Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Alighieri's Inferno
Alighieri could feel the cold chill of fear grip his heart. He had left his men once before, and he had resolved not to leave his men in the lurch ever again. But now with the screams thundering in his ears, and the horrific sight of flesh sloughing of bones, he could not hold his nerves anymore.
And again he fled. Leaving his white lion bodyguards to their fates...
Hiding in the woods, Alighieri could hear the crashing of something big thundering its way. The noise was getting nearer... Rooted to the spot, he could now see the ugliest thing in the world. A monsterous creature that defied a name. Part rat, part mounds of flesh, part machine...
* * *
Rattus Ratt heard a blood curdling scream, sending his fur standing on end..
Yes yes, he thought. The Clan Moulder abomination has found the cowardly elven mage...
He would sleep well tonight...
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Underempire Expands...
Led by the highly fantastic Mr. Rattus Ratt, Clan Ratt has wreaked havoc on all races living above...
First it was the daemons, at the Battle of the North Gates, in the icy north of the Empire. The Daemon infestation blocked the tunnel entrance leading from Skavenblight to the northern parts of the Empire. With Clan Ratt defeating the daemons, they opened up the path leading through to the Empire.
Then they attacked the High Elven host camping nearby, the elves were actually on maneuvers to contain the chao incursion, but were soon set upon by the chittering hordes of rats. Caught by the ferocity and surprise of the attack, the Archmage leading had to flee the battle, leaving his men to a certain gruesome death...
Detaching a portion of his forces to the coast, Rattus Ratt ordered his rats to attacked a Dark Elven raider encampment stationed there. Called Port Cruel by the dark elven pirates, they would use the port as a base of operations to raid the northern coastal towns and cities of the empire. It was a secret base, nestled in the forest and hills nearby, the dark elves had kept this place fairly secret and have avoided detection by the Imperial Navy... but nothing is too secret for the agents of Clan Eshin.
Seizing it would allow the skaven a 'ready-made' secret hideout... though the rats hate water.
The dark elves, however put up a staunch resistance and the elves fought off the rats to a draw, managing to keep control of Port Cruel. The large numbers of witch elves in Port Cruel, probably signifies something even more sinister in the brewing...
Despite the minor irritation of not capturing Port Cruel, the main bulk of Clan Ratt had already moved south from the North Gate into the Empire. Keeping close in the shadows of the mountains, the rats swept south ravaging several small hamlets along the way... only to see a Waaagh of orcs sweeping down the mountains with the same intention of pillaging the same hamlets that the Skaven were eyeing... It so happened that in the vicinity, there was an Acropolis of Heroes nestled in the foot of the mountains. Pilgrims would place items of worship and food at this holy place. And it would be the site of the next battle...
Not expecting a fight, the Skaven army's hastily assembled troops initially crumbled under the weight of the Orc attack... With one flank crushed, Rattus Ratt ordered a daring counterattack move on the main orc regiments. Ignoring the oncoming orcs (and giant! gulp) approaching his flank, the clanrat and stormvermin units rolled up the flanks of the main orc units...
In the frantic midst of the chaotic battle, the troopers stopped to witness the two generals locked in a bitter challenge... Using his prenatural quick quick rat instincts, Rattus Ratt struck first. Plunging his Blade of Corruption into the bowels of the Black Orc Warboss. The poison spread fast, and the Warboss was slain in a single round...
With the slaying of their general, the orc resolve crumbled... and the rats slinked off the battlefield to chalk another victory, leaving the rampaging giant behind...
The star over Clan Ratt is shining bright...
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Hunt for the Fallen - Campaign Structure
Game Type: 40k Custom Mission
A Night Watch Patrol getting too close to the Dark Angels' theater of operations. The Dark Angels set up an ambush to buy time for their task force to complete the capture and extraction of the mysterious Fallen.
Force Organization: Dark Angels - 1200 points, Night Watch 600 points
Mission Objective: Dark Angels - Destroy all Night Watch units. Night Watch - Get to comms link objective marker, alert Strike Cruiser 'Artemis' of the betrayal (takes 1 full uninterrupted turn of having one model in contact with comms link).
Game 2:
Game 1 Dark Angels Victory: The Dark Angels carry the momentum of their surprise attack to sieze an important forward base belonging to the Night Watch.
Game Type: 40k Capture and Control
Force Org: Dark Angels 1500 points, Night Watch 1000 points
Mission Objective: See Rulebook Capture and Control Mission.
Game 1 Night Watch Victory:
The Night Watch sends a 2nd strike cruiser, the 'Apollo', to Styx to reinforce their besieged brethren. The remaining elements of the 5th company as well as several units of veterans are on board. The Dark Angels ships in the blockade of Styx move to intercept the 'Apollo' and prevent the link-up between the 2 forces.
Game Type: BFG Custom Mission (Run the Gauntlet)
Force Org: Dark Angels - 1000 points. Night Watch - 1 strike cruiser
Mission Objective: Dark Angels - Destroy or Disable Night Watch Strike Cruiser 'Apollo'. Night Watch - Deploy on one short table edge. Reach opposite short table edge.
Special rules: Dark Angel player has to roll a 4+ for each ship to come on board on his 1st turn. Ships can come on board from any table edge at any point on that table edge. Any remaining ships may attempt to come on board on roll of 3+ in 2nd turn. Any remaining ships that have not come on board may attempt to do so in turn 3 on a roll of 2+. All remaining ships that have yet to come on board automatically do so in turn 4.
Game 3:
Game Type: 40k Planetstrike
Dark Angels Game 2 Victory: Dark Angels attack the troublesome Night Watch's main base of operations in an effort to destroy any potential witnesses of the Fallen.
Night Watch Game 2 Victory: The Night Watch makes planetfall to push the Dark Angels back and discover the reason for their treachery.
Force Org: Attacker 2000 points, Defender 1500 points
Game 2 Dark Angels Victory - Dark Angels Attacker, Night Watch Defender.
Game 2 Night Watch Victory - Night Watch Attacker, Dark Angels Defender
Mission Objective: Annihilation!
Game 4:
Game Type: 40k Cityfight Custom Mission
Dark Angels Game 3 Victory:
The Dark Angels move in to capture the 3 Fallen Angels.
DA player - 1000 points. NW player - 3 chaos lords
Night Watch Game 3 Victory:
The Night Watch moves in to capture the mysterious chaos-tainted leaders who caused the downfall of Styx.
NW player - 1000 points. DA player - 3 chaos lords
(Not too familiar with Planetstrike or Cityfight or BFG for that matter. Suggestions for modding welcome...)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Subject "X"
Task force Micha-EL, your orders are clear. Retrieval of subject X is top priority.
Use of extreme force has been sanctioned.
Bless your bolters.
Combat pattern Alpha 30 approved. Planet-fall code seven two two.
Into the darkness you shall walk. Your will is free, direct and whole, and it would be wrong not to do as it demands; and by that we charge you with this duty.
The Lion is with you.
+++End transmission+++
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Hunt for the Fallen
With his Chapter Master's blessing, Brontes set the 'Artemis' on course for Styx, leaving instructions for the rest of his battle company on Silence, their home world, to follow as soon as they had armed for war.
Unbeknownst to the Night Watch, the Dark Angels had also picked up the distress call. Unlike the Night Watch, the Dark Angels had a better idea as to who had engineered the fall of Styx. To let the Night Watch, with its close links to the Grey Knights of the Ordo Malleus, uncover their terrible secret would be a catastrophe. An armada with the Dark Angels' finest on board leaves the Rock, hell bent on protecting the secret they had kept for eons...
Campaign Players:
Andy v Dylan
Space Marines v Dark Angels
Night Watch: The Night Watch is one of the Astartes Praeses, a group of 20 Chapters whose sole purpose is to guard the Eye of Terror. The Astartes Praeses are founded on the geneseeds of the Primarchs who did not fall to Chaos during the Horus Heresy. The Night Watch has maintained close links with the Grey Knights on Titan since their inception for reasons unknown, and the Grey Knights in turn, have a small but permanent detachment on the Night Watch's homeworld, Silence. In the 13th Black Crusade, the Night Watch fielded 11 companies against the forces of Chaos, making many suspect that they do not adhere strictly to the Index Astartes. However, unknown to all but themselves, the '11th company' was actually an entire company of the fearsome Grey Knights, sent to aid the Night Watch in their fight against the daemonic hordes tearing out from the Eye of Terror.
Dark Angels: The Dark Angels are considered among the most powerful and secretive of the loyalist Space Marine Chapters. Though they claim complete allegiance and service to the Emperor of Man, their actions and secret goals at times seem at odds with that professed loyalty, as the Dark Angels strive ever to atone for a secret crime committed long ago in the time of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Khorne Victorious!
The presence of so many daemons had turned the landscape to waste, ice and snow swirling to the barren ground. The winds screeched their tortured cries, echoing the howls of the Flesh Hounds gorging themselves on the pitiful remnants of the White Lions. Behind the servants of Khorne, the multitude of foul creatures marched relentlessly forward. Now that all forseeable opposition had been crushed underfoot, the daemons could fulfil their purpose here on Ulthuan.
Skarbrand leapt over the dead bodies surrounding him and strode purposefully towards the cave on the side of the mountain. The remaining daemons formed a protective ring around the entrance and waited. Soon enough, Skarbrand emerged from the cave and held up a man-size egg in his hand. As he held it up, it began to glow red, its intensity increasing until it became a fiery orange. With that, Skarbrand roared, and the daemons began marching back into the portal from whence they had come. Now that the creature of the End Times had been claimed, they would await in the Realm of Chaos until their master called upon them once again for the final battle, when the elves would be all but gone and the strength of Man had been spent. For now, the dragon would be borne back to Khorne's brass citadel, and under the aegis of the God of War himself, this foul abomination will wreak havoc in the world for many ages to come, verily, until the end of the world...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Warmaster Updated
Thought i'd update the Warmaster lists to include all the games we played today...
So that'll be...
BFG: Jason vs Junx
BFG: Dylan vs Rom
Fantasy: Andy vs Jason
BFG: Junx vs Rom
Alright! it was quite a relaxed fun day, so hopefully we'll squeeze some more game time in...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Last Dispatch
Yet our hearts will harbour no despair.
The numberless enemy approaches.
Yet we will face them with elven steel in our hands.
Serrulin and his reavers have been sent across Ulthuan, with word of our demise.
Yet with their departure, also diminishes our numbers even more.
Time is of essence, I pray it won't be long before the entire elven nation rises to fight this threat.
We will buy the time with our lives.
~last dispatch by Sentinel Tinothien of the 1st Tor Annoc Spear Regiment.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Cities of Death
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Red Eye (Khorne Ascendant)
As the winds of Chaos shifted again, the Throne of Skulls shook with the power that surged through it. Khorne's baleful eyes flared red and he bellowed a name... the name of the Fallen, the Disfavored, the Crazed, the Wingless. From the Blood God's Realm, a spirit of pure rage moved, moved to the portal from which the multitudes of daemons poured into the world.
On the defiled land of Tor Annon, a red-black hoof stepped through the malevolent tear in reality. It's first step burned the ground, and the trees and rocks screamed their despair to their guardian elves, now few in number and mustering at a point further from the battle that the vanguard of the relief force had just retreated from.
The titanic Greater Daemon strode to the head of the assembled army. The daemon horde had finally completed its crossing. Then, the Bloodthirster roared, roared the eternity of rage, all the tearing, gouging, shredding of all time past, present and future. The gathered daemons raised the call, the call for blood... Blood for the Blood God!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
After its successful refit at Port Zion, Daimyo I was ordered to patrol the vicinity of 623DE and rejoin The Ronin.
En route to the vicinity, Daimyo I picked up a positive contact and proceeded to investigate.
Capt Sakai of Daimyo I ordered his psykers to call for reinforcements when the positive contact turned out to be naval vessels of the Imperium, which included a Overlord BattleCruiser.
Outgunned and surprised, Capt Sakai fended off the vessels until reinforcements arrived but not before taking torpedo hits that damaged its shield generators.
Daimyo I was joined by its sister ship, Daimyo II and the Slaughter Class, Kamikaze GO, with its 3 Idolator escorts.
Despite constant hailing for The Ronin, Fleet Captain Saburo was unable to fix on to the the coordinates of the engagement. The ongoing Warp Rift seems to be the cause of frequency breakdown. Captain Sakai of Daimyo I put himself and his fleet on an aggressive course and moved in to engage despite being outnumbered and outgunned.
In the ensuing engagement, the Republican fleet managed to cripple the Imperial Battlecruiser Enterprise. Daimyo II also managed to destroy the Yorktown. However, The Republican fleet lost the Kamikaze GO and all its Idolator escorts as they screamed in to help the embattled Daimyo I.
Daimyo I put up a fierce resistance and managed to take out at least 3 Imperial escort vessals before disengaging due to multiple torpedo hits.
It is clear that the Imperium has finally detected a breach in the Rift and have sent its Navy to quell the Republic.
The Republican Navy is on high alert and will continue to defend its independence from the Imperium.
The absence of The Ronin was sorely felt as Imperial bombers had free rein to engage the republican fleet. Thetorpedo salvoes of the Imperium also proved deadly especially witout fighter cover.
Republican fleet is advised to ensure that carrier vessels be present during any engagement and for future fleets to disengage if no cover is available.
The Free Republic
0054st Arrived in S 544DE. 1st Katana Sqdn & 54th Hayabusa Sqdn in attendance.
Commence patrol.
Warp Rift energy signature negligible at 0.074Kn. Situation Normal.
1330st Patrol en route to assembly point, Naval Order 1010891-AP002 at S545DE.
2355st Arrived S545DE. Carnage class cruisers, Daimyo I & Daimyo II at assembly point.
Captain Sakai aboard Daimyo I report situation normal at S548DE and ready to proceed for patrol sweep of S546DE.
0004st Fleet ordered to prepare for warp jump.
0019st Warp Jump. Patrol en route to sector 546DE.
0256st Arrived S546DE. Daimyo I, Daimyo II, 1st Katana Sqdn & 54th Hayabusa Sqdn in attendance.
54th Hayabusa Sqdn report loss of 2 escort vessels during warp jump. May their souls be saved.
Situation Normal.
0430st 1st Officer informed of accumulation of anomalous energy signature in sector 546DE.
0431st Request Fleet Admiral Miyamoto to engage any unidentified vessels.
0543st 2nd Officer report increase in anomalous energy signature. Fleet and flight decks ordered on general alert.
0550st 1st Katana Sqdn request permission to perform reconnaissance of affected area.
Request granted.
0655st Request for naval engagement granted from Fleet Admiral Miyamoto.
Launching Doomwing fighter squadrons for close air support.
Request report from 1st Katana Sqdn.
0701st 1st Katana Sqdn report source of anomalous energy signature found to be a warp rift.
Possible unidentified vessels in vicinity. Request immediate fleet support.
Request Granted.
Fleet en routefor rendezvous with 1st Katana Sqdn at navpoint D2.
0805st Fleet arrived at navpoint D2. Warp rift signature registered at 15.56Kn.
0819st The Ronin bridge registers spike in anomalous energy signature coming out of warp rift. Contact eminent. Fleet on red alert. Prepare to engage.
0830st Unidentified Eldar cruiser with 12 escorts registered on fleet sensors.
Eldar vessels fail to respond to general hailing on all communication channels.
Scramble Doomwing fighter squadrons!!!
All fleet vessels. Engage! Engage! Engage!
For the Republic!
Lord Admiral Miyamoto,
I am pleased to inform you that the threat posed by the unidentified Eldar raiders in sector 546DE has been nullified with a resounding victory.
4 Iconoclast Escorts 54th Hayabusa Sqdn *2 vessels lost in warp jump
2 Idolator Escorts 1st Katana Sqdn 1 kill(escort)
Daimyo I lightly damaged from lance and torpedo hit from unidentified Eldar cruiser.
Request for immediate return to Port Zion for Fleet repair and rearm.
Daimyo I 4 kills(escort) Recommend Capt Sakai for Order of the Lion 2nd Class
Daimyo II 3 kills(escort)
1st Katana Sqdn 1 kill(escort)
Tactical Notes
Eldar vessels are fast, stealthy and extremely maneuverable due to their sunsail mode of propulsion. Future fleet patrols advised to operate solar sensors at full capacity to identify elder incursions. Courage of crewmen from the Katana sqdn must be commended.
Iconoclast escorts proved obsolete. Request permission to accelerate rate of Idolator production on all industrial communes.
However, Eldar vessels proved to be extremely vulnerable to massed gun batteries, 7 kills to the Carnage Class Daimyos are a good example of this. Ranged firepower proved effective as they received close air support from The Ronin.
So far, no sight of an Eldar carrier abounds. Fleet advised to continue on High Red Alert.
Fleet to resume patrol after rearm and refit.
Glory to the Republic!
Fleet Capt Saburo
Order of the Lion 1st Class
The Ronin
Monday, September 28, 2009
Warmaster Update 2
I've updated the Warmaster league table again to reflect the recent BFG games.
Okay, let's get fighting!
Oh, Andy and I are playing Warhammer on Friday, at my place. We're playing our Invasion of Ulthuan campaign. Anyone coming? If we can get another pair of players, we can shift over to Junx's place (if Junx is agreeable, of course).
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Warmaster update.
I've updated the Warmaster league to reflect yesterday's games...
Do you want to add BFG into the league as well? Then we can include Rom?
Oh andy, how come can only see the top 4 rows in the league table...
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Deathly Shade
He could feel the soft warmth of Sylvannian soil...
The smell of scented oils that lined his wooden coffin permeated his senses...
With the return of his senses also marks the return of his sentience...
And the bitter taste of defeat. And the choking sensation of anger...
He will have his revenge. And time is on his side....
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Pain of Victory
Brave elves that will not see ULTHUAN again. For every elve that falls, a crimson tear is shed.
For every Ork that fall, 3 rush in to take its place.
What is the life of an Ork compared to that of the Asur?
The cost too great to bear, and yet failure too heavy a burden to endure.
We are losing our place in this world, the tragic fates of the Old races are drawing to a close.
It is the time of Man, or of the Ork. Whichever will prevail......
In Caledor, the Dragons stir......
Saturday, September 12, 2009
New Developments with Jason
Next up is the HMS Repulse. Did the most work on this so far. It's quite enjoyable and quite a different experience. The colours are not 'exactly' the same as the tamiya ones I guess... sorry rom... I was adapting with GW paints instead... Still hopefully, it's up to snuff.
Monday, September 07, 2009
New Developments with Junx
We are all prepped to play PlanetStrike now. I've made and (almost) completed 1 Bastion.
The other stuff should arrive by this week. So by the next time we play, we should be able to play Planetstrike.
For your info, I lost terribly last week in Space Hulk, primarily because of insane rolls with Dylan and Jason.
Anyways, Rom is coming over for BFG one of the weekdays. I'll try to do up some blast markers.
As you can see, I have my days full building terrain in my favourite colour : GREY!
Basically, my upcoming projects after PlanetStrike is to finish up my Eldar Army.
Let's rumble!!!
Thursday, September 03, 2009
The September Painting Challenge!
After many a debate between my left and right hemisphere of my brain; here's what i plan to do for September. So i'm proud to present my september painting challenge... in no particular order...
1. Shahrom's battle cruiser, the Repulse.
2. 1 imperial bastion or cityfight building (junx, you get to choose).
3. 1 high elf mage.
Yeah, that way, we get a bit of everything, and everyone is pleased...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Citizen Levy!
After a frenzied session of painting, the RBT with crew is finally done, in time for the August deadline of the painting challenge. With the results shown in the pictures.
Well, although the primary objective of the RBT is achieved, I didn't manage to complete the secondary objective of assembling the Chaos Marines.
Hmmm... Let me mull over things before i decide on September's painting challenge!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Nurgle Ascendant...
Festermould squeezed himself out of the still-growing portal and stretched his thick scabarous arms. It felt good to be in the world again! He chuckled when he caught sight of the broken bits of a still glittering chariot, a single eye blinking in pain. He leaned over, chuckling in satisfaction. The plan had worked! The Dark Prince's most adept spy had been 'inconvenienced' and the God of Pleasure now lost the means to scry which thread of reality contained their true goal. Father Nurgle would be pleased!
Looking up, Festermould watched his favorite Herald Spittleboil hack the wings off the youngling dragon as it spasmed in its death throes. Slightly further afield, the remnants of the screaming spearelves were being overwhelmed by the Servants of Change writhing in their flashing, lurid colors. Chortling, Festermould turned back to the portal.
Out of the nascent tear in reality, an uncountable multitude of daemons were disgorging, leaping and carvorting with delight onto the fields of Ulthuan. Festermould shuddered with pride, and nurglings popped out from his thick diseased skin. Things were as they should be!
Then, a rumbling deep in his belly interrupted Festermould's train of thought. When Father Nurgle's brief warning had become but an echo, Festermould whipped his head around and squinted into the distance. The blasted elves did indeed move fast! Already, a relief force was on its way, heading in the direction of the portal. The full host of daemons had yet to assemble and he could not afford any setbacks at this stage. Snarling, Festermould bellowed at the daemon horde and a portion of the creatures that had already arrived peeled away and begain marching in the direction of the oncoming enemy. Festermould himself hefted his weapons of war and slid ponderously down the hill towards the already-visible glitter of massed elven armor...
Monday, August 24, 2009
Planetary Attack Imminent
Warp Jump Entry detected in Bright Hill System. Classified Dark Angels Battlebarge....
Msg: Prep Skyshield for imminent Drop pod landing..
Shrine of Aquila under heavy Bombardment from Tyranid Assault... Emperor Preserve Us!!!
Imperial Bastion in District 9 under heavy Carnifex attack ...They are everywhere!!!
Suntec Area : Drop pod sighted with Vanguard Assault Squad as escort - Designation Ultramarines.
+++ M41 2009 24.08 ++++
Friday, August 21, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Space Hulk
Space Hulk is released in september. Apparently its for a limited time only...
I tried posting photos, but i can't seem to upload. You can see more on the GW Website.
The models are quite cool. Mainly the terminators, very ornate, very nice.
It's expensive though. Comes in at a hefty 58 pounds... a bit pricey for me.
Though... it looks like fun.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Death of the Dragon
* * * *
This fight was a tough one. And I must admit was a hard loss to swallow...
I guess the biggest mistake i made was one that was right from the start. My army selection.
To choose mainly elite units
from an elite army was just a recipe for disaster.
My army in the end was small and lacked the mobility to deal with the daemons. And didn't have the punch, nor the resilience...
Which brings me to the next point... my dragon mage... I guess it was the same situation too. It was neither a close combat monster, nor did it dominate the magic phase...
So in the end, my whole army was stunted. It did not have the ability to attack well, nor did it defend well when it was attacked.
Conversely, Andy's army had a plan. He had a powerful magic phase and his other half of his army was able to defend his battleline well.
Well, the campaign hangs in the balance... we'll see if the high elves can claw back a victory next!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
+++Incident at Icarus V
Fire wreathed the entire length of the ship, burning the life out of the carrier. Bits of debris broke off from the ship, and Romulus could see small life pods ejecting away from the broken hull...
No, he thought, he could not afford to be sentimental. He could see that the three imperial cruisers were trying to come round on his aft and that would prove devastating to his remaining two ships. He had to decide now. He could fight on, and face utter anhillation or he could suffer that blow to his pride and allow the Imperial lackeys command of the sector.
He had to decide now...
* * * *
Admiral Dylanthus steered his Dominator class cruiser toward the direction of the second chaos ship. There was no time to celebrate the destruction chaos cruiser, he had sights on the second chaos cruiser instead...
Damn! He's good, he cursed under his breath as he saw the chaos cruiser slip past across the prow of his ship. A bold move that he didn't anticipate that his adversary would even contemplate, much less execute. It would allow the more agile chaos ships to escape, leaving the lumbering imperial ships in their wake. But the chaos cruisers risked being torpedoed at short range...
A glance down on his weapons panel showed him that his torpedo tubes were empty...
Looking up, he could see the thrusters of the chaos cruisers light up like little miniature suns... and soon the chaos ships were gone...
Saturday, August 08, 2009
August Painting Challenge!
1.) Paint up 2 Cityfight buildings
2.) Assemble 10 chaos space marines (recent renegade traitors) - Black Legionnaires
3.) Assemble 1 CSM rhino
3.) Paint Great Unclean One
4.) Paint 1 SM Assault Terminator
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
The Andy and Jason Painting Challenge
At the start of every month, we would just inform each other what we intended to paint up for the remainder of the month. Then we try to finish up what we promised during the stipulated time. During this rather gruelling period of frenzied painting, there is the usual 'pat on the back', cajoulling, griping...
So now i extend the painting challenge to everyone on this blog. You don't have to paint, your challenge can be to build up your models, or fix up terrain, or write a story/campaign... So everyone can join in.
What we'll do is... we will show off our results at the end of the month and to also set new challenges...
So for example, last month my painting challenge was to finish up my lion chariot, which i (ahem) quite proudly finished as you can see in my previous post. And now, my challenge for August is to paint up my second RBT.
There! It's out there, i've thrown the gauntlet... Hopefully by the end of this month, i'll be able to post up pictures of my new RBT!
Right, so guys and go find your paint brush/cutters/glue/pen/keyboard!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
The Eye of Slannesh
The pitter-patter of impossibly quick feet cut across his pox-filled visions of grandeur and Festermould frowned irritably. As he turned a baleful glare to the unwelcome interruption, a sultry voice that slid across his mind like the claws of a vulture addressed him.
"Ahhh, a party, Grs'fkntrghrakshah? And in Ulthuan, no less?"
Festermould bristled at the undisguised insolence. Still, the Eye of Slannesh was the eminent emissary of Slannesh, and in the Great Game, one could not afford to offend anyone under the auspices of a greater power.
"Do not worry yourself overmuch. My master sends me to assist your cause , O corpulent one," the slithering voice continued. "Send me where I am needed, and I will aid you to the best of my abilities."
Festermould bit off a retort as a thought struck him. A slow grin spread across his face as he pointed his bloated finger to the sliver of the portal that the vanguard had just passed through.
The Eye of Slannesh barely nodded and sped off towards the gleaming yellow light. Festermould watched him as he quickly became but a speck in the distance. This one would need watching, he mused...
1500 points
High Elves vs Daemons
Campaign Game 1
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lion Chariot
Monday, July 20, 2009
As his minion turned and waddled away, Nurgle stared into the grate through which he poured poxes into the world and fixed his eye on Ulthuan, the land of the elves. What Slannesh sought and lost was now his to acquire...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The Fall of the Asur
The warrior was a veteran of a hundred battles and was weary of the ways of war. Yet his people needed him and the Phoenix King, wise as he was, knew of the weariness in old Saer-Lanth's heart and conferred the post of garrison commander at this rather remote outpost on him... Here Saer-Lanth enjoyed training the younger warriors in the ways of war, and his mulled elven wines in the quiet evenings...
The outpost, was recently joined by a young mage, Yvren. Yvren was sent to the far flung reaches of Ulthuan to temper her impulsive edge that haunted her training. It was here, that her masters in Hoeth had hoped that she would gain some measure of inner peace and patience. So Yvren raged at her punishment, but could also feel the tranquility that the place brought, and she also learned much from her long talks with Saer-Lanth, as he brought a certain sense of calm to her rattled nature...
* * * *
As the power of Chaos waxes, there are times when the magical sigils that guard Ulthuan will strain and buckle. When that happens, little warp rifts will appear, and if the powers of chaos are in the right place at the right time, they would mount an assault on the material world...
It was young Yvren that felt the shifting of the winds of power. To those trained in the ways of magic, it's like the wind blowing toward one particular point. And that is the location of the warp rift...
Upon counsel with Saer-Lanth, the high elf warrior decided to sally forth with a portion of the garrison to investigate...
So with a heavy sigh of resignation, old Saer-Lanth rode out the gates at the head of his army... Riding alongside, young Yvren was filled with excitement... here was a chance to prove her worth.....
* * * *
So there, our background for our mini warhammer campaign.
Our first battle will be a pitched battle of 1500 points between daemons of chaos vs high elves.
It'll represent fight between the small garrison force investigating the chaos rift, and the vanguard of a daemonic force forming around the chaos gate.
The winner of the first game will get a choice between having 100 points extra for the next game, or get to decide to go first. The second game will be a flank attack... and will feature 2000 pts, as forces from both sides pour in reinforcements...
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Strategy Points System for Fantasy
I was discussing a campaign system with Jason, and the more I think about it, the more I felt that most systems either reward people who play a lot (difficult for some of us) or they are character-centric and therefore makes you want to Herohammer (i.e. concentrate on Characters).
I had some ideas and presented below is my idea based on the Strategems System from Cityfight and Planetstrike in 40k.
Feel Free to Comment
The Aim of the system is to reward good tactics and valour of troops in combat.
Earning Strategy points:
Strategy points are earned during the game for the following events (Rationale in Parenthesis):
- For Each banner Captured. - 1 pt
- For Each General killed. ( We don't experience the effects of these at all in consecutive games). - 2 pts
- If a unit is flanked/rear-charged and wins combat. ( If you get flanked and still survive, you should be rewarded for your valour! ) -1 pt
- If a unit is involved in 2 combats in the same turn ( basically if you actually manage to do this, you deserve a clap on the back). -1 pt
- Rolling a natural Insane Courage. (Nuff Said) -2 pts
- Winning Combat by 5 or more ( The chances of doing this is either brilliant rolling, or you rear/flanked your opponent, which means it's a tactically good move either way, should be rewarded). -1 pt
- A unit that had more than 10 models at the start of battle and survives with 25% or less at the end of the game. (Somehow, through sheer luck u survived to teach the younglings the dangers of war). - 1pt
- If you did not play/come on the day of combat ( to make things even for those who didn't come) - 2 pts
- You Won! - 2 pts
- You lost! - 1pt
Using Strategy Points:
Strategy points may be used with the following rules:
- Strategy points may only be used on each unit ONCE a battle.
- A maximum of 5 Strategy points may be used per battle.
- Strategy Points may either be used Pre-game ( before DEPLOYMENT, ROLLING FOR SPELLS etc), or during the game.
- Get First Turn - 2 pts
- Reroll a wizard's spells - 1 pt
- Give an archery unit +1 to hit at long Range (effectively nullifying the long range penalty). - 2 pts
- Give a Psychology Reroll to a unit once in the battle. - 1 pt.
- Give general re-roll to a unit (Reroll 1 type of roll) - 2pts.
- Give Hatred on a single enemy unit to a unit - 2 pts.
- Allow the leadership of a Hero level character to be used within 6 inches - 3 pts.
- Reroll up to 5 to hit OR to wound dice - 2 pts ( No more rubber lances!)
- Reroll a Psychology Test - 2 pts
- Insane Courage for a unit - 3 pts
- Reroll up to 5 armour saves - 2 pts
- Revive a mage who just died to within 12 inches of point of dying - 2 pts (Mages just die too easily to be viable. Hopefully this allows them to be more useful?)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Will check it out during lunch.. Unfortunately, I cannot view the website from my company( blocked)... you guys can google it I guess...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Fools rush in, where elves fear to tread...
"SIR! Hold thy step, Death doth this way lie..."
focus, focus, continue the walk. i hear them , i feel them...
"SIR! My warning to heed, your soul to keep..."
i sense them, they speak only to me...
Our lone figure continues his journey. A strange man in a strage land. Who calls him? What does he hear?
.... the silent laughter of dark gods....
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Muster of the Dark Gods
The time is near, the time to strike...
To strike at the heart of the Imperium and rip it out...
The future of mankind lies in Chaos Undivided...
* * * * *
Aspiring Champions Andy and Jason have decided to bring Chaos into the 40k universe...
The concept is to build up a small chaos space marine army, which will be left at junx's place, where everyone can use. The basis behind the army selection is... well... models that we like to collect and paint. Of course we're trying to spend as little as possible...
Deep in the Eye of Terror, their black legion musters...
Right now they can muster
1. a squad of chaos marines.
2. a squad of berzerkers.
3. a 10 man biker squad.
4. a dreadnought.
5. a chaos predator.
And now they beseech their patron gods (you!) if you're willing to throw your lot (well more specifically chaos marine models) with them...
If you're keen to join them in their modelling project, then meet them in the eye of terror.
If you've got any spare chaos marine models that you don't want, then donations are truly welcome....
Monday, June 08, 2009
Hostile Takeover...
I've decided to takeover Evan's orcs and leading them on a rampaging Waaagh!
I'll probably add to his army, here and there, like adding arrer boyz and giant.
So hopefully they'll get to see some action soon! Time to polish them choppas!!!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Master Chaplain Hekaton

(another one just done... this one ore lu lu... haha...)
Master Chaplain Hekaton walks among the ranks of the Nightwatch, commiting to memory the names of the Astartes under his charge and exhorting them to greatness. Fierce in pride and in battle, Master Chaplain Hekaton keeps the Light of the Emperor strong in the hearts of his battle brothers through word and deed. It is his courage and steadfastness that the Astartes of the Nightwatch look to in the most desperate times and many a time, it is the Ebon Icon that he carries high above him that kept them true to their cause.
Master Hekaton carries the Ebon Icon even into battle, for upon it is written the great deeds of the Chapter. It is thus that the battle brothers of the Nightwatch are spurred on to do deeds even beyond those that came before them. Every year, more and more is written onto its sacred parchment, for many are the valorous deeds of the Nightwatch Chapter...
Charon, Master of 1st Company, Nightwatch Chapter

(just finished painting this one guys...)
Charon is the current Master of the Nightwatch's 1st Company, the Company of Heroes. He is a peerless warrior and epitomizes the Nightwatch's warrior creed. He is often found at the forefront of the worst fighting, deep striking into the thick of it with the most experienced squad of assault terminators and cutting a swathe through the enemy. It is through this fearlessness that, time and again, saved the day when all seemed lost. His favorite weapons are the twin lightning claws, Makhaira and Xipho, one of the Chapter's most prized relics. It is with great reverence that the servitors clean and maintain these lethal blades, readying them for the next time Master Charon takes to battle.
Charon is a mighty exemplar of the 1st Company, and leads his men from the front. His inspiring leadership and skill in combat motivates the 1st Company to aspire to greater heights. Truly, it is a time of greatness for the Nightwatch that it is led by Astartes such as Charon.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Fly Tyrant Fly!!!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Legend of the Twin Dragons
Of courage and sacrifice, where victory was grasped in the final hours of a battle that raged for the longest time. Entire regiments wiped out with no one left alive to tell their tale. Whose sacrifice we honour and lest we forget.
The eternal flame of Asuryan shall burn forever in their memory. For those who gave themselves so that Ulthuan may live.
In Caledor, the Dragons stir....
"Smash 'em!"
To prove the point, he could see a dark green space marine boy launch a bright yellow fire ball at them. And the boyz instinctively crouched low to brace for impact, only to hear a dull thud as the fireball smashed against the shield. The Ork boy looked around cautiously, "heh, only Guzzla and Drunklik copped it..." And the boyz started running again...
The Ork boy could see the tellyporta thingee now, and at the head of the mob he could also the Warboss Gitflinga yelling at them to 'urry up. The humies were smart and they didn't leave the tellyporta thingee undefended. He could see a bunch of silver space marine boys with nasty looking halberds...
this was going to be fun... and he quickened his pace.
Blasting his slugga pointblank at the silver space marine, he could feel the humie's blood splatter against his skin as his slugga rounds punched through the helmet of the space marine. A quick glance around revealed the ovver boyz slaughtering the space marine boys... and he could see Warboss Gitflinga march up the sides of the ruined bunker that housed the tellyporta thingee...
* * * * *
"Strike from the sky, brothers," was the order that crackled through his helmet. His vision slit display showing his landing point, a red cross flashing...
As one, the assault marines launched into the sky...
* * * * *
A resounding crack echoed across the battlefield... growing louder in volume and intensity, like a rolling thunder... The Ork boy raised his head to see what it was, only to see a rain of flashing lights. Looking at it, he was bewildered; for he knew it was deadly but he had to admit it was quite a beautiful sight, like shooting starz or fireworkz... He grinned cheekily as he could still see the faint shimmering green force field.
The first of the whirlwind shells smashed into the force field and thudded dully against it, the shield holding, but as more and more shells landed, the shield started to fail. The shells punching through the thin layer of defense, the backpacked borne ork machine did not have enough power to rebound the raw power of the space marine shells....
The Ork boy was horrified to see the shells land all around him, his fellow boyz thrown into the air like broken toys... suddenly he could feel himself being flung into the air too....
* * * * *
The Ork boy awoke, his body covered in a layer of dust and debris. He didn't move straight away, as if waiting he was waiting for the pain from any missing body parts to register.... after a bit, he picked himself up and grinned happily as he realised he had escaped the blast unharmed!
With a thud, the space marines landed as one... Angels of retribution, the ground shaking as they hit the ground. The buzzing of their chainswords, their litanies of hate.....
Picking up his choppa, the Ork boy rejoined his Warboss, as the last wave of marines crashed into their lines...
Friday, May 29, 2009
Lord Castellan
The Elven battle line was already thinned and threatened to fracture, but the warriors that remained fought resolutely against the chaos warp spawn. The Prince was contemplating where he should strike next when he heard a high pitched shriek of pain... instinctively, he twisted in his harness, only to see Prince Ithillien's dragon mount streaking away from a whole host of ugly daemonic beings...
Resolutely, he spurred his dragon into a diving charge....
The Plaguebearers were numerous and tough, and they smelled bad. And despite lashing out with his halberd and his dragon's heavy claw attacks, the Tallymen of Nurgle refused to budge...
...looks like its going to be a long day, he thought.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Kharnagar's Rage
The entire battle had been lost with the fool's reckless rush to the High Elven swordmasters... And his alliance with Wathisname, that pathetic servant of Tzeentch...His Master was right, the fickle nature of Magic was not be trusted, better to slay his foes with the Axe of blood...
Sunday, May 24, 2009
In Caledor, the dragons stir
The taint of evil, this way comes.
The land of the Lion, the woodsman walk;
The eternal foe , this way comes
Silent blades, arise and go;
Their fate be known , this way comes.
Swords of Hoeth, hear the call;
Your destiny awaits, this way comes.
In Caledor, the dragons stir...
An Ancient Enemy Returns...
A faraway gibbering disturbed the initial peace and quiet. Then it grew louder and louder and finally, a tiny blob burst from the colorful eye and landed on the verdant grass. The little one squinted around carefully, slime dripping from its rotund body. All seven eyes scrutinized the landscape. Finally satisfied, it gave a high-pitched shriek and hopped towards the white-walled town in the distance, pus spurting out indiscriminately with every movement it made.
Then, daemons of every shape and size began pouring out of the tear in reality, carvorting and leaping, sliding and winding into the Fealanor plains of Ulthuan. The portal shrunk or grew according to the size of the daemon pushing through it.
Then, a deafening roar emitted from the ever-changing mouth of terror. The portal grew to titanic proportions. It pulsed and writhed, as if in labor. Finally, a gargantuan hoofed foot pushed through it and the earth shook as it planted its first step on the ancient soil.
Blood for the blood god...
Friday, May 22, 2009
Blocked Sites
Thursday, May 21, 2009
City Building
I have the forgeworld terrain which i'll pass to Junx.
I have the silo, the trench walls and the oil container.
I also have painted up the crashed space ship which i've painted and based.
I'll bring all that over to Junx's place.
I'll be on half day for wed, so i'll get there about 1pm. So Junx, i can send the terrain over on tuesday, or the weekend, if you so wish, please send me a psychic hive command... (sms). That way you guys can use the terrain for the first game.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
City Planning
We basically proposed that Jason, Andy and I will each take 2 sprues and make a small building, hopefully in time for the next game, to gain experience on how the sprues work.
In the mean time, we will start discussions over the "type" of buildings we would like our city to have. This will help in theming our games and the fights we have. For Example, if we have a Manufactorum or a Comms tower, then we can have more meaningful Capture games. An idea Kelvin suggested from previously when he was making for us, was to make a bridge between 2 three-storey buildings, then can contest for the bridge, and jump here jump there - Also a very cool idea.
Anyway, I will start the ball rolling by suggesting the following ( we don't necessarily have to build them ALL now) but listing what we want gives us something to work towards.)
- Manufactorum ( Factory to capture ) (1-2 storeys)
- Comms Tower ( At least 4 storeys)
- 2 Three-Storey buildings linked with a "Hover bridge" (we can tie string to the bridge to make it look like it's hovering).
- Landing Pad ( we can probably use Planet Strike Terrain to build).
- Supply Depot like area ( maybe make one-storey silos?)
- Power Station
- Shrine to the Emperor ( I have an idea for this --> I have spare terminator, can mount him on styrofoam and paint him grey --> Like a Space Marine Statue!!)
Let me know what you think.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
More Elite Marines!!!
A space marine is the imperium's Elite combat unit.
1) terminators are the veterans, OK its always been so.- fluff from space hulk.
2) veteran squads were introduced. Did not really like it but it made sense. Terminators without the tactical dreadnought armour
3) honour guard??? what the heck, more elite troops in an already elite army( this one already came out in the last codex)
4) Vanguard and Sternguard??huh???
It a bit too much now. How many more elite troops can you have in an already elite army? GW is really over dong it. Now it makes the regular tactical space marine seem pretty normal, which should not be the case.
Also, the new weapons and special rules...
Space marines' strength is in his stats , power armour and the ' know no fear rule". These are the 3 pillars of the astrates. No need for more funky rules or more elite units. A space marine army should be made up of a majority of tactical squads, supported by terminators, assault or devastators squads. Not all these other funky new age stuff...I feel GW is really losing their way on this one.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Order of Battle
27th : 40k -- make 1k, 1.5k, 2k army lists, and we will decide which to play at my house.
doubt if we will be able to make the terrain that quickly, maybe a couple of ruins... I will try to get the Missile Silos from Kevin/Jason in the meantime.
28th: Fantasy 2.5k
Standard Warhammer games... Let's rock!!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Next battle
27th or 28th?
40K or fantasy?
Can we get the city fight terrain up in time?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Nightwatch Strike Cruiser Relentless Data Stack 41122
Clearance Level: Company Master, 2nd Company
Chapter: Nightwatch
Begin Record...
+++ Link up with the Thunderhammer imminent. Transfer of OM assets and elements of 1st Company from the Thunderhammer to the Relentless due.
+++ Logistics Preparation underway. Servitors deployed.
+++ Investigations to disrupted comms with Jarsonia Home Guard to be continued after transfer is complete.
End Record.
Space Marine Special Rules
Space Marines automatically pass Tests to regroup even if the squad has been reduced to less than half strength. If Spaces Marines are caught by a Sweeping Advance, they are not destroyed but continue to fight with the No Retreat! rule.
Combat Tactics:
A non fearless Space Marine Unit with this rule can choose to fail Morale Checks. (the Fluff is that Roboute Guilliman (the coward) knew when to run when needed. )
The Space Marines are quite power now... the Vanguard Assuault Squad can Assault on the turn they deepstrike in .... and they have lots of funky stuff... and Whirlwind can choose to ignore cover save by using a type of ammo, and Scout Heavy Bolter can choose to fire Hellfire bolts (WTF?)
Oh and LandRaider Redeemer are Assault Pattern Land Raiders which carry 12 models and have FireStorm Cannons ( Str 6 AP 3 Flame Weapons.)
Of course got other Stuff lah.. I'll share the Codex on Google Docs...
The Dark Clouds gather ...
++ Code Alpha - Deathcon 1 ALERT!! ++
*Hello?* Anyone there ?!?!
It's Terrible, terrible I tell you!!! They came in the middle of the night, the screaming, flying hordes....
They ate Guv'ner Salvema Arse and tore him limb from limb!!
I've not slept for 3 whole days, I don't know if I'll survive till 27th of the Fifth Cycle, will the Nightwatch be too late?
*Oh Noo, Jacobs!!! Noooo*
#Chakka chakka # #Sounds of Chainswords#
*For the Emperor!!!* *NOOOOOOOOO ........***
++ Transmission Ends +++
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Cities of Death PDF
Just wanted to let you all know that i managed to get a pdf of the cities of death book.
if you want a copy, please sms or email me, then i'll email it to you...
Thursday, May 07, 2009
And the winner is???

Veteran Sergeant Dienekes

Dienekes fought in the Secret Wars of Arjuta and was instrumental in capturing the renegade Praetor Ilirium, effectively breaking the back of the rebellion. He subsequently saw much action against the Orks of Waaagh Grognar Trakka and has become an experienced and outstanding warrior. He moved quickly up the ranks of the Chapter and young as he is (by the standards of the Astartes, that is) , he now leads the 1st Squad of the 1st Company of the Nightwatch.
Recent Ork activity in the Jarsonia sector indicates an imminent Waaagh and Sergeant Dienekes will be called upon once again to head off this age old enemy of Mankind...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Monday, May 04, 2009
Imperium intrudes into Tyranid infestation
Planet: Maleusium
Latest report from planet surface indicates that planet has a Tyranid infestation rating of Tyranno 2... Indicating the beginnings of the infestation of the planet...
Will the imperial forces be able to stop the infestation ???
Will the Orks take over the Hive Mind as the main evil in the system ?? Or will the Space Marine Chapters of the Dark Angels and Nightwatch prevail ??
What of the other forces enroute to the system ?? Will the Grey Knights be asked to help out in the system... Reports indicate too, an unknown Space Marine Battle Barge near the Jump point into the system... Will they change course to deal with the latest Tyranid Threat ??
Stay tuned!!!
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Night Watch Library Archive 771
+++ Elements of the 5th Company aboard strike cruiser Relentless performed a surgical insertion into the outskirts of the city environs in support of the Dark Angels forward elements under cover of darkness. Support units were dropped behind the lines.
+++ The unholy tide came too soon, before we had a chance to deploy. Grey shapes flitted in the darkness even as our first shots searched the growing light.
+++ Dawn brought a terrible sight to behold. As far as the eye could see, they were without number. Fast Attack elements raced forward to engage and heavy weapons were deployed to provide suppressive fire.
+++ Front line elements were quickly overwhelmed, but they had bought enough time for us to prepare a counter-attack. As our guns roared the wrath of the Emperor, the oncoming rush of Tyranids was stalled.
+++ Surprise attacks from enemy flanking elements disrupted our firebase. The fast-moving elements of the enemy finally made contact with our main lines. A flurry of close combat ensued. We could not bring enough weapons to bear on the frenzied horde and they advanced upon us.
+++ We held the line stubbornly, the hand-to-hand fighting raging amidst our lines. We finally threw our remaining combat elements forward to engage the vile creatures.
+++ As suddenly as they came, they left. We did not have the numbers to pursue them. Apothecaries were summoned from Relentless.
+++ Battle report recorded on Relentless main data stacks. Fresh scouts of the 10th squad deployed to gain more information about enemy movement. Action pending...
Saturday, May 02, 2009
By The Dawn's Early Light
Battle report- Security level- Omega 3 Alpha
Imperial date:2009*May*02
Thought of the day: The Emperor Protects!
+++ Battle Barge Eternal Glory dispatched to investigate early reports of a psychic disturbance in the warp.
+++ Forward scout elements make planet fall and begin an alpha pattern sweep of the area. Battle brothers from the Night watch chapter participate in the operation.
+++ Forward elements make contact at 0500hrs local time. Movement! ......Trynids! Strength and Honour brothers!! Hold fast.
+++ Reserves deploy to counter the Trynid infestation. Night watch scout squad lost contact, assume lost, first casualties of the encounter. As dawn breaks, we see the full array of the foe assembled against us. A mighty host of the most unholy and vile creatures in the galaxy.
+++ From all sides they rushed us. Forward unites were quickly over-run. They bought us time to deploy our battle line. Heavy weapons teams on our right, our revered dreadnoughts on the left.
+++ Action right...devastators managed to clear our right flank with acceptable losses. Action Left.. dreadnoughts moving up. Night watch dreadnought engaged a brood of stealers which appeared on the right and over-ran a Night watch combat squad. Action centre..up coming the Carnifax which duly engaged our own Dreadnought. Our lines were breaking.
+++As if on signal, the creatures began a fall back from whence they came. Truly , i ask was this just a probe on our lines? By the Emperor's grace we held the line...just barely.
Acceptable losses, objective achieved. Glory to the Lion. Glory to the Emperor.
****END REPORT****
Squad Jason?
You into greek legends ah?
That's pretty cool. The sad thing about orks is well, it's quite hard to theme a clan. I do like bad moonz. so maybe i'll head towards that direction...
Painting yellow's a nightmare, but should be quite fun as i don't have a yellow based army...
time to buy more nobz in mega armour...
Thursday, April 30, 2009
As for our upcoming "40k Revival!" Shall we just add all the games to the Warmaster League or will it be just WHFB and separate for 40k?
Some of the stuff I've got done in my 40k marines:
The Night Watch
The Night Watch patrol the breadth of Imperial space in their massive fleet, eschewing the need for a home planet. Picking the purest and best from all of the Imperium, their strength is in their incorruptibility. They are a quick response force to the various threats to the Imperium and can re-deploy with impunity because of their fleet. The Night Watch keeps a watchful eye on the baleful Eye of Terror. They have a long history of working with the Inquisitorial arm of the Imperium and the regular route of its main fleet so close to the Eye of Terror for most part of the Imperial year is no accident. The Ordo Mallus keeps a small but permanent garrison of Grey Knights within the hallowed halls of the Thunderhammer, the Chapter Master's Battle Barge, and the Night Watch is often accompanied by these veritable sons of the Emperor in their forays against their enemies.
Tactical squad 'Jason':

Rhino Transport 'Argo':

Scout Squad 'Menelaus':

Devestator Squad 'Ajax':

Librarian 'Odysseus':

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009
Warmaster League Results
Here are the results of the games last week... Sadly, Junx is at the bottom..