieve at the loss, but the Hunt has begun. If we stay, our losses this day will be greater. Come we ride!"
At this point, the Elves handed us a great warhorse, still clad in heavy barding. Its eyes shone with power and pride, but it also gave us a look of disdain (haughty gits!). Pushing me up into the saddle, Marko couldn't help but cry out to the passing Elven Prince. "Who then strikes such fear in you?"
Upon hearing that, I could see Ithilien clench his fist tightly on the reins. I thought he'd just ride on, but instead he turned around to face Marko, a cold glint in his eyes...
"If you really must know, I recognise the horn signature... It's Gorthmaw Childtaker, and he hunts tonight.
Ithilien sighed again, "I, on the otherhand, am powerless to stop him."
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
For Sigmar
Well guys... Sometimes I do feel the white dwarf is abit drying up too. But still it's white dwarf, everyone's favourite Warhammer stuff, maybe... At times, when you look forward to an article, usually they disappoint you... sigh. Still, whether its good or bad, guess its the only magazine that dwells on the world of warhammer and 40K, will be hanging on for the sake of hanging on... haha.
This virtual blog space, is indeed very fullfilling, cheers and make our community grow.... FOR SIGMAR!.... FOR THE EMPEROR!
Lord Kasfield needs revenge! haha... Any chance this week?
"My Lord, the huntmen have returned. They have found the Orges'trail." A high moraled swordman reported.
Lord Kasfield, turned and looked into the clear blue sky. The sky as clear as crystal, not a sign of clouds that withers pass. Memories of his slained men shadowed onto his mind. Sound of screams echoed onto his mind. "May my perished faithful loyal men rest in peace, revenge, vengence will be served."
"Send words to the engineers.... Get the Hellblaster ready! Tunned the cannons with precision, I will have the crews' head if they miss-fire again!"
Lord Kasfield got up and stormed to his men, " It is time...."
This virtual blog space, is indeed very fullfilling, cheers and make our community grow.... FOR SIGMAR!.... FOR THE EMPEROR!
Lord Kasfield needs revenge! haha... Any chance this week?
"My Lord, the huntmen have returned. They have found the Orges'trail." A high moraled swordman reported.
Lord Kasfield, turned and looked into the clear blue sky. The sky as clear as crystal, not a sign of clouds that withers pass. Memories of his slained men shadowed onto his mind. Sound of screams echoed onto his mind. "May my perished faithful loyal men rest in peace, revenge, vengence will be served."
"Send words to the engineers.... Get the Hellblaster ready! Tunned the cannons with precision, I will have the crews' head if they miss-fire again!"
Lord Kasfield got up and stormed to his men, " It is time...."
Got me dorf!
Yesterday I received my white dwarf in the mailbox.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get this feeling that I'm no longer really eagerly waiting for the next issues of our hallowed gaming magazine.
Maybe I'm starting to get jaded...
Maybe that's why we have our own blog space to write our own white dwarf articles.
Anyway, with a decent chunk of precious magazine space dedicated to a game that's really passe... unless they make a sequel to the movie... it's like Games Workshop can't bear to let go of the silly game even when the movie craze is over. I guess when you pay like millions of pounds to get licensing rights, it's hard to let go.
Anyway, amidst the trash, I found one gem of an article!
RHINOX CAVALRY. hur hur hur.
For all you people who think four legs are better than two... we ogres are starting to think the same too.
Anyway, i'm mightily tempted to field a couple of these guys... it's just the dollar cost (and the fact that they're one special and rare choice) that's setting me back... oh damn those forgeworld people.
Nonetheless. Hope to set up a game soon.
hur hur.
the horned rat.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get this feeling that I'm no longer really eagerly waiting for the next issues of our hallowed gaming magazine.
Maybe I'm starting to get jaded...
Maybe that's why we have our own blog space to write our own white dwarf articles.
Anyway, with a decent chunk of precious magazine space dedicated to a game that's really passe... unless they make a sequel to the movie... it's like Games Workshop can't bear to let go of the silly game even when the movie craze is over. I guess when you pay like millions of pounds to get licensing rights, it's hard to let go.
Anyway, amidst the trash, I found one gem of an article!
RHINOX CAVALRY. hur hur hur.
For all you people who think four legs are better than two... we ogres are starting to think the same too.
Anyway, i'm mightily tempted to field a couple of these guys... it's just the dollar cost (and the fact that they're one special and rare choice) that's setting me back... oh damn those forgeworld people.
Nonetheless. Hope to set up a game soon.
hur hur.
the horned rat.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Great Migration: Across the World's Edge Mountains
Scrapbook of Ruud von Histelrooy, imperial researcher. [Battle report of Empire vs Ogre Kingdoms, 2000pts]
Today, together with my able scout, Marko von Basten, we set off to research and catalogue the various fauna and flora that populate the mountain slopes. I hope to find some rare or undiscovered lifeform to complete my research.
About midday, after travelling along a rarely used mountain path, we come across many big footprints. I'm a size nine, these must surely be like size 20! After examining the tracks, Marko dismissively claims that they're ogre tracks and we should traverse in the opposite direction.
But this could be a great discovery! Although ogres have been catalogued before, but few humans have actually seen them travelling in a great herd. Even fewer have heard of ogres travelling so far west to cross the World's Edge Mountains. And I could be the one to document everything down! I can foresee a scholarship in the great University of Nuln! So despite Marko's protests, we decide to follow the ogres (after giving him an additional bag of gold).
Tracking ogres isn't hard at all. Even I, a novice can find the ogres easily. They have no outriders or scouts... although we did notice little grey creatures scuttling around, but they paid us no heed, instead were poking each other in the eyes and generally make squeally noises.
It was also easy to see where the ogres were heading, the village of Haffenburg, where I also stored most of my gear... And to my great surprise, an imperial army had mustered on the edges of the village! Sigmar be blessed! Maybe my things will be saved afterall...
* * * * *
The banner of Lord Kasfield whipped wildly in the wind, a great storm was brewing beyond the mountains, and on the slopes directly opposite them, he could see their foes. Huge hulking humanoids, loud and boisterous. Young Thom tried desperately to hold on to the banner pole, and the wind wasn't making things easier.
Centering around Thom, Lord Kasfield's inner circle knights formed up, waiting for Lord Kasfield to arrive. Lord Kasfield was leaving the army centre to his second in command, a pyromancer. "Was this wise?" young Thom wondered, but he dispelled any negative thoughts, for these were greater heroes than he, and he knew that his liege lord would do all in his power for the good of the Empire.
Thom could see Lord Kasfield galloping on his charger up the slope where the knights were gathered. He was clad in simple platemail armour, for he was a simple man. Although he had land to his name, he was more a warrior at heart, and a warrior always appreciated the simple things. Simple plate would ward off blows better without the fancy laticework that other lords would wear; lighter and won't be snagged by enemy weapons. A simple steel blade would work better than one with a fancy hilt; keener and sharper. Yes he liked simple things, but it did not reflect a man of slow wit.
"How goes the battle line, sir?" young Thom queried when Kasfield arrived.
"It should hold till we arrive on the flanks, it has to. We're the only thing standing between the ogres and the villagefolk." Kasfield replied.
"Villagers would have fled by now. We're fighting over an empty village." Thom retorted.
Kasfield turned suddenly to look at Thom, staring intently at the young bannerman, making him squirm... slowly Kasfield softened his gaze. "Is that what I've taught you?"
"Then form up with the others, we must ride now, and bring swift vengeance to the enemies of the Empire."
The Knights of the Inner Circle were veterans of many campaigns and Kasfield needed no rally talks to urge them forward. Silently as one, the knights galloped down the slope toward the enemy and to meet death in the eye and defeat it. No one spoke a word, and the only sound was the thundering of hooves and the clattering of platemail...
* * * * *
Hiding behind a rock, Marko and I could see most of the action, easier for me to take notes. As the ogres ran headlong towards the Imperial line, totally unhiding their intent and eagerness to close the distance between the two armies. The imperial gunners seem to be unnerved by the speed in which the ogres are approaching and they seem to miss their cannon shots...
The ogres have a wierd contraption crewed by the little grey creatures we saw earlier. It looks like a catapult of some sorts and it has been pummelling the poor empire infantry blocks with broken swords, forks and all manner of sharp things. The dying screams of the soldiers, as they're skewered by the detritus is rather unnerving...
* * * * *
Thom clutched at his banner hard with his left hand, bracing it within the holster slung across his shoulders. With his free hand he lowered his lance. Through his visor, he could only see a sliver of dark tanned ogre flesh, and it was there he aimed. He could feel the impact of the lance as his weapon tore into flesh; he could hear the lance snap in two, and feel the shuddering of his shoulder as the two forces collided. Instinctively, he dropped the broken weapon and drew his cavalry sabre. He could see Sir Rudi Voellor get smacked full in the chest by a crude great weapon of the armoured ogres, slamming Rudi off his horse, his breastplate was a crumpled mess. He would just hack away, left then right, he could see red blood streaming off the edges of his sabre, whether it was ogre or human blood, he did not know, nor care.
Suddenly, the ogres were turning away. One by one, the ugly monsters were turning to run! Filled with elation, young Thom raised his banner high, the charge had broken the enemy flank. Lord Kasfield's trick had worked.
* * * * *
From my vantage point I could see how the armies were faring. This is the first time I see an ogre army at work and I could witness the coldblooded brutality and efficiency of the ogres as they hit the centre of the empire line hard. There's a really large and ugly ogre clad in heavy armour leading the charge, henceforth I shall term this ogre as a tyrant. He and his ogres smash into the knights of Ulric with glee, tearing great chunks of flesh from human and horse alike; gorging themselves with the raw meat, elated in the slaughter... in the meantime the catapult contraption keeps punishing the poor infantry, suddenly the men break formation as I think they had enough of having forks and dinner knives flung in their direction.
It's not all bad news though, as the knights make short work of a big band of ogres on the imperial left flank. But I think it's too late for them to come back...
Looks like I'll have to find new gear... sigh.
* * * * *
Thom and the Inner Circle Knights wheeled their horses around to see that their once proud army was gone. The ogres were already in the village. Thom could see plumes of smoke rising from the village and great bands of ogres feasting on the meat of the fallen.
Lord Kasfield rode up to him. "It seems we were too late."
Thom looked at him, did he notice a little tinge of remorse? If so, Kasfield masked it well. "Yes sir, it seems so."
Lord Kasfield looked yonder at the smoke rising like grey angry locusts eating away the whitewashed walls of Haffenburg. "It would have been perfect."
"Yes sir, it would have."
* * * * *
Marko has decided that we retire and find a place to camp in the wilds. I was so hoping for a warm bath, but the only bath now in Haffenburg would be in a cauldron. As we turn to leave, we hear a great bellowing... "Brutan Brutan Brutan..."
Maybe I've got a name for that big ugly brute...
Today, together with my able scout, Marko von Basten, we set off to research and catalogue the various fauna and flora that populate the mountain slopes. I hope to find some rare or undiscovered lifeform to complete my research.
About midday, after travelling along a rarely used mountain path, we come across many big footprints. I'm a size nine, these must surely be like size 20! After examining the tracks, Marko dismissively claims that they're ogre tracks and we should traverse in the opposite direction.
But this could be a great discovery! Although ogres have been catalogued before, but few humans have actually seen them travelling in a great herd. Even fewer have heard of ogres travelling so far west to cross the World's Edge Mountains. And I could be the one to document everything down! I can foresee a scholarship in the great University of Nuln! So despite Marko's protests, we decide to follow the ogres (after giving him an additional bag of gold).
Tracking ogres isn't hard at all. Even I, a novice can find the ogres easily. They have no outriders or scouts... although we did notice little grey creatures scuttling around, but they paid us no heed, instead were poking each other in the eyes and generally make squeally noises.
It was also easy to see where the ogres were heading, the village of Haffenburg, where I also stored most of my gear... And to my great surprise, an imperial army had mustered on the edges of the village! Sigmar be blessed! Maybe my things will be saved afterall...
* * * * *

Centering around Thom, Lord Kasfield's inner circle knights formed up, waiting for Lord Kasfield to arrive. Lord Kasfield was leaving the army centre to his second in command, a pyromancer. "Was this wise?" young Thom wondered, but he dispelled any negative thoughts, for these were greater heroes than he, and he knew that his liege lord would do all in his power for the good of the Empire.
Thom could see Lord Kasfield galloping on his charger up the slope where the knights were gathered. He was clad in simple platemail armour, for he was a simple man. Although he had land to his name, he was more a warrior at heart, and a warrior always appreciated the simple things. Simple plate would ward off blows better without the fancy laticework that other lords would wear; lighter and won't be snagged by enemy weapons. A simple steel blade would work better than one with a fancy hilt; keener and sharper. Yes he liked simple things, but it did not reflect a man of slow wit.
"How goes the battle line, sir?" young Thom queried when Kasfield arrived.
"It should hold till we arrive on the flanks, it has to. We're the only thing standing between the ogres and the villagefolk." Kasfield replied.
"Villagers would have fled by now. We're fighting over an empty village." Thom retorted.
Kasfield turned suddenly to look at Thom, staring intently at the young bannerman, making him squirm... slowly Kasfield softened his gaze. "Is that what I've taught you?"
"Then form up with the others, we must ride now, and bring swift vengeance to the enemies of the Empire."
The Knights of the Inner Circle were veterans of many campaigns and Kasfield needed no rally talks to urge them forward. Silently as one, the knights galloped down the slope toward the enemy and to meet death in the eye and defeat it. No one spoke a word, and the only sound was the thundering of hooves and the clattering of platemail...
* * * * *
Hiding behind a rock, Marko and I could see most of the action, easier for me to take notes. As the ogres ran headlong towards the Imperial line, totally unhiding their intent and eagerness to close the distance between the two armies. The imperial gunners seem to be unnerved by the speed in which the ogres are approaching and they seem to miss their cannon shots...
The ogres have a wierd contraption crewed by the little grey creatures we saw earlier. It looks like a catapult of some sorts and it has been pummelling the poor empire infantry blocks with broken swords, forks and all manner of sharp things. The dying screams of the soldiers, as they're skewered by the detritus is rather unnerving...
* * * * *
Thom clutched at his banner hard with his left hand, bracing it within the holster slung across his shoulders. With his free hand he lowered his lance. Through his visor, he could only see a sliver of dark tanned ogre flesh, and it was there he aimed. He could feel the impact of the lance as his weapon tore into flesh; he could hear the lance snap in two, and feel the shuddering of his shoulder as the two forces collided. Instinctively, he dropped the broken weapon and drew his cavalry sabre. He could see Sir Rudi Voellor get smacked full in the chest by a crude great weapon of the armoured ogres, slamming Rudi off his horse, his breastplate was a crumpled mess. He would just hack away, left then right, he could see red blood streaming off the edges of his sabre, whether it was ogre or human blood, he did not know, nor care.
Suddenly, the ogres were turning away. One by one, the ugly monsters were turning to run! Filled with elation, young Thom raised his banner high, the charge had broken the enemy flank. Lord Kasfield's trick had worked.
* * * * *
From my vantage point I could see how the armies were faring. This is the first time I see an ogre army at work and I could witness the coldblooded brutality and efficiency of the ogres as they hit the centre of the empire line hard. There's a really large and ugly ogre clad in heavy armour leading the charge, henceforth I shall term this ogre as a tyrant. He and his ogres smash into the knights of Ulric with glee, tearing great chunks of flesh from human and horse alike; gorging themselves with the raw meat, elated in the slaughter... in the meantime the catapult contraption keeps punishing the poor infantry, suddenly the men break formation as I think they had enough of having forks and dinner knives flung in their direction.
It's not all bad news though, as the knights make short work of a big band of ogres on the imperial left flank. But I think it's too late for them to come back...
Looks like I'll have to find new gear... sigh.
* * * * *
Thom and the Inner Circle Knights wheeled their horses around to see that their once proud army was gone. The ogres were already in the village. Thom could see plumes of smoke rising from the village and great bands of ogres feasting on the meat of the fallen.
Lord Kasfield rode up to him. "It seems we were too late."
Thom looked at him, did he notice a little tinge of remorse? If so, Kasfield masked it well. "Yes sir, it seems so."
Lord Kasfield looked yonder at the smoke rising like grey angry locusts eating away the whitewashed walls of Haffenburg. "It would have been perfect."
"Yes sir, it would have."
* * * * *
Marko has decided that we retire and find a place to camp in the wilds. I was so hoping for a warm bath, but the only bath now in Haffenburg would be in a cauldron. As we turn to leave, we hear a great bellowing... "Brutan Brutan Brutan..."
Maybe I've got a name for that big ugly brute...
It's Junx's Birthday
Hi lovelies,
It's our beloved junx's 3425th birthday come the 1st of september (he is a tomb king afterall).
I suggested giving him a canopic jar or more minions to command but... his object of choice is none other than a new pair of Teva Sandals, to match his contemporary tomb king garb. You see, the tomb kings (very much like the ancient egyptians) have an ongoing fad for sandals for it allows them to shake sand loose easily. As you know, sand gets anywhere, everywhere. You can ask the poor soldiers of the Afrikakorps.
Nonetheless, being a poor ogre who deals only in food, i need to go around to collect those shiny coins from you all. Or I'll duff you then eat you. Hur hur hur.
Okay, if we can all contribute about $30 bucks each, we should be able to buy him a pair of sandals instead of just the box.
Sean being a student can wave his dispel 'wish list' scroll and ignore this post.
hur hur hur.
the horned rat.
It's our beloved junx's 3425th birthday come the 1st of september (he is a tomb king afterall).
I suggested giving him a canopic jar or more minions to command but... his object of choice is none other than a new pair of Teva Sandals, to match his contemporary tomb king garb. You see, the tomb kings (very much like the ancient egyptians) have an ongoing fad for sandals for it allows them to shake sand loose easily. As you know, sand gets anywhere, everywhere. You can ask the poor soldiers of the Afrikakorps.
Nonetheless, being a poor ogre who deals only in food, i need to go around to collect those shiny coins from you all. Or I'll duff you then eat you. Hur hur hur.
Okay, if we can all contribute about $30 bucks each, we should be able to buy him a pair of sandals instead of just the box.
Sean being a student can wave his dispel 'wish list' scroll and ignore this post.
hur hur hur.
the horned rat.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Vox Caster is operational
+++ Priority: Gamma
+Security code: alpha
+++message begins+++
hi there citizens!
behold the new 'vox caster'.
the imperium's new tool.
the new place to put silly things about warhammer and warhammer 40K.
if you like you can put pictures, stories, rules or just to plain communicate.
if not you can just read.
if not you can purge this page from your favourites.
i'm going to go undercoat my new ogres.
i hope to put up crap about my ogres soon.
Junx: I've just revamped my ogre list... hur hur hur.
the horned rat.
+++ message ends+++
+Security code: alpha
+++message begins+++
hi there citizens!
behold the new 'vox caster'.
the imperium's new tool.
the new place to put silly things about warhammer and warhammer 40K.
if you like you can put pictures, stories, rules or just to plain communicate.
if not you can just read.
if not you can purge this page from your favourites.
i'm going to go undercoat my new ogres.
i hope to put up crap about my ogres soon.
Junx: I've just revamped my ogre list... hur hur hur.
the horned rat.
+++ message ends+++
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