Thursday, July 16, 2009

Strategy Points System for Fantasy

Hi Guys,

I was discussing a campaign system with Jason, and the more I think about it, the more I felt that most systems either reward people who play a lot (difficult for some of us) or they are character-centric and therefore makes you want to Herohammer (i.e. concentrate on Characters).

I had some ideas and presented below is my idea based on the Strategems System from Cityfight and Planetstrike in 40k.

Feel Free to Comment

The Aim of the system is to reward good tactics and valour of troops in combat.

Earning Strategy points:

Strategy points are earned during the game for the following events (Rationale in Parenthesis):
  1. For Each banner Captured. - 1 pt
  2. For Each General killed. ( We don't experience the effects of these at all in consecutive games). - 2 pts
  3. If a unit is flanked/rear-charged and wins combat. ( If you get flanked and still survive, you should be rewarded for your valour! ) -1 pt
  4. If a unit is involved in 2 combats in the same turn ( basically if you actually manage to do this, you deserve a clap on the back). -1 pt
  5. Rolling a natural Insane Courage. (Nuff Said) -2 pts
  6. Winning Combat by 5 or more ( The chances of doing this is either brilliant rolling, or you rear/flanked your opponent, which means it's a tactically good move either way, should be rewarded). -1 pt
  7. A unit that had more than 10 models at the start of battle and survives with 25% or less at the end of the game. (Somehow, through sheer luck u survived to teach the younglings the dangers of war). - 1pt
  8. If you did not play/come on the day of combat ( to make things even for those who didn't come) - 2 pts
  9. You Won! - 2 pts
  10. You lost! - 1pt

Using Strategy Points:

Strategy points may be used with the following rules:
  1. Strategy points may only be used on each unit ONCE a battle.
  2. A maximum of 5 Strategy points may be used per battle.
  3. Strategy Points may either be used Pre-game ( before DEPLOYMENT, ROLLING FOR SPELLS etc), or during the game.
Pre Game

  1. Get First Turn - 2 pts
  2. Reroll a wizard's spells - 1 pt
  3. Give an archery unit +1 to hit at long Range (effectively nullifying the long range penalty). - 2 pts
  4. Give a Psychology Reroll to a unit once in the battle. - 1 pt.
  5. Give general re-roll to a unit (Reroll 1 type of roll) - 2pts.
  6. Give Hatred on a single enemy unit to a unit - 2 pts.
  7. Allow the leadership of a Hero level character to be used within 6 inches - 3 pts.
During the Game

  1. Reroll up to 5 to hit OR to wound dice - 2 pts ( No more rubber lances!)
  2. Reroll a Psychology Test - 2 pts
  3. Insane Courage for a unit - 3 pts
  4. Reroll up to 5 armour saves - 2 pts
  5. Revive a mage who just died to within 12 inches of point of dying - 2 pts (Mages just die too easily to be viable. Hopefully this allows them to be more useful?)
Let me know what you think.


Junx said...

Actually I think Evan had some kind of system like this before....

This is more of a one off effect whereas the White Dwarf one has a more permanent one.. which doesn't make sense if your unit gets wiped out .. then it would have to start over... that would promote more "scared to Chiong" effect.

voxcaster said...

It's a nice system. I like it. But i think there is too much book-keeping, which could easily be forgotten in the heat of battle...
Can we simplify the system abit?
Maybe just collect points for each banner the unit collects?
And for missile armed units, for each unit it destroys or forces to flee?
Then it's easier?

Uzagudun said...

yep, the detail is all nice, but bookeeping can be a headache. I'm all for an easy-to-remember system.

ITHELIEN said...

Maybe keep it simple.

Unit survives battle-1 Pt
Unit captures standard-1 Pt
Unit kills General 1 Pt.