Saturday, April 25, 2009

Game results: 24th April 2009

Well, the various warlords have raised their armies in their bid to be WARMASTER.
First off, was a fight between Dylan's High Elves and Junx's Dark Elves, with the High Elves emerging victorious...

And in the latter part of the day, we had a big fight...
It was the mighty undead host of the Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts facing off against the valiant Elven Alliance of Wood Elves and High Elves...
Suffice to say that it was a dark day for the Elves... (more fluff coming up)

So now the points for the title of Warmaster is as follows... (in alphabetical order... if you're wondering)...
Andy: Pts 3 Played 1
Dylan: Pts 3 Played 2
Jason: Pts 3 Played 1
Junx: Pts 0 Played 2

1 comment:

Uzagudun said...

I was thinking about sharing the file between all of us so that there's no need for one guy to be in charge and update all the time.

I thought of 2 ways. Either share an excel file on 'The Empyrean' or share a Google Document excel file. the second method needs everyone to have a Google account though.

Any thoughts?