Saturday, September 03, 2005

We'll be Back

The winds of Khemri carried a foul stench this day. All around laid the broken chartiots of the Army of Setep. Isotep looked at the carnage wrought by the Foul Ones, the Tombs of his Great King Setep befouled by these fat beasts from the South...

Isotep thought back to just 1 month ago, when the Chosen One had vanquished the first of the foul Ogres' Tyrant lord, holding back the Great Migration. But alas, it seemed that the new leader of the beasts carried with him a weapon of dark magic that had been his Lord's undoing...

If he still had face muscles, Isotep would have winced, for the King will be displeased at the defeat this day... No matter, the Gods had decreed that the armies of his Lord Setep shall rise in Glory again!! The battle might be lost, but His Will shall yet be done!

For now, let Isotep and his priests gather what they could of the remnants of his great Army and prepare the rites of Djestra once again...

Let the war begin!

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