After much consideration and deliberation...

Andy and I are planning to jump into the Battle of Black Reach box set...
The box will give us loads of models for our armies. and also the small 40k rules booklet.
So with just the odd dollars left in my wallet... the question is.... what do i buy?
Do i buy... nominee number 1: Loota Boyz!!! Loads of shooting action for my new ork koncept...
or nominee number 2: An Ork Trukk to reinforce my current rush 'em koncept...

or nominee number 3: A Big Mek with a ...ooh... Shokk Attack Gun...
Or Nominee number 4: A Corpse Cart... haha... time to stop using beastmen chariot proxies...
And the last nominee is: A ten of the really cool skeleton warriors... although it would make my old skeletons kinda obsolete...
So guys! post your comments!
I'd say go for:
1.) Trukk
2.) Big Mek
3.) Corpse Cart
4.) Lootas
5.) Skeletons
They're all nice models, so I won't use that as a reason.
I thought Trukk coz well it ties in with what you got immediately, pretty much plug and play.
Big Mek ranks a close second coz a character model is quite quick to do up and not so much time commitment to make yourself feel good that something is done.
Corpse Cart comes next coz it's new and I know you love your VC. Why Orks came before that is coz you got tons of VC but your Ork army seems to need bulking up in terms of numbers.
Lootas next... if it's just 5 models... can you form a credible squad with them?
Skeletons last coz you have the old ones already and they're done! It's a slippery slope, this skeleton purchase...
okay, there you have it coach! ;)
Thanks for the comments.
It looks like I've got two votes for the trukk so far...
Loota Boyz!!!
For pure carnage :
1) Trukzz
2) Lootas
3) Corpse Cart
For Pure fun AND Carnage:
1) BIg Mek!!
2) Trukz
3) Lootas
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