Sunday, August 28, 2005

To clear the air

Okay, got some feedback from you all, and thought I should clarify stuff.

*Magic Items for units, normally banners, are all purchased with the final 250 points.
The 250 points are for us to spring minor surprises unto our unwitting foes, and also to tweak our armies to suit the opponent... like you might want a cannon when facing chaos, but you might want a mortar when facing skaven, for instance.
It's not really a strict rule. But the key thing to remember is, that the first 2000pts is permanent. So if you want to stick a warbanner in a unit with your initial 2000pts that's fine, but then you'll have a warbanner throughout the league stage. Not a bad thing, but it means that we all will know prior.

Yes. All army lists are open for viewing. See junx, I'm fair... Hahaha. I've already written down my list. After I receive all the lists, I'll put them up for all to see. And then it's final, it cannot be changed, though you'll still have 250 pts to play with.

Character names should be included... it makes it fluffier. But I'm not too worried because you guys are pretty imaginative and have already got named generals already... Just work on your minor heroes. Ghrund is my new Tyrant name.... hur hur.

I don't think we'll use the mission generators, although I did think about it. I am concerned that it'll make the pregame set up too lengthy and bulky to handle. I think with new opponents all round and the scenarios to twist it a bit, will be good enough. As the scenario generators include more VPs and things to remember, and since its a tourney, we cannot afford to miss things out, otherwise it's not fair. I think we should just try out a basic system first. Once we get the hang of things, we can complexify the next tourney.

Wizard upgrades, in my opinion, should be included in the first 2k. But as above, it's not strictly compulsory, you can always add the upgrade in the 250 pts, for flexibility reasons, it just means that you don't have that many spare points after the upgrade...
35 points for wizard upgrade = 215pts left
say, 100 pts for lord items = 115 pts left
1 scroll and 25pt item for mage = 65 pts left
25 point sword for hero = 40 pts left.
warbanner in hero unit = 15 pts
1 swordmaster = 0 pts left.

Ultimately, the 250 pts is for pure flexibility.

Also, as this is a tourney, although a rather inofficial one, we should also refrain from side seat comments, and only an arbiter who can clear and clarify stuff on the field.

the great horned rat

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