Dienekes fought in the Secret Wars of Arjuta and was instrumental in capturing the renegade Praetor Ilirium, effectively breaking the back of the rebellion. He subsequently saw much action against the Orks of Waaagh Grognar Trakka and has become an experienced and outstanding warrior. He moved quickly up the ranks of the Chapter and young as he is (by the standards of the Astartes, that is) , he now leads the 1st Squad of the 1st Company of the Nightwatch.
Recent Ork activity in the Jarsonia sector indicates an imminent Waaagh and Sergeant Dienekes will be called upon once again to head off this age old enemy of Mankind...
I like the road basing you got on your models, very different.
It's cool how you're approaching your model painting with a very fluffy direction. very cool...
Oh my god.. is that a Grey knight or a Terminator ??
Want to buy my Grey Knight Terminators?? ;)
It's really nice, although the scythe looks a bit out.. I think it's the orientation of the blade...
thanks for the comments guys ;)
GK termis? Name your price! SMS me lah...
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