The Ork boy had been running for ages now. And all around him the ovver boyz were also running headlong toward the tellyporta thingee... The mob had scant regard for cover, for overhead he could see the faint green shimmering of power generated by Morzmak's kustom shield generator, which was blocking out most of the enemy firepower.
To prove the point, he could see a dark green space marine boy launch a bright yellow fire ball at them. And the boyz instinctively crouched low to brace for impact, only to hear a dull thud as the fireball smashed against the shield. The Ork boy looked around cautiously, "heh, only Guzzla and Drunklik copped it..." And the boyz started running again...
The Ork boy could see the tellyporta thingee now, and at the head of the mob he could also the Warboss Gitflinga yelling at them to 'urry up. The humies were smart and they didn't leave the tellyporta thingee undefended. He could see a bunch of silver space marine boys with nasty looking halberds...
this was going to be fun... and he quickened his pace.
Blasting his slugga pointblank at the silver space marine, he could feel the humie's blood splatter against his skin as his slugga rounds punched through the helmet of the space marine. A quick glance around revealed the ovver boyz slaughtering the space marine boys... and he could see Warboss Gitflinga march up the sides of the ruined bunker that housed the tellyporta thingee...
* * * * *
"Strike from the sky, brothers," was the order that crackled through his helmet. His vision slit display showing his landing point, a red cross flashing...
As one, the assault marines launched into the sky...
* * * * *
A resounding crack echoed across the battlefield... growing louder in volume and intensity, like a rolling thunder... The Ork boy raised his head to see what it was, only to see a rain of flashing lights. Looking at it, he was bewildered; for he knew it was deadly but he had to admit it was quite a beautiful sight, like shooting starz or fireworkz... He grinned cheekily as he could still see the faint shimmering green force field.
The first of the whirlwind shells smashed into the force field and thudded dully against it, the shield holding, but as more and more shells landed, the shield started to fail. The shells punching through the thin layer of defense, the backpacked borne ork machine did not have enough power to rebound the raw power of the space marine shells....
The Ork boy was horrified to see the shells land all around him, his fellow boyz thrown into the air like broken toys... suddenly he could feel himself being flung into the air too....
* * * * *
The Ork boy awoke, his body covered in a layer of dust and debris. He didn't move straight away, as if waiting he was waiting for the pain from any missing body parts to register.... after a bit, he picked himself up and grinned happily as he realised he had escaped the blast unharmed!
With a thud, the space marines landed as one... Angels of retribution, the ground shaking as they hit the ground. The buzzing of their chainswords, their litanies of hate.....
Picking up his choppa, the Ork boy rejoined his Warboss, as the last wave of marines crashed into their lines...