Saturday, August 27, 2005

Massacre at Hedgewood

3 natures that heaven does not will- incontinence, malice and mad brutishness. 3 qualities treasured by other entities forsaken from grace.

Memory, buried deep within the forests of my mind, faint glances of a past where my being owed a devotion to another path, another life. Till I met my guide in the middle of the journey of my life, I came to myself in a dark wood where the direct way was lost. He showed me wonders beyond the realms of mortal comprehension, and my life was a stranger I ceased to know. He showed me dark paths that brought excruciating ecstasy, where imagination ruled over natural law, baptized into the depths of hopelessness by fire and blood, reborn as Kafziel, Exalted champion of Chaos.

As I watch Hedgewood burn, souls offered up to the dark masters for their pleasure. How easy any one of these souls could have taken the path trodden by me, and yet they burn, fated to suffer eternal terror.

Infantry holding the middle and Chaos’ finest on black steeds thundered up on my left destined for empire guns. Met head on be the priests of Mor and blood was shed on Hedgewood soil. Ogres moved up to reinforce the left while I committed my infantry to threaten the center eventually achieving the breakthrough in the center while I rode with my personal guard breaking through on the left. Men of Sigmar were no more.

A worthy foe, I salute thee. Makes victory all the more sweeter. I drink now the nectar of your souls in the consuming light of the hamlet known once as Hedgewood.

1 comment:

voxcaster said...

Oh you fickle chaos gods,
It seems that the followers of chaos needs to witness the true power (and hunger) of the GREAT MAW!

Come Dylan, use your chaos for the upcoming tourney.

I'm now actually thinking of using Beastmen...